1 (edited by horniger 2016-10-16 22:32:03)

Topic: Multiface I blinks unmotivated

PC, Win 7, PCI DSP (Rev 17) + Multiface I (driver updated to 4.15)

This setup worked fine.

After one year break I connected the Multiface box and booted the system.
HOST LEDs was on, after log-in LED turned off.

Then after few seconds the LED starts to - blink unmotivated!

Which means, LED turns on, then off, then nothing, then blinks three times, then nothing, then blinks tow times, then four times, then niothing (for 10 secs), thenk blinks two times, then ....
Every time, LED flashes I hear crackling in headphones!
Every times when LED blinks for more than three times, the mixer stops showing the input signals

DSP Settings says it's a Multiface(1)
RME TotalMix says it's a Digiface(1)

Ever heard about such a behaviour?
Any hints what to do?

thanks and kindest regards

Rainer (Berlin)


Re: Multiface I blinks unmotivated

Try a different FireWire cable. Use external power supply for the MF.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Multiface I blinks unmotivated

> Try a different FireWire cable.

OK will try

> Use external power supply for the MF.

even if host card is PCI, which should provide power...?
OK, will do

4 (edited by horniger 2016-10-18 22:32:21)

Re: Multiface I blinks unmotivated


the power supply didn't change anything (which I did expect...)

it was the cable!

replacing the cable let work my setup fine without any probs.

