Topic: Babyface Pro, can I MIDI control the Main CUE button?

I'd like to cue my main out mix to phones 1, which I can do if I press the green cue button on the main channel.
However, I'd like to do this with a button on my MIDI keyboard so that I can have a quick listen in the midst of a gig.

I've set things up so MIDI notes are controlling other aspects of TMFX but it refuses to respond to note D4.
If I change things a little: assign cue to phones 2 and then send note D#4 then phones 1 cue button lights up.

Am I missing something?


Re: Babyface Pro, can I MIDI control the Main CUE button?

That looks indeed like a bug. D4 only works with the default configuration (Cue/PFL to - Main). We'll check if this can be fixed in the next TM FX update.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro, can I MIDI control the Main CUE button?

That's great news for my sanity smile
Thanks for checking so quickly, Matthias.


Re: Babyface Pro, can I MIDI control the Main CUE button? … 36#p115036

Matthias Carstens