1 (edited by ramses 2017-02-17 18:08:51)

Topic: [Solved] Question to RME: UFX/UFX+ as Control Center for Guitar Rig


I need confirmation from users or RME, whether I could use my UFX as "control center" for a Guitar Rig
well suited for
a) Home Recording
b) Life

The basic idea is to use the routing capabilities of UFX and TotalMix FX to achieve the following "design goals":

1. Guitarists always loose punch in the sound, when working with effects in a serial effect loop
    A friend uses a mini line mixer from custom audio electronic to send guitar signal to power amp and mix in effects
    This I want to achieve with the UFX now.
    Send the original Guitar Signal directly back to the amp and on top "portions" of Multi Effects (Reverb, Delay ... WET (100%))

2. I want to send Miced Amp Sound and returns from Effects also to a PA (Life Mixer) when playing life

3. I want to record in home studio and send several signals from UFX to UFX+ via ADAT
    - Dry Guitar Signal from D/I Box
    - Microfones up to 3
    - Effect returns

4. I want to use Durec to record what I play from
    - Dry Guitar Signal from D/I Box
    - Microfones up to 3
    - Effect returns

5. I will send several signals to Phones outputs
    - Mic 1-3 to Phones 1
    - Mic 1-3 and Effect Returns to Phones 2
Then I can use Phones 1 for sweet spot searching when positioning Mics
And Phones 2 to hear my guitar Signal (from Mics) plus the Effects ...

Is this possible with the UFX .. and at the moment I have not yet an idea how to configure it in TM correctly ?

Another point which is important for me, that I can control with TotalMix FX the amount of Return Signal
from the 2 Multi Effects (Wet mode). How could I do this when running standalone ?
Maybe by reducing the output level on the Multi Effects directly as last measure of resort ?
Or can I control the routing / gain levels also from the UFX standalone ?

Thanks for sharing your experience with me !


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: [Solved] Question to RME: UFX/UFX+ as Control Center for Guitar Rig

I implemented only a subset now ...

- direct routing from Effect Send to Effect RETURN
- Lexicon MX200 mono in, stereo out

It works fabulous.
The only thing to take care of is, to kill the dry signal in the multieffect.
Unfortunately the MX200 doesn't have such an internal setting, but it works well enoug to dial in 100% wet on the front.

I found out, that I get ideal results when routing in TM FX -8dB from Mono Effect Output to the Amp to "Effect Return".
Then I can finally control the amount of MX200 Effect via MX200 Input poti between 40-75%.
If I want no effect I can set Input Level on the MX200 to zero.
If I want the effects very dominant, then 100%.
If I want the effect in stereo, then I can unmute the 2nd output of the MX200.

The very best is now ..

I can store this routing in 3 different presets of the UFX .. using 3 different output Levels to the AMPs FX RETURN.

With -10 dBV I send only less output to the tube amplifier and thus can turn on the volume knob a little bit more
for relatively silent home recording.

With +4dBU I give the amplifier a more louder signal .. which is still very nice for home recording.

With "HiGain" on the UFX output channel I send a strong signal to the Poweramp for a full and rich (and loud) sound.
This is not so good for "bedroom levels", then you need to turn down the Main Volume and work more with Pre-Tube distortion.

These 3 different - lets say "characteristics" - I can very easily load from the Presets 1-3 from the UFX.
And in regards to effects I have the full flexibility to change the Level with the Input Poti of each Multi Effect, which I connect.

And the best thing is, yes it makes a big sound difference, when you have the direct amp signal still directly routed between Effect Send and Effect Return. More punch and clarity in the sound.

I keep my UFX now for my guitar rig wink

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

3 (edited by ramses 2017-02-17 18:16:33)

Re: [Solved] Question to RME: UFX/UFX+ as Control Center for Guitar Rig

I worked again on this solution using a RME UFX+. Amazing functionality / features and sound this way.

Especially useful in a home recording situation, where you need to balance volume, gain and "everything"
to get decent sound at lower volumes.

I configured Mic 9 and 10 Inputs for Instruments using slightly different gain, to get the same volume
towards the Input of the amp for Humbucker (Les Paul, ES-335) and Single Coil Guitars (Tele, ..).

Next I stored 3 different snapshots to send different Gain Levels to the Amp: Gain 1..3.

I am currently experimenting in sending different levels towards Effect Return (Analog Out 4) in front of the Power Tubes.
Turning down Effect Send (Analog In 1) a little bit is interesting, but not so good, you loose sound.
Instead of this I reduce then the Master Volume of the amp.

Best sound currently IMHO using Gain 1 and sometimes (to get even more singing guitar) by using Gain 2 or 3.

See the diagrams:



BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: [Solved] Question to RME: UFX/UFX+ as Control Center for Guitar Rig

See this blog article describing the setup:

http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … arren-Rig/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14