1. Be sure to enter submix mode in TM.
2. Then click on an output, for which you want to create a submix.
3. As soon as you click i.e. to the headphone output channel,
then all the input and software playback channels and mutes
can be set by you
how you want to have them for this particular headphone submix.
This procedure is valid for any other output channel. Can it be easier ? You only need to know this and then you can very comfortably put everything together piece by piece.
If you have then later certain routings which are used often to you, like i.e.
"to Monitor"
"to Headphones"
"SILENCE" (emergency, all outputs muted)
Then you can additionaly store them in these so called Snapshots.
These settings you should store in TM under
- File -> Save Snapshot
- File -> Save Workspace
And for much quicker recall you should save it to a slot unter
Workspace Quick Select which recalls Snapshot and Workspace fully.
Please note that the faders and mutes of the totalmix submixes what you create (Point 1. - 3. in my post) have relevance for the submixes, the outputs. Your DAW always gets the Signal from the Inputs besides of this.
If you think you can live without Totalmix and want to route everything exclusively only in your DAW, then there is a new DAW mode available since a few weeks or months.
Options -> Operational Mode -> Digital Audio Workstation Mode - straight playback routing no input mix
vs. the normal mode of operation for TM: "Full Mode" - all routing options of TM available.
Its simple and wonderful, you only need to come to the point to understand the basic princibles of "Full Mode"in submix mode. If you become an expert, then you can directly work with the routing matrix. But I prefer submix mode and TM Full mode, because its simple and logic and straight forward. You simply get what you want.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10