Topic: How to determine bank/submix via OSC?

I've been working on a plugin to control TotalMixFX from Reaper, and so far its going pretty well...I've managed to get Main Mute (via Mute groups), Dim, and Speaker B function programmed.

Now I'd like to move on to be able to control faders for monitoring. Where I'm running into some challenges is determining what bank/submix TotalmixFX is reporting data for. It seems that this isn't contained in the stream.

How do you figure this out? Do you need to push a new submit/bank configuration to TotalMixFX, and then wait for messages? Does it confirm what bank you're on, or is it best to say send a bank of 24 (or more) and not have to deal with bank switching.



Re: How to determine bank/submix via OSC?

Can't answer your question but sounds like a great project you're working on.  Please let us know how you get on.

Re: How to determine bank/submix via OSC?

Just wanted to state that I'm running into similar problems.  I would love to have a /api/ or some other path for the osc protocol that is clearly defined with a stateless REST-style interface ( … e_transfer).

The current design is great for squeezing as much functionality into the various OSC control surface apps as possible, but you quickly run into limitations when you just want to make a slider to control one thing, or software that can reliably issue commands without having to issue a series of commands and hoping that they made it across in the right order (thanks to UDP).

(Heck, a literal HTML REST API would be fantastic for the types of commands we just want to be able to issue once reliably over TCP)