1 (edited by Jasconito 2017-01-07 01:48:08)

Topic: RME FIREFACE UFX+ Doesn't seem to want to connect after restart

Hello all,

New to the forum, do know I have not seen other threads regarding an issue like this, hence I why I opted to post this problem...

First, specs...OS: WINDOWS 10 PRO, MOBO: GigaByte GA-A75-UD4H, PROCESSOR: AMD A6-3650 APU, 16 GB MEMORY, 1SSD, 1HDD...

Rec'd my new FIREFACE UFX+ yesterday, got it working - everything worked flawless until I came home today to start it up again.

I started up my PC today and my FFUFX+ would not connect - the light where it states "host" on the FFUFX+ was a steady blue (last night it was yellow). Tried to restart again, same thing: would not connect, "host" light was blue - did this again a couple times more, all results were the same...

I then pulled out the USB3 cable and placed it back in the USB3 port of my PC, finally it connected - "host" light was yellow, everything worked great (PRO TOOLS, media player, etc…everything worked as it should).

Decided to restart my PC again, just to see if would connect automatically...FAIL! FFUFX+ would not connect and the "host" light is back to blue – it seems to stay this way until I remove and re-insert the USB3 cable, when I do this I’m good.

Something is clearly wrong, hence why I’m looking here for help. Here’s all the troubleshooting I’ve done. I’m hoping that the end result is my MOBO not having faulty USB3 ports.

1)    I have uninstalled/re-installed the drivers 3 times...Installed: driver_madiface_win_09590
2)    Updated the FFUFX+ firmware: fut_usbplus_win
3)    Tried installing the drivers that were on the CDROM – still had the same issues
4)    Inserted external HDD to USB3 ports on my MOBO – they appear to be working fine

I haven’t tried using a separate USB3 PCIe card – don’t have one, wondering if that might work (???). I doubt I have a faulty unit either…I’m guessing I’m just missing something. In any case, appreciate some assistance...Thanks!

Re: RME FIREFACE UFX+ Doesn't seem to want to connect after restart

Okay...Did some goofing around...First, I guess the yellow "host" light means that the interface is connected via USB 2.0. After checking my sound devices; WINDOWS is recognizing my FFUFX+ as a USB 2.0 connection, even though I'm in a 3.0 port.

I'm guessing when the host light is blue this means the FFUFX+ is plugged in as a USB3 device – not sure what TB would be (Unfortunately, the manual doesn't really specify what color the LED light is – hopefully someone from RME can clarify).

I'm pretty sure my issue is with the USB3 "ETRON" chipset on my MOBO. The manual states that a USB3 FFUFX+ connection to an ETRON chipset is not compatible – is what it is...

End result, looks like I'll be getting a USB3 PCIe card after all, hopefully that’ll clear up my issues. Any feedback would be appreciated.