Topic: Sample rate odditiy with SAW Studio

I'm using SAW Studio through a Ramsa DA7 board connected to your 9652 card.  Lately, I've had to keep the sample rate at 48 in order to avoid echo on the recording and playback, even when SAW is in 44.1 mode.

Even when I'm recording at 44.1 and the 9652 app is in 44.1 I get echo on the file.  The app has to stay at 48KHz in order to record without echo.

I don't know how this happened as it was never like this before and the first time it happened was when I was on vacation and a friend did an ISDN session for me.

Thank you,
Bill Corkery

Creative Audio Production
Connectivity: ISDN-Phone Patch-Skype
High end gear-25 yrs experience.


Re: Sample rate odditiy with SAW Studio

Hi Bill,

is that the old Digi9652 or the later HDSP 9652? The HDSP has TotalMix, maybe something in there is set to cause a feedback. Or is 'echo' referring to too high latency? Also I don't know how you can have the card at 44 and the DAW at 48,. That should not be possible using ASIO. Maybe latency is so high because the current setting uses WDM?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Sample rate odditiy with SAW Studio


Yes, it's HDSP and the card actually needs to be set at 48 in order for me to not get that echo.
Even if the DAW and Card are are both set to 44 I get echo.  How is that possible?

I've never done anything in Total Mix since installation, maybe that's the issue.  I can try to set it to default and see if that helps.
Is there a set to default option in the program?

Thank you,

Creative Audio Production
Connectivity: ISDN-Phone Patch-Skype
High end gear-25 yrs experience.

Re: Sample rate odditiy with SAW Studio

I might have figured it out.  In the Matrix view ADAT 1 and 2 were disabled.
In the mixer view, channel one was raised.  Hmmm, why was there no latency at 48KHz?

Anyway, I hope this is a resolution.

Thank you,

Creative Audio Production
Connectivity: ISDN-Phone Patch-Skype
High end gear-25 yrs experience.

Re: Sample rate odditiy with SAW Studio


No, I'm still getting echo unless the RME HDSP 9653 sample rate is set to 48KHz.  Even if the software is set to 44.1 the card has to be set to 48.

Are there any tests I can try to make this thing behave?


Creative Audio Production
Connectivity: ISDN-Phone Patch-Skype
High end gear-25 yrs experience.


Re: Sample rate odditiy with SAW Studio

Can you provide screenshots of the Settings dialog and the TM FX Matrix window?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Sample rate odditiy with SAW Studio


I followed a suggestion on the SAW forum to go to Layout Preset #1.
I did that and all seems well again.  I don't know how it all went south as I never opened Total Mix until this happened.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Creative Audio Production
Connectivity: ISDN-Phone Patch-Skype
High end gear-25 yrs experience.