Topic: 9632 ASIO buffer size change vs sample rate with MusicBee

Hello everyone,

complete n00b here, and some issue with my recently bought 9632...I've already asked support yesterday through mail, but I think the answer could interest some people, so let's go public :-)
And many apologizes for my n00biness and/or this issue has already been addressed down here (didn't find it through forum search function).

I'm running plain simple 2 channels playback from my 9632 as followed :
MusicBee (Win10 OS) => ASIO driver Hammerfall DSP => 9632 => BO-968 breakout cable => XLR AES/EBU 110 ohm cable => DAC (Schiit Yggdrasil)

When sample rate changes from one track to another, ASIO driver automatically changes buffer size to keep the same latency in ms. But doing so, sounds get digital mess, and I have to reset buffer size to the initial value to get proper sound from this track with "new" sample rate.

I've quickly tried foobar with its ASIO plugin, same behavior. Initial buffer size value doesn't matter (maybe I haven't tried below 64)

I don't know where the issue comes from :
- is it a DAC issue ?
- is it the way those players are considering ASIO driver ?
- is it a driver's behavior by design ?

My best shot to deal with this issue would be to know how to keep buffer size steady, no matter the sample rate thrown at the DAC, but I don't know how...and obviously I want to keep it bitperfect !

Thanks in advance for your inputs :-)


Re: 9632 ASIO buffer size change vs sample rate with MusicBee

I think it is the players. Here when I change sample rate from my DAW, the buffer stays the same in samples not ms. So I guess it is a buffer mismatch between the player and the driver. But not sure of course. My Daw, cubase, automagically resets the asio driver with a sample rate change. I guess that is the issue here, the players need to send a reset command/reset themself on a sample rate change. You could of course see if the windows audio driver works better.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: 9632 ASIO buffer size change vs sample rate with MusicBee

Thank for your answer. I've been asking MusicBee community as well, and I'll have to try different players, but I'm a bit concerned as foobar, which is one of the most customizable players (even though I don't like it), doesn't work...



Re: 9632 ASIO buffer size change vs sample rate with MusicBee

Check the 9632 phones output to rule out the Schiit.

Indeed many of these players have an incomplete and a bit screwed up ASIO implementation. JRiver works exemplary, though.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by Ali-Pacha 2017-01-19 14:55:55)

Re: 9632 ASIO buffer size change vs sample rate with MusicBee

I should add it's a bit annoying since 9632 driver's panel gives a setting in cycles and not in ms...argh...
Thanks MC, I'll try this when I get back home...even if the link between enabling phones output on the card and buffer size in ASIO driver looks like chinese to me :-)


Re: 9632 ASIO buffer size change vs sample rate with MusicBee

Got several answers, got foobar to work, Jriver works indeed perfectly, looks like a MusicBee issue.

Thanks All.


Re: 9632 ASIO buffer size change vs sample rate with MusicBee

MusicBee also has other issues ... randomness is awful .. plays always the same stuff more or less. v2.5.5804
Now sure whether this changed in higher versions (where sadly some features have been removed, why I am
stuck with this version).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13