Topic: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

Hi Everyone,

excuse me if this has already been posted, i did try to search with no luck. I'm new to adat interfacing also, so yeah... Long story short:
I just received my ferrofish 16mk2 and i connected the two adat outs to the two adat ins on the UFX (i'm currently only using the inputs on the ferrofish). Also I have added a bnc clock cable (out on rme, in on the fish). I started my modular and the sound is like if it would be on bitredux. Terrible. The RME is the master clock and the ferrofish is slaved through bnc. I tried to swap, so the fish is the master and the rme is the slave, same thing. Tried to also plug in adat out to rme adat in (i only have one additional adat cable, so couldnt do both), same thing. Tried to sync rme to the adat of the ferrofish, same. I have terrible cracks and pops. Also tried to record something in cubase and its even visible on the waveform that its bitreduced, the whole kick looks like a huge stair if i zoom in. I dont really know what to try now, will try to pick up some more adat cables tomorrow, but i tried to swap them around and same things happen so i doubt it would be a cable issue.
Looking at the RME settings the sync is only lock, it doesnt go to sync also the sync led is just blinking on the front panel. What is quite interesting is if i change to 96khz (both 44.1 and 48 gives me exactly the same result regardless to who the master is) the results are much better. There is still an occasional click or pop (totally unacceptable when you think about the $$ invested) but the result is better. Any idea? Opinions? I'm kind of loosing my hear here... smile

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

A NEW Ferrofish?

If not, the ADAT ports could be dusty?

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

yeah, its brand new.

4 (edited by EvilDragon 2017-03-04 09:47:59)

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

What happens if you don't use word clock, just let it sync via ADAT connection?

Also, don't you have to terminate the BNC connection in your case?

A very happy RME UFX+ & ARC owner smile

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

okay i think i tried everything and i'm on the edge of completely giving it up. i bought 4 new adat cables, synced up the whole system and it worked. Yes. For about 15 minutes, than the same things started to happen again. Pops and really loud ones. I tried with no bnc, with bnc, fish is master, rme is master, on all sample rates and the issue is exactly the same. I dont know if this is the rme or the fish, but i literally cannot work, its impossible to make music like this. Any other suggestion or simply return the rme for service and the fish also?

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

also an additional note, if i turn of the fish for a while than back on, i can see that the sync comes on for a while than for some reason the light on the rme start to blink and sync is lost.

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

This is a long shot, but are your BNCs 75ohm?

I have Ferrofish A16 mk2 as well and it sometimes have some issues as well, but not with sync.
I sync it via MADI.

Sometimes when I have to turn A16 mk2 off and back on again within a short period of time, it won't start.
It might have something to do with the powersource which is quite warm and the device itself also.
The behaviour of your device could be related to heat.

Do you have any other device to test the sync?

Sonicimage studio
W10 Pro 64bit

8 (edited by ramses 2017-03-05 11:36:48)

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue … ation.html

Ensure that you have 75 Ohm cable for wordclock !!!
There are similar looking cables for old 10BASE2 Ethernet networks, but they have only 50 Ohm.

I used this cable here from Thomann to ensure to have a quality cable: … ohm_1m.htm

For UFX to become the Master:

1. On the UFX side you could try to directly plug one end of the cable directly into "WC Out" and push the switch right beside to enable 75 Ohm termination on the UFX side. Then the led will be lit.

2. On the Ferrofish side there doesn't seem to be a selectable WC termination like on the UFX.
There you need to use a combination of T-connector and 75 Ohm resistor to terminate outside of the unit.
2a. Plug the T-Connector to WC IN of the Ferrowfish.
2b. Plug the 75 Ohm resistor to the one end of the T-Connector
2c. Plug the WC cable to the other end of the T-Connector. … r_241685_0 … 75_ohm.htm

For me step 1 worked. If not then get another set of T-connector and 75 Ohm resistor and set it up the same way like on the Ferrowfish side. T-connector to WC Out of UFX, 75 Ohm resistor to one side of the T-connector for termination, then the BNC cable to the other side of the T-Connector. This time disable the internal 75 Ohm termination of the UFX by using the switch, the LED should be inactive then.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: UFX Ferrofish 16mk2 sync issue

Hello there,

Sorry for upping this ancient topic... smile

I don't know if you found a solution to your sync problem... I think I could have a quite similar issue but with my 802, I just posted about it :

Any insight much appreciated !