1 (edited by matthewjumpsoffbuildings 2017-04-04 08:12:29)

Topic: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Im using an RME RayDAT with an audio rack PC. I have had it for quite a while now, and real time performance is driving me nuts. Im not sure if its Windows (im running Windows 7 64 bit), the PC itself, the DAW (Reaper 5.4 64 bit), the VSTs (I mainly use Guitar Rig 5 64 bit)

Its driving me insane. I have spent around $4000 AU on the PC, plus another $1000 on the RayDAT, I have experimented with different PCIe slots, BIOS settings, disabling Windows Services, and Reaper ASIO settings, and I still cant consistently get a stable, click free performance at 32 samples buffer size when the real time CPU goes above around 30-40%. The whole reason I spent all this money was for that exact purpose - to run as many instances of Guitar Rig 5 at 32 samples buffer size as possible, and Im losing all hope I will ever get anywhere with this goal.

I need a PRO who knows PC/CPU/Motherboard/BIOS/Driver/Windows architecture back to front who can help me optimise my machine/software, and Im happy to pay for their time/services, but for the love of god I cant seem to find anyone. There must be someone out there who can help me go through my rig step by step, and tell me what the best possible settings/drivers/optimisations are for my specific hardware. The only people that seem to know anything about this kind of low latency performance optimisation are people who build custom DAW PCs, and they arent keen on sharing their secrets, which is fair enough, but it leaves me with pretty much no options.

I honestly feel like giving up and selling my PC and the RME, the frustration is filling me with so much negativity its crippling me creatively/musically.

I guess this post is a last ditch effort to find someone who is willing to spend some time working through this with me, for a reasonable hourly rate, before I give up entirely and sell or smash all this garbage to bits. Too dramatic probably but Im really at the end of my rope.

If anyone thinks they can help, here is a list of the parts in my rack PC

https://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/matthe … ved/gfvRBm

As mentioned Im using Windows 7.1 64bit, with Reaper 5.40 64bit, and Native Instruments Komplete 10 (mainly Guitar Rig 5.2 and Kontakt)


Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

So what does the DPC latency tool from Thesycon say?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by matthewjumpsoffbuildings 2017-04-04 12:50:45)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

my DPC latency hovers around 5-20, with occasional spikes around 40. the status text says "your PC is well suited to real time audio etc"

i do notice a lot of page faults sometimes, but i have no idea whats causing them or how to investigate/fix it.

i also notice that Nvidia, USB, and SATA sys are logging the highest DPC execution times (sometimes around 300-400), but the actual DPC latency, like i said, is quite low.

i have tried installing the RME in a PCIe x8 slot, and a x1 slot, it really seems to me the x8 is a better choice on my mobo since it goes direct to the CPU, wheras the x1 slots are shared with USB/SATA and other controllers. but i really dont know what im doing. its the same with BIOS settings, should i have hyperthreading on/off? virtualisation? speedstep? who knows? i also notice that the RME is sharing an IRQ (16) with a bunch of other devices, but the gfx card is on 17 all by itself, despite being in the same block of PCIe x8 slots

and then it gets even harder cause im sure that its not just BIOS or PCIe slots, its also to do with DAW settings, windows drivers/services/setting, and theres so many variables all impacting each other that its impossible to know a logical way to work through it


Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

3 things first, for the rest maybe the forum can help:

- on the RayDAT Settings dialog main tab set the number of WDM devices to 0.

- on the Tab About make sure 'Optimize Multi-Client Mixing' is switched off.

- on the same tab try 'Enable MMCSS' on and off - one of both might be better.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

> I still cant consistently get a stable, click free performance at 32 samples buffer size when the real time
> CPU goes above around 30-40%

What hinders you to choose a higher ASIO Buffer size ?
With an UFX connected via USB I can easily play-in Guitar using a virtual amp (Kuassa VST) with buffer sizes up to 128.
256 is at the "edge".

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

ramses wrote:

What hinders you to choose a higher ASIO Buffer size ?

64 is about the limit for my needs. but the point i spent all the money on the RME and rack in the first place was the 32 sample buffer size. that was the main selling point to me.

MC wrote:

- on the RayDAT Settings dialog main tab set the number of WDM devices to 0.
- on the Tab About make sure 'Optimize Multi-Client Mixing' is switched off.
- on the same tab try 'Enable MMCSS' on and off - one of both might be better.

yep, tried all this already. Multi-client mixing was never on. im not sure if MMCSS helps, also Reaper has an MMCSS option in the audio setup so im not sure how they interact with each other

my main issue is this - in a well oiled, well configured PC with an RME RayDAT, what real-time CPU usage percentage should you expect it to be stable at?

I would have thought maybe 80-90% before it starts stressing out?

As it stands, my setup will start showing pops/clicks around 30-40% real-time CPU usage, and by about 50% real-time it will be too annoying to deal with.

My non-realtime "Total CPU" is often around 10-15%. When I render a track it usually renders at 2x realtime speed. My CPU is MORE than powerful enough for my projects, and I know in my gut Im not getting the best performance out of the $4000 i spent on all this stuff.

7 (edited by ramses 2017-04-05 07:04:07)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

I would like to know, how agile your system can be in terms of how loaded / responsive the CPU already is when nothing happens on the system.

Make a measuring with LatencyMon 4.02, as I know this version of the tool very well.
Higher versions were optimized for Windows 8 /10 and I am not sure, whether they really show
still the same results, even when configuring the backward compatibility mode for Win7.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/imcbu6lcac5vg … 2.exe?dl=1

Start tool ~5 Minutes after booting to ensure that all background processes have been processed.
Right click with the mouse to that icon and "run as Administrator".
But you should login as normal user like always, so that all programs have loaded as usual for your Win7 user profile.

The system has to be IDLE and you shall not do anything on the system during measuring.
No running programs, no DAW, NOTHING.
Best even no mouse movement, as this generates interrupts and a little additional load.

While the tool runs you need to observe the kernel timer latency in µs, the values in the 1st line.
And you should make some notes while it is running, as there is no graph function implemented into the tool, about:
- absolute minimum values in µs that your system can reach
- the usual values from - to in µs
- if there are higher peaks, in what range, how often do they occurr.

You will pobably recognize what I mean if you observe the times a little longer.

Let it run for lets say 15 Minutes.
Stop the tool with the best or one of the best values for kernel timer latency.
Make a screenshot and post this.

Don't quit the tool, now look in the tab "Drivers".
Sort the list for highest execution time (from highest to lowest) and make a screenshot of the 1st 30-40 values, post here.
Now sort the list for total execution time (highest to lowest) and again screenshot and post here.

Now go to tab "Stats", Strg-C copys the report text to clipboard and copy/paste the Report to forum.
If the formatting should be bad, then place the result into a textfile on dropbox or whatever and link it here in forum.

Then lets see.

I made a lot of optimization and measuring. The results of my system optimizations you can see here:

http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … -X10SRi-F/

http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … mponenten/

http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … al-Design/

http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … arrow-ILM/

I just see that many pictures are missing. Sorry, this is the result of Dropbox's braindamaged change to deactivate the links for Public folder and now leave the work to users to reactivate all this in written articles :-((((((

Maybe today or latest at the weekend I need to look, whether I can recover this somehow, as the pictures illustrated everything for better understanding. I started already this tedious work and just recognize that I had not finished on this part.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

ok ramses, thanks for the instructions, i will do this ASAP and post the results.

9 (edited by ramses 2017-04-05 07:10:43)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

BTW .. I had already the feeling I know you ... wink

You should have mentioned that we had already a very intensive session on your system, so that we do not need to start at the very beginning.


Please give an update of your actual status of system, what hardware is included now (you planned to eventually get another GPU) and then plase deliver the information which I suggested in my post here in this thread before.

And it would have been nice if you would have stood in one article as it is easier to scroll up in one window to look for old information than having to handle multiple threads on the same issue !

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

I have a similar, rather older HDSP fanless setup  with B75 GA board and 3rd gen  i5 T CPU. I use 11rack module and GR5 via spdif or AES it depends on config,  I  never get higher than 5ms RTL  even with stacked up VSTs  regardless of boot option:  win7/HOSx 10.8

Break down your latency to see what ads to it when it spikes. I bet it has nothing to do with the RME card. 

20 MS RTL is brutal. It is likely software related. If board posts OK and card looks solid in hardware panel id try to change daw and vsts and see if that changes anything.  Something is not right thats for sure.

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

jackyloup wrote:

I have a similar, rather older HDSP fanless setup  with B75 GA board and 3rd gen  i5 T CPU. I use 11rack module and GR5 via spdif or AES it depends on config,  I  never get higher than 5ms RTL  even with stacked up VSTs  regardless of boot option:  win7/HOSx 10.8

Break down your latency to see what ads to it when it spikes. I bet it has nothing to do with the RME card. 

20 MS RTL is brutal. It is likely software related. If board posts OK and card looks solid in hardware panel id try to change daw and vsts and see if that changes anything.  Something is not right thats for sure.

He talkes about DPC latency in the Latency Checker. This is the measured latency in microseconds when cpu cores become available for processes but has nothing to do with Round Trip time between Recording Interface and PC.

I don't know how they measure exactly, but I would say that this is the measured agility of the system, to quickly continue processing a program.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

thanks Ramses now it makes sense. Id keep playing with memory sticks m.2 drives take the cards out, replace or disable graphics. change cpu, cpu speed steps monitor monitor.. if nothing changes id replace the mobo and do it all over again. stay away from amd and radeon. stick to nvidia and gigabyte.

It is always wise to follow proven setup and use older cards. This is exactly why i hate to be a vanguard. i always copy working rigs for my essential stuff and experiment with nonessential stuff.

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

I made today a performance test with UFX+ and Cubase 9.0.10.
400 audio tracks with 2 VSTs each ... 803 VSTs in Total !

The very positive results you find here .. (article is in German and in English)
http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … cks-de-en/

And in regards to your situation:  I cannot think of, that the RayDAT PCIe driver shall be worse compared to UFX+ MADIFace USB3 driver. At a later date I can repeat this also with the RayDAT driver, but this required recabling, connect the Monitors via AES again .. and I wanted to avoid these cabling tasks ...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Ok @ramses, I ran the LatencyMon test, heres my results:

Min DPC latency: 15µs
Usual DPC latency: 25-40µs
Peaks: 50-70µs
Peak Frequency: around 1-2 peaks every couple of minutes or so

Pastebin of the Stats tab:

Main tab:

Drivers tab:

Processes tab:

CPU tab:

15 (edited by ramses 2017-04-07 10:18:59)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

My values here:








My LatencyMon report: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9b47fjjd3aeo … 2.txt?dl=1

Your LatencyMon report: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ercejdupq5acg … t.txt?dl=1

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

16 (edited by ramses 2017-04-07 11:02:52)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance


thanks that you took the time and effort to post these values.
I noticed some things that look strange and should be fixed.
I have a certain feeling that this correlates with the issues that you experience with the RayDAT card.
In a good case of luck you get it fixed and then the RayDAT should work without issues.

1. Your CPU has 4 cores and 8 threads, LatencyMon on the one hand tells you have 8 locical processors
    but at the end of the report you see, that all DPCs and ISRs are being executed only on Core 0.
    Please check in the BIOS, whether you disabled Hyperthreading and re-enable.
    I know that some people claim, that for some systems it shall be better to disable Hyperthreading.
    BUT .. all drivers, interrupt processing, usually benefit from having more cores available to be distributed across them.

2. To be on the safe side, reinstall the latest version of your chipset drivers !

3. In your LatencyMon report the measured CPU speed is 1 Mhz and there is a big Note and a WARNING:
    "Note: reported execution times may be calculated based on a fixed reported CPU speed.
      Disable variable speed settings like Intel Speed Step and AMD Cool N Quiet in the BIOS setup for more accurate results."
    "WARNING: the CPU speed that was measured is only a fraction of the CPU speed reported.
     Your CPUs may be throttled back due to variable speed settings and thermal issues.
     It is suggested that you run a utility which reports your actual CPU frequency and temperature."
     Please check / adjust your BIOS settings so that the CPU stays on constant speed.
     While you are at it disable also Spread Spectrum, you can google what this is.

     If you want to compare with my BIOS settings in regards to processor speed, then look at this:
     http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … -X10SRi-F/
     It won't be compareable 1:1 .. but maybe this leads you to a good idea.
     Cross check with your mainboard handbook and internet what the different settings in your BIOS mean.
     Its not that much, in regards to speed / clocking / energy saving there are only a few.

4. Your nvidia graphics driver uses a lot of DPC routing execution time. Its shows the highest result with 514us.
    My nvidia driver for the GTX 980 only uses a fraction of it with 109us highest execution time.
    Sadly you didn't adjust the columns so that some nice information about what driver you use is not visible.
    I can tell you from own experience, that there is always a chance to catch a bad driver which led for me
    to a very bad performance. I can confirm to you, that at least this version works for me very well: 375.70
    As everything in terms of DPCs and ISRs is being executed through CPU0 (see my point #1), I could imagine
    that this might have a big impact on processing audio in time for your RayDAT.

5. Your ATAPORT.SYS driver has a ver high ISR/DPC count and if you look at the Total Execution time,
    its much higher than mine. You: 1631ms, me: 237ms.
    a) Please check also in the BIOS, whether you use AHCI for your drives.
    I would also check two other things
    b) whether you are using the proper SATA drivers
    c) whether your disks are connected to the SATA ports which connect directly to the Chipset of your mainboard.
    The performance with other add-on controllers (which use different drivers) could be worse.
    Use AS SSD tool to check:
    - which driver you use (msahci is the microsoft driver, iaStor is the Intel Raid driver, ...)
    - whether the alignment of your disks, especially on SSDs, are well (while you are in this tool)
    http://alex-is.de/PHP/fusion/downloads. … nload_id=9
My points #1 - #5 go somehow hand in hand with respect to audio processing performance.

Solve them one by one and remeasure after every change, so that you can tell later,  what the root cause was.
I would process the points in this order: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

Careful with #3. Changes in BIOS ...
You surely have a digital camera. Make a photo of every BIOS setting page.
You will be thankful, if you can look afterwards, what the initial settings were from where you started doing changes.

It could also be possible that the system needs a BIOS upgrade.
I would do this as last thing, if steps #1 - #4 didn't bring any solution.

Your system seems to be highly optimized as not so much is running on your system.
In my screenshots I marked some values which are remarkable / different to your values.
I ran my tool nearly the same time like you so that we should have compareable counters, but they are sometimes very different.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Thanks ramses, I will try and work through these.

For the 1st suggestion, I already have hyperthreading enabled in my BIOS, do you have any other ideas as to why the load is being put on CPU 0? I did turn off a lot of other stuff to try and completely disable speed step etc (EIST, C-States etc), perhaps one of those settings is interfering with Hyperthreading?

18 (edited by ramses 2017-04-07 12:15:27)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

I can't predict whats happening on your system if you do a change.
Therefore I said, one change at a time, and then observe whats changing on your system.

I gave you an URL to an article how I fined tuned my BIOS.
At the end I left EIST in .. and then fine tuned my Energy profiles in Windows, its all described in the article.

You can use CPU-Z to see whether your CPU clock stays stable or not.

And you can use parkcontrol to disable CPU core parking, which is also worth doing and there you can set whether you allow for throttling the frequency or not.

EDIT: So in high energy profile now, my CPU stays at 3.6 Ghz.
My full turbo speed I cannot reach anyway, as with deactivation of parking CPUs, Turbo speed cannot be reached.
You need to turn down a certain percentage (around 25% of cores or even more) before its allow to operate cores at turbo speed not to exceed the max temp target ...


And here how to check the Disk Driver and SSD alignment


Some other suggestions around BIOS / Driver / HW usage:


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance


Very interesting and astute analysis. Id bet hundred bucks your suggestions will fix the problems. id also maybe make sure that ram xmp is disabled.
there is a great tool i use to record bios sessions and guides:  epiphan dvi2usb. 

I am not sure why is suddenly so expensive i paid less than 100 for it.

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

OK this is weird. I rolled back to LatencyMon 4.02, and downgraded to the 375.70 Nvidia drivers like you suggested

Now my DPC latency is averaging around 2-10, with occasional bumps to around 20

BUT in 15 minutes testing time, I got 3 BIIIIG DPC spikes which ive never seen before, one around 100, one around 140, and the biggest one was 434

Also the "Highest reported DPC routine execution time" was still 547 for nvlddmkm.sys NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver

Heres the new test results with LatencyMon 4.02


Imgur album:

21 (edited by matthewjumpsoffbuildings 2017-04-07 12:37:47)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

btw in the BIOS i have already disabled ALL LAN/Wifi controllers, as well as Intel Graphics, ALL USB 3.0 (I dont need it, ever), and the Realktek Sound. I also disabled the Marvell SATA Controller (Im using the Intel one)

Im not sure Ive disabled M2 and SATA Express

EDIT: I checked AS SSD Benchmark and it says "msahci OK" and "103424K OK". Also both SSDs perform fine (better results than yours on every count) EXCEPT the secondary drive (Samsung 840 EVO 500GB) gets a 0.285 ms in the Read column for "Acc.time", which is like 5 times higher than yours (and my other SSD, which got 0.040ms for the Read Acc.Time)

22 (edited by ramses 2017-04-07 13:20:51)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

matthewjumpsoffbuildings wrote:

OK this is weird. I rolled back to LatencyMon 4.02, and downgraded to the 375.70 Nvidia drivers like you suggested

Now my DPC latency is averaging around 2-10, with occasional bumps to around 20

Please don't do multiple changes at once, as I mentioned wink Now you don't know whether you get different numbers or new spikes because of LatencyMon 4.02 or because of your nVidia driver change...

And I'd suggest to better stick to your previous version of LatencyMon, as otherwise we do not know exactly, whether its simply a tool issue, when number should change ... Nobody of us knows what has all changed in different releases of LatencyMon .... Then we would have to do all from the beginning with the new tool. I am not keen to spend again 2h on this tbh ...

But what you SHOULD compare between the previous version and v4.02 is, whether some outcomes are equal no matter which version you use
- is the shitload of interrupt processing still on CPU0 only ?
- are still only 4 out of 7 CPU threads visible, in both versions of the tool (multithreading)
- is the CPU frequency also not recognized by the tool ...

This would be an interesting comparison to get a feeling for whether your higher LatencyMon
version has maybe issues in measuring

But for further analysis of changes we should stick using your higher version of LatencyMon as I said.

BTW which version do you use ? And what are the settings in there ?
Higher versions are configurable how measuring shall be done, in the newest version there are 3 different options.
I would like to know to what you have set it.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

23 (edited by ramses 2017-04-07 13:22:19)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

What nvidia card are you using ?
Does the problem stay when you use a different PCIe x16 socket ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

its a GTX 710 passive card

as for the differences in LatencyMon 4.02

- it still seems like CPU0 is getting all the interrupts/DPC
- it still looks like only 4 CPUS are being tested/visible (but in my DAW it definitely spreads the CPU load across all 8 hyperthreaded cores, so Im not sure whats going on there)
- the CPU frequency IS recogniced by LatencyMon 4.02

originally i was using 6.5.1 (the latest i believe)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

OK I switched back to LatencyMon 6.51, and ive noticed a couple of things.

First - it seems that in the Options I had to manually check ALL 8 CPUs, for some reason by default only the first 4 were selected. Im guessing thats why they werent showing up.

Also, theres 3 different modes of DPC testing in LatencyMon 6.51, when I use the default mode I dont see the big occasional spikes like I did in LatencyMon 4.02, but when I switch to using the "Interrupt to user process latency" test method, then I do see the same spikes as I was seeing in LatencyMon 4.02

So Im guessing the Nvidia driver downgrade didnt help anything hmm

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Lets stay in this thread please.
I moved my answer now to this thread to where my answer belongs to in terms of the order of actions, questions and answers.

This is a big driver package containing drivers for many different products of their product line.

In a driver you also need sometimes workarounds for specific HW .. as HW and their implementation
simply differs or can have bugs. SO .. for one HW a certain driver package can work, for another fail.

Same with mainboards, in a bad case you can also have, besides a shitty HW component or driver
a shitty mainboard with errors in the Design or in the BIOS.

Everything is possible and YOU need to look now carefully change by change like an detective
what does a change.

And the major issues I gave to you, I fear the rest is more or less on your own by trial and error.
Certain things you should nevertheless clarify with Gigabyte.

If you have multithreading enabled in BIOS and 2 different versions of LatencyMon do not see all of your CPUs ...
Well I think this is worth asking Gigabyte how this can be ...
Maybe you need to plan for a BIOS update.

Another thing is, that you seem to have many many changes to your machine if I look to all the stats.
Its much likely that you require a separate reference installation to ensure, that you didnt optimize your system to death by deactivating something or a service here and there.
Usually companies give only support on smth like a standard installation.
Can you make sure, that your optimizations are not the culprit in this case ?
I don't want to make you frightened, but at the end it comes down to this.
If you do many changes to a system, then you take over (or need to take over) responsibilites for your changes.

So .. I would recommend to you to make something like a reference installation, so that you know, that your optimizations are not the culprit here.

In terms of BIOS I would always start with the Default settings, Photos what the settings are.
Then load the optimized defaults. Photos what these settings are.
Compare, whats the difference.
And then make your "well thought" settings and test it with a Windows standard installation,
where only LatencyMon, CPU-Z and perhaps AS SSD are installed.

And then I would install only the real required drivers.

And before any change or installation of software or driver I would set a Windows Recovery Point so that its easier to backout a change completely including Registry settings etc ...

When you install your system I would also make sure not to use / disable
- secure boot and
- UEFI / DUAL Boot, choose Legacy Boot

this removes much of the error prone-ness of Microsoft Secure Boot allures to control everything ...
and also in case of emergency it makes replacement of HW easier.
If you simply change this now it could happen that you need to reinstall ...

I would buy another SSD now and do all the changes on a test system.
And I would buy another Graphic card to be able to make a quick swap to exclude issues with the one you have.

And careful .. before making changes to your system, make a system backup (disk image)
by taking a reliable software like Macrium Reflect.

Good luck !

PS: now you know why there is a market for having optimized system for audio recording.
For office PCs this all is not critical. But if you want to have best performance for audio processing,
then it can become at times tricky, its easy to overlook something if you are not familiar with all the stuff and tuning.
I took my time, had already a good basis skill from my Unix time also with developer background.
For somebody who does not have all this Hardware / OS and Troubleshooting experience this can become tedious work.

This encouraged me to tell the community, how to build a stable and well performing system based on quality products patially taken from Enterprise grade parts (Xeon CPU, ECC RAM, server board):
http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … mponenten/

The system would have costed more then double the amount of money if I would have bought it from such a manufacturer, who optimizes it for customers for recording purposes. At that time sadly with older components, why I took the challenge to do it on my own ...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

matthewjumpsoffbuildings wrote:

OK I switched back to LatencyMon 6.51, and ive noticed a couple of things.

First - it seems that in the Options I had to manually check ALL 8 CPUs, for some reason by default only the first 4 were selected. Im guessing thats why they werent showing up.

Also, theres 3 different modes of DPC testing in LatencyMon 6.51, when I use the default mode I dont see the big occasional spikes like I did in LatencyMon 4.02, but when I switch to using the "Interrupt to user process latency" test method, then I do see the same spikes as I was seeing in LatencyMon 4.02

So Im guessing the Nvidia driver downgrade didnt help anything hmm

OK, so wrong tool usage wink

Then please repeat the same measurement with v4.02, then we can stay with that tool.
There you dont have these options and v4.02 was IMHO the best one for Win7, as all the other stuff
for Win8/10 was not yet implemented into it.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

matthewjumpsoffbuildings wrote:

OK I switched back to LatencyMon 6.51, and ive noticed a couple of things.

First - it seems that in the Options I had to manually check ALL 8 CPUs, for some reason by default only the first 4 were selected. Im guessing thats why they werent showing up.

Also, theres 3 different modes of DPC testing in LatencyMon 6.51, when I use the default mode I dont see the big occasional spikes like I did in LatencyMon 4.02, but when I switch to using the "Interrupt to user process latency" test method, then I do see the same spikes as I was seeing in LatencyMon 4.02

So Im guessing the Nvidia driver downgrade didnt help anything hmm

The nvidia downgrade in combination with your particular HW.

Try also other PCIe sockets please or other recommended versions of nVidia SW.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

29 (edited by ramses 2017-04-07 14:21:41)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Can also be your mainboard.
So if the graphic card issue can not be fixed ... Try it with a BIOS upgrade.

Before changing the BIOS, investigate and archive the exact settings .... in all settings pages ...

As a further general advice: I made all these experiences because I also had problems in the past.
It turned out that my motherboard was not ok.
The "a" model which only had USB3 and Sata6 support on top of all sudded solved all the latency based issues.
Simply a little HW refresh, but still basically the same board led finally to success, and all my tuning activities
could only mitigate but not entirely fix problems.
So .. investigate properly, make your notes, do one change at a time.
All with the purpose that you can clearly compare settings and measurements, shall you change something in your HW ...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

BTW .. you mentioned it already, some aspects of your system are even better than mine ...
But .. the essential things are working for my system, its also optimized in many ways, so that it works perfect.

http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … cks-de-en/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

my motherboard hasnt had an updated BIOS for a while, im using the latest one.

ill try some different version of the nVidia drivers, and rerun the LatencyMon tests every time I change it.

should I stick with LatencyMon 4.02 from now on?

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Yes and pls repeat your 15 min test and post the results to have an new baseline to compare against.
We can not exclude, that maybe measurement / results of the 2 different versions changed.

BTW .. I also did the performance test of 400 track project with ASIO buffersize 32 sample with the RayDAT.
Same excellent results like with the UFX+.

http://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/inde … cks-de-en/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Ok I will repeat the test and post my results.

PS - do you think it could be my DAW? Im using Reaper 5.40 64 bit - perhaps it is not so stable? You use Cubase yes? Perhaps that is a more well coded and well optimized DAW?

34 (edited by jackyloup 2017-04-10 02:27:47)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Ramses, off the topic, but not necessarily. We talked about data sampling rates few months ago. Have you ever thought about bus data being affected the same way. I usually use lower frequency processors t,p, and s, and rather slower memory for my rigs. definitely not overclocked. Is usually less expensive too. 

I have a rig with the same board as discussed here but using 4770T  and vengeance memory.  I use ZOTAC GT 710 pci x1 to save my x16 slots. It keeps some heat off my main cpu. everything is bellow any suspicion threshold. I wipe off all pci fingers to minimize corrosion and dust the boards with the compressor.

I avoid fans if possible and and use PSU about 30% above any tested sustained peak.  everything is always fan-less and clocks set to the lowest end if dedicated function allows so. I use FLIR to look for suspicious cards and joints and get clues on heat dissipation. As my wife said before i have a dude that dremels extra holes and fill with a fine mesh i find honey combs too open to metal particles.

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

jackyloup wrote:

I have a rig with the same board as discussed here but using 4770T  and vengeance memory.

Hi jackyloup - you have the same motherboard as me? Gigabyte UD5H BK? I have Corsair vengeance pro memory, is that better or worse than yours? Also my cpu is an i7 4790, thats slightly better than yours too, yea?

If you get solid, stable performance at 32 sample buffer sizes with reasonable amounts of plugins that would be really helpful to know, since I have very similar hardware.

If you could test something for me that would be amazing - do you have Guitar Rig 5? If so, could you see how many instances of Guitar Rig 5 you can run smoothly, with no crackles/pops on playback/seek/start/stop, running the "Billy Dual Grange" blues preset, with high quality mode turned off?

ramses, I havent had a chance to rerun the LatencyMon tests, hopefully Ill get time today and post the updated results

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

jackyloup, it would also be great to know which PCI port you plugged your RayDAT into.

37 (edited by jackyloup 2017-04-10 02:19:00)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Matt yes i have the same black edition. You need to figure out first why is your basic setup MOBO giving you these latencies. This has very likely nothing to do with raydat. Obviously, you have issues without the raydat card inside. Ramses gave you great pointers, Until you clean up your basic setup is pointless to move ahead. looks like GPU driver or card or some sort of SATA problem to me. Sometimes is just bad memory, sometimes taking it in and out helps. You need to juggle around and reinstall the system if necessary first. It is always good to clean the contacts and mess around with cards and memory. there is nothing very scientific about it, you either have a bad apple circuit in there or a bad driver.

I run a media composer off this one, so i dont know but i would bet is not your RME cards fault.

38 (edited by ramses 2017-04-10 06:00:06)

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

New reference installation is mandatory.
New disk, start with BIOS defaults, photo series BIOS, then choose optimized defaults, photo series.
Find out differencies between BIOS default and optimized settings (the optimization is usually NOTHING, but who knows).
Ensure at this point to disable UEFI and secure boot (its crap).
Ensure that disks run in AHCI mode.
Disable all the HW you do not need (serial, lpt, sound, wlan, bluetooth, ...)

Then install windows. *** Make a Disk Image here that you can easily come back to here ****
Then install your test tools *** 2nd Disk Image ***

Do here your first baseline of system performance behaviour.
Only one change at a time (be it driver, bios, whatever change) and set before each change a system restore point !!!!
Remeasure boot, shutdown time, LatencyMon (3-5 min is enough for that), AS SSD.

Install for your mainboard: chipset driver, sata driver if needed, usb, network driver. Leave out all the other stuff like updaters and such stuff, fulfill purely the basic demands of what hardware you want to use on your board.

If you get issues already here then this would be strange ... concentrate troubleshooting at this point.
Because it won't bring any benefit when you install more and more.

If you install Win7 SP1 then this should be enough ... security patches are at this point IMHO not required.
If you want to install Windows upgrades, make sure you parametrize it to install only the securite upgrades,
not additionall add-on stuff .. you find references for this in google, its only one tick box ...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Ok heres some new results/baselines using LatencyMon 4.02

Imgur album of screenshots:

Pastebin of the Stats text:

In this test I ran it for 44 minutes before stopping it.

This time, the average DPC latency was hovering around 2-10µs the entire time, with occasional spikes between 20-40µs every 1-2 minutes or so

There were however, 56 bad DPC spikes in that 44 minute period that came in around 500µs. Looking at the drivers tab it seems like the ataport.sys and nvlddmk.sys (ATAPI driver and Nvidia driver) are the 2 causes

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

Current BIOS state:

C states - all disabled
SpeedStep - disabled
All network controllers - disabled
SATA express - disabled
Marvell SATA controller - disabled
Hyperthreading - enabled
Internal Sound - disabled

Im not sure where to disable M2 in the BIOS. Im running the latest BIOS (F8) from the Gigabyte site

Re: RME RayDAT low latency performance

The kernel timer values are ok .. phantastic as they are for so long under 20us.
The spike of 500us is not nice, but if it only happens very rarely and is not causing issues ....

What is now your rest problem ?

Whats still looks strange, that only CPU0 handles ISR and most of DPCs.
I regard this as not normal.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13