1 (edited by drycastle 2017-05-20 16:49:39)

Topic: About failure FIREFACE_64.sys

Hi to you all, I own a Fireface 800, firewire, runs on a PC windows 10, I use it with Cubase 8.5 (original),
Since 4-5 months ago it was OK but lately I have random crashes when I play a midi note, the blue screen appears and says the warning " less or equal FIREFACE_64.sys".
Did you never find a problem like mine?



2 (edited by fiddler2007 2017-05-22 20:17:01)

Re: About failure FIREFACE_64.sys

For starters ... any updates done for Windows 10 recently ??; most likely it has to do with that. BTW do you use Legacy 1394 a or b, what firewire chip set ertc. Try a reinstall  of your FF800 drivers maybe ... F

Re: About failure FIREFACE_64.sys

Hi fiddler2007, thanks for your answer, I update windows 10 automatically, so maybe I did some new ones, I reinstalled the drivers, in this moment I had another crash, I accidentally touched my Nord Electro : Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal - fireface _64.sys