1 (edited by vladimirbizik 2017-06-09 17:55:30)

Topic: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

I have an RME FireFace UCX audio interface connected to a 2014 5K Retina iMac with a Fusion Drive and for a few months I have been experiencing very annoying audio skipping/stuttering issue. Here is an example (heard about 4 and 24 seconds in):
https://soundcloud.com/vladobizik/ufx-s … ng/s-spVRa
I doesn’t occur when using the iMac’s internal speakers, it’s isolated to the UCX. I use FireWire (through the Thunderbolt port) for connection but the problem appears also when using USB. It happens at all sample rates, although I think the stuttering is somewhat more pronounced when using higher frequencies.
I tried all the standard troubleshooting measures, e.g. restarting CoreAudio (sudo killall coreaudiod). I have even tried re-installing the system.
I tried connecting my brother’s older FF 400 and it happens with it too. It would seem that the probles is with drivers or the computer, not the specific FireFace device itself. I don’t know where else to look.
It happens with apps playing audio. But it tends to happen more with a pro audio app (e.g. MainStage) open.
I on the latest software, macOS 10.12.5 but it has been occurring since 10.12.3. I am using the latest RME drivers (3.32 in the case of the FW driver).
I have had the interface for years and used it on the same computer for two and a half years and it has only recently started happening.
Is there something I am overlooking, can you help me with the issue?
Thank you very much.

Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

Anyone, please? I have contacted RME support and received no response :-/

Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

OK, I seem to have gotten a bit closer to the bottom of this. It does NOT occur on my MacBook Air. However, I installed an older system on an external drive to test with my iMac. I first tried El Capitan 10.11.6 and it worked perfectly. Then I incrementally installed updates. I can confirm it starts occurring with Sierra 10.12.4. It also occurs on the current 10.12.6 beta as well as on the first developer preview of High Sierra. So it seems there is some bug in the system affecting iMacs, maybe related to mechanical drives (the external drive is a spinning one) or Retina Display. Or RME’s drivers need to be updated for recent changes in the OS.


Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

Audio problems like yours caused by FusionDrive are well documented throughout the web. I am astonished that you have them with 10.12.5, though. Anyway, that is something you will have to discuss with Apple, it seems.

Matthias Carstens

Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

MC wrote:

Audio problems like yours caused by FusionDrive are well documented throughout the web. I am astonished that you have them with 10.12.5, though. Anyway, that is something you will have to discuss with Apple, it seems.

I wrote feedback to Apple and then I spend about an hour talking to Apple technical support. The representative was quite understanding, and although they couldn't help me directly, they suggested the responsibility lies with the device manufacturer, i.e. RME. It seems there have been some changes the the OS starting with 10.12.4 and drivers should be updated to be optimized for it. RME last updated both their USB and FW drivers in 2016, so not since the recent macOS udates.


Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

Our drivers use the latest libraries available from Apple, there had been no further changes. And as it was years ago, there is no way a USB audio driver can workaround a drop out caused by a OS driver for a specific hard drive function.

I googled a bit but found no other newer post on this problem. The reason is most probably that no one uses FusionDrives for audio anymore. You should do the same until Apple fixes this re-introduced problem. Put your audio on an external drive.

Matthias Carstens

Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

MC wrote:

Our drivers use the latest libraries available from Apple, there had been no further changes. And as it was years ago, there is no way a USB audio driver can workaround a drop out caused by a OS driver for a specific hard drive function.

I googled a bit but found no other newer post on this problem. The reason is most probably that no one uses FusionDrives for audio anymore. You should do the same until Apple fixes this re-introduced problem. Put your audio on an external drive.

Thank you very much for your assistance. I also couldn't find anyone else having the same problems. I hope Apple eventually fixes whatever the problem is. In the meantime, it's not that big of a deal, as the only time it happens noticeably often is when playing audio AND having a DAW open. It doesn't really happen when recording and monitoring or listening to audio when no DAW is open. Thank you again.

Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

vladimirbizik wrote:

I also couldn't find anyone else having the same problems.

FWIW. When I still was looking for a solution to this problem, the threads that appeared on the Apple support fora kept being deleted.

Apple doesn't care much about minority use cases, like professional audio.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

9 (edited by fiddler2007 2017-06-14 13:59:56)

Re: FireFace UCX skipping/stuttering (iMac, latest software and drivers)

i had occasionally pulsating and distorted audio with an UFX ii via USB on a windows 10 PC ....  tried all sorts of USB settings, re-installs of drivers, added a special USB 3.0 card with NEC chip, re-installed of barebone new graphics drivers and so on, drove me nuts ... today i threw off my bitdefender antivirus package, installed 360 TS and Zonealarm instead, and it seems to work now (i hope it stays that way LoL). -F