1 (edited by Accelerator 2017-07-01 20:29:11)

Topic: Unwanted reset of TotalMix output levels by audio applications

May I be excused for probably asking a beginner's question, but the Forum's search function could not bring me to a solution. My last experience with RME hardware (Hammerfall DSP Multiface) and TotalMix is many years ago now. Currently I am starting to find my way around with my new interface Babyface Pro and TotalMix 1.40 on Mac OS X 10.12.5.

It is irritating for me to see that some audio applications (like Wavelab Elements 9 and CHANNEL D's Pure Music for iTunes) can cause TotalMix's output faders jump to max levels (0 dB) upon starting to play a new song. This might be related to changing sampling frequencies or so...

Anyway - unexpectedly maxing the output level almost blew me off the chair several times now.
Is this a (setting) problem of the specific audio applications - or is there a way to disable this behavior within TotalMix?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Unwanted reset of TotalMix output levels by audio applications



Matthias Carstens

Re: Unwanted reset of TotalMix output levels by audio applications

Just great - disabling "Set Device Attenuation To 0 dB" did it.

Herzlichen Dank!