Topic: Fireface UC cracking noises and dropouts


I recently got rid of my old fireface 400 and got a UC instead because I wanted to not have to rely on firewire, and I saw good reviews of the UC.

That said, it's been a pretty bad start. I run 2 systems - one Windows 10 stationary machine and one Macbook (2016) with 10.12.4 on it.

I have 2 issues:

1. On both systems, and even when the fireface is not connected (via usb) at all, I get these occassional cracking noises. They seem more often when I'm connected though. They are not constant, but usually quite brief and they sound very digital.

2. On my macbook, (which only has 1 USB C port that I connect to an official apple hub) the fireface will occassinoally just loose connection completely. Only restarting the macbook will do any difference (replugging the fireface or usb channels won't).

I read somewhere someone saying that you shouldn't connect through a hub, but I don't have any choice - and I really don't hope that is the case, cause then the fireface CU is useless to me.

Do any of the RME people (or other users) have an idea of what could be wrong before I send it back to the shop and get my money back?

I have the latest firmware and drivers on both my windows and osx system.