Topic: Beware the Rogue Volume Control

Well, it's happened again despite RME insisting it is impossible.

If you turn the volume knob and accidentally click it 'wrong' (like twice) the volume stops working. This happens because you typically don't always look at the volume when you turn least I don't. I listen.

This happens (despite RME's denial) because if you press it 'wrong' and start turning the knob you will scramble your submixes in Total Mix.

I always managed to get it working somehow, usually after multiple resets, thrashing, knob pushing and prayer.

Not this time.

I assign output to 1/2 it comes up on 5/6. I assign to 5/6 and no sound goes to main out. I assign 5/6 as main out and still nothing. Repeat repeat repeat and curse.

I like RME's sound, but too often this kind of thing happens. Apollo anyone?

2 (edited by sworkshop 2017-08-31 04:36:11)

Re: Beware the Rogue Volume Control

Found how to fix it THIS TIME. The settings scrambler (referred to as 'volume control' by RME) needs to be set to channel mode. Then turn the 'volume control' to L1 which presumably means Line 1?. Now the so-called volume control will actually control the volume.

So much for the front panel control not having any affect on Total Mix as I was told by RME.


Re: Beware the Rogue Volume Control

We have no clue what you talk about. And what RME interface is that? Mac or Windows?

Matthias Carstens

4 (edited by sworkshop 2017-08-31 19:36:22)

Re: Beware the Rogue Volume Control

Windows 7 UCX Fireface using USB.

I will attempt to explain:

The volume knob is dual function, as you must know; it is both a volume control and parameter changer if you press the button to change modes, as indicated by the front panel light 'Channel or Level'.

It you move with your hand to turn the volume control and accidentally push in the button you will be put into channel mode, and soon be happily spinning the dial scrambling all your mix settings by virtue of rerouting the playback to L1-8,SP,or ADAT in sequence  as you turn the knob.

Until you can figure out what's happening you get either no sound, or 100% volume. Unacceptable for professional sessions.

I can produce this flaw anytime I accidentally push the knob instead of turning it.   

I have described this many times for RME support team but for some reason everyone I have dealt with is completely puzzled by this and are adamant it is not happening. I was even told in so many words by support that the concept described in my report is impossible.

With my unit, the steps above will cause the playback problem EVERYTIME.

I hope this time someone will take this seriously.

Re: Beware the Rogue Volume Control

If  you have trouble with operating the knob, you may prefer a standard MIDI control fader or the RME ARC USB remote control.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Beware the Rogue Volume Control

Thanks for the suggestion


Re: Beware the Rogue Volume Control

I can indeed not reproduce such effects at all, and I have to agree with support that it is impossible as the routing can not be influenced from the encoder, only the output volumes.

Now if you accidentally change back to CH and continue turning then you just change to another channel, but to influence that channel's volume you have to push once again.

For the issue to show up as you describe it the most logical explanation is that the push contact of the encoder is not working as expected, generating more than one contact on/off sequence per push. If that is the case the encoder needs to be replaced.

Note that turning the knob while the LEV LED is lit and then pressing the knob will change to Panorama mode for this stereo output channel (on a mono output channel nothing will happen). This is not only visible in TM FX, but also displayed on the alphanumerical display by 2 dots and L/r on the left one, or CE in center position. In case you have never seen this you might have a very old firmware on your unit and/or very old TotalMix FX. For some time already the unit follows the mono/stereo configuration of the outputs in TM FX, the old function to change between mono and stereo by pressing the button for a second no longer exists.

Matthias Carstens