Topic: ARC USB - Genelec 8250a
Took delivery of an ARC USB today to finally replace my M Patch 2 and go all digital for monitor control and have been fiddling around with the setup.
Have my Genelec 8250a 's hooked up via AES from my HDSP 9632 and it's all working very nicely.
Playing back a commercial house track, I hit around -26 max with the volume in Total Mix before it starts over loading the speakers.
I'm wondering if it would be better to attenuate the speakers by -20db (they have switches on the back to allow 10-30db input sensitivity reduction), so I would then be pushing the Total Mix volume up close to 0 for max volume. Or will it make absolutely no difference other than to make me feel better that louder is closer to 0?
Cheers for any pointers!