Topic: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II


How would you tell that you see UFX II and not UFX?

I mean both interfaces look similar to me. Are there distinctive visual differences -- labels, prints, numbers, so one could immediately tell whether it's UFX or UFX II?

Thank you!


Re: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II

These interfaces don't look similar at all.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II


1) I do not see a reference of UFX on RME products page so cannot compare UFX and UFX II visually

2) When it might be an obvious difference for you, for me it's not as I have never seen them live.

3) I am trying to purchase UFX II on Internet however, vendors over here are often a bit shady and  may confuse UFX with UFX II intentionally or not.

Hence, I would like to have 100% reliable method to quickly understand what unit is behind me. For example, I could ask them to tell me "the serial number on rear panel" or "what label is printed near by X" or "what is the connection type near by Y" or the like.

I would appreciate if you point me to the difference list, preferably very visible and distinct.

Thank you!

Re: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II

Oh, I think I found the difference



Could you guys confirm there was no variations and _ALL_ UFX & UFX II units look as shown on the pics?

Thank you.

5 (edited by fiddler2007 2017-10-30 15:25:07)

Re: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II

IMO the main difference is the lack of Firewire on the UFXii. I used an UFX with windows 7 and firewire. SUPER reliability and latency (use legacy drivers!). Windows 10 => no go with firewire, and USB: constant problems.

Bought an UFXii to replace it ... but still had occasional hickups. Then bought an expensive USB controller card with (4) separate USB controller chips to make sure the UFXii has its own playgound: it improved, but still there's an occasional dropout.

USB IMO is maybe not as really suited for realtime audio streaming as firewire was. My UFXii might be for sale soon, LoL, as i plan to move back to windows 7 and firewire, or maybe even different hardware. - F

6 (edited by ramses 2017-10-30 16:13:55)

Re: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II

fiddler2007 wrote:

IMO the main difference is the lack of Firewire on the UFXii. I used an UFX with windows 7 and firewire. SUPER reliability and latency (use legacy drivers!). Windows 10 => no go with firewire, and USB: constant problems. Bought an UFXii to replace it ... but still have occasional hickups. USB IMO is not really suited for realtime audio streaming as firewire was.  My UFXii might be for sale soon, i plan to move back to windows 7 and firewire. F

> USB IMO is not really suited for realtime audio streaming as firewire was.

It makes no sense to generalize your personal experiences with statements that simply are not true.

1st of all you make it yourself harder, as this limits your own choices of OS and HW.
Next,  you make it harder for all other people who might believe in your (wrong) statements.

I understand that you personally made bad experiences, ok .. but you come to wrong conclusions.
Even firewire is not easy and can fail. I know this from own experience.

The point is you need to come to the right conclusions and get the right HW and drivers.
Sometimes its easy and all works, but sometimes not.
And win10 introduces a new concept of Windows as a Service which makes Windows 10
to an instant changing target... Without the possibility to deactivate or parametrize Updates to install only important ones (Security Updates and alike).

On my specially planned / designed Win7 system all RME interfaces are working since 3+ years, not matter if USB or Firewire.

For Firewire I had to take care to take a FW card with a proper TI chip, as there were also bogus TI chips out like the XIO2200a.

For USB I had to buy an add-on card, when I started to connect TWO UFX+ and an ADI-2 Pro along with additional peripheral stuff like UBS3 hub, Bluetooth and other additional devices.

You still can buy my system, its all documented, thats then similar to a tested turnkey system, but to the fraction of a price for a tested Xeon based build with ECC RAM: … mponenten/
Performance, see here: … cks-de-en/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

7 (edited by fiddler2007 2017-10-30 20:09:17)

Re: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II

ramses wrote:

USB IMO is not really suited for realtime audio streaming as firewire was.

It makes no sense to generalize your personal experiences with statements that simply are not true

.... And win10 introduces a new concept of Windows as a Service which makes Windows 10 to an instant changing target ... Without the possibility to deactivate or parametrize Updates to install only important ones (Security Updates and alike). ....

IMO, meaning In My Opinion, means that one doesn't have to take my opinion for granted. And opinions there are many, also here on this forum.

Talking about truth LoL; with windows 10 you'll soon find that one has to disable a lot of features to make it work right. An important one IMO is deactivate windows update in services.msc, and maybe use an external tool for this. F.i. i found i360 total security suited to manage selective updating, been using that for almost a year now. And there are many, many more Windows 10 features to look into. 00SU10, and win10privacy are great tools for handling that all at once. Windows 10 64bit runs very stable on my system with all sorts of timing and memory greedy stuff like Adobe premiere and more. IMO leaving windows update active is the main cause of (unexpected) problems.

Also Windows 10 tuned right is quite fast compared to Windows 7, again IMO.

Alas the way MY USB system works conflicts with my UFXii occasionally. A lot of causes can be the culprit. But one thing for sure annoys me really is, that one almost has to become a computer nerd to get quite expensive hardware like an UFXii is to work properly as to be expected.

And talking about opnions:

ramses wrote:

    Hattest Du nicht ein mainboard mit nicht so gutem Asmedia USB chipset ?
    Mal eine andere PCIe USB Karte ausprobiert ? zB die Sonnet Allegro Pro ?

    Ich habe den ADI-2 Pro nun mal direkt und alleinig angeschlossen und mit Youtube etc keinerlei Probleme festzustellen, auch nicht bei kleinster ASIO Buffersize. Auch mit MusicBee via ASIO Treiber ausprobiert. Kein einziges Problem.

As suggested on this forum (i think it was by you Sir ??): get a Sonnet Allegro Pro. I did that, and at around 125 euro's. Well it seems to help out a little, but yesterday i had to reboot my computer twice to get rid of stutters during a mix job. - F

8 (edited by ramses 2017-10-30 21:19:18)

Re: Visual differences between UFX and UFX II

> As suggested on this forum (i think it was by you Sir ??): get a Sonnet Allegro Pro.
> I did that, and at around 125 euro's. Well it seems to help out a little, but yesterday i had to
> reboot my computer twice to get rid of stutters during a mix job. - F

The card is good, but cannot cover the root cause for the issues in your system completely.

And in terms of your "IMO"'s ....
You said:
> USB IMO is maybe not as really suited for realtime audio streaming as firewire was.

Sorry, but this is utter nonsens. I had also with Firewire enough trouble,
but at the end it were problems of the mainboard and a faulty TI chipset.

You didn't find your root cause yet and move it now to the technologie, thats bullshit, sorry.

> My UFXii might be for sale soon, LoL, as i plan to move back to windows 7 and firewire, or maybe even different hardware.

Windows 7 is a good idea. But the rest is again nonsense (sorry).
With a good working system USB has the same quality as Firewire.

The best thing that you could do is to try out Win7 now with your setup as it is.
And if you get with Win7 the same issues, then its something with your hardware (Mainboard, BIOS, drivers).

If you remember back a few years then people already said, take a PC with this or that chipset, so that it is reliable for Audio processing. If you do not know this and do not draw the right conclusions out of this, then you can maybe fiddle around in a system to "fine tune it", but sorry, have no deeper understanding of things interact with each other.

Maybe you should also think about that there are companies who sell video and audio turnkey systems.
They are not cheap, especially those from Xi-machines.
People who need stability in studios buy from such companies, to get proven and tested hardware.

And as I said in this or another thread .. sometimes you have good luck, sometimes bad luck.
I had last time good luck with my supermicro and documented it in my blog so that everybody also has a chance
to build a very reliable allrounder system for the purposess of recording, video editiing, gaming, office, etc.

But with all other hardware its a completely new setup where you only can hope, that all interacts nicely with each other.

But dont blame USB or Firewire, this is really not the point !

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13