Topic: Fireface 400 and High Sierra

Hello all,

I have an early 2015 MacBook pro retina 13", with a 256 G HD, Iris 6100 graphics, 2.7Ghz Core i5, 16 gigs of RAM.

When I bought it nearly two years ago, I didn't realize it came with no Firewire ports...two adapters later, I got it up and running smoothly, just like it had for years prior on my PC.  All was well, and there were never any problems or hiccups.

About 6-8 months ago, life got in the way, and I was forced to concentrate on other things besides music.  I stopped using the FF400 and it has sat dormant since.

A week or two ago, I "upgraded" to Apple's High Sierra OS, and the other day I plugged in the FF400, since things have calmed down and I can start getting back to music.

Well, I've been having nothing but problems.  I can get the FF to work intermittently, but it's loud as hell and I can't adjust the volume via the unit itself.  Every setting on the unit seems to be unresponsive, although I can "scroll" through them via the front knob.  I tried to adjust the volume via TotalMix...but TM will not open.  Fireface Settings will open, but that does me no good.

Also, the unit will stop working intermittently (with the red "host" led illuminated).

Sometimes, if I unplug the Thunderbolt adapter and then plug it back in, it will start working again.  And, sometimes, just prior to stopping, a high pitched tone will sound...and since I can't adjust the volume, it's loud as hell.

I've installed the latest drivers (dated earlier this year...June or July...I can't remember).

I've also looked for the "Avid" and "Digi-something" plugins, in both the User and HAL locations...they do not appear to be installed.

I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the new drivers...with no success.

I say this because I do try to search for the answers/solutions before I go posting something that's already probably been posted a hundred times before.

But, I am at a loss here and it's driving me nuts, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think it may be a High Sierra issue, but I can't find anything specifically regarding the FF400 and High Sierra - the posts seem to address the newer model interfaces (USB).  Irregardless, I've still tried the remedies.

I've also thought about selling the FF400 and downgrading to a Babyface USB, since I no longer need the many options I have...but 1) I think I'd have a hard time selling it, since pretty much everything is USB now, and 2) I'm pretty sure there's still many years of service left in it...if I can get the damn thing to work.


Re: Fireface 400 and High Sierra

Are you using the external PSU pack and switch on the back set to EXT?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by russclan1 2017-11-27 22:09:11)

Re: Fireface 400 and High Sierra

Jeff wrote:

Are you using the external PSU pack and switch on the back set to EXT?

Yes, I've always used the external psu - sorry I forgot to mention that - and yes the switch is set to EXT.

Also, I ran the total mix exec function as well, and here's a portion of what it said:

2017-11-27 14:52:30.614 TotalmixFX[800:105203] Failed to connect (enableMidiMenu) outlet from (RmApplication) to (NSMenuItem): missing setter or instance variable

No clue what this means, or if it's important.  There was more text above that, but nothing that looked like it was in reference to any errors.  I can post that as well if it will make a difference.

Just got it to run again, but this time I noticed that the volume slider in the top menu bar actually adjusted the volume...but still no TotalMix, and after about 30 seconds, I got the annoying tone again, followed by another crash.

Edit:  Oh, and also, I did go into the Mac's preferences and allowed TotalMix and Settings control.

Re: Fireface 400 and High Sierra

As a last ditch effort, I suppose I could try to roll back the OS to Sierra, but I've never done a roll back on a Mac.

I've done some research on that, but I'd like to try and avoid it if possible.

Re: Fireface 400 and High Sierra

Ok I got it to work temporarily, but now I have TotalMix and no Settings (it just flashes and then nothing pops up on the screen).  Standalone vst (EZMix) worked ok (bad latency though), youtube videos worked ok.  I fired up Reaper and I was seeing a signal until I enabled an FX insert, then it crashed.  Shut Reaper down and then I could hear a dry guitar signal through my monitors, but the weird thing is that the host light was on...TotalMix was showing the signal, too.  Very strange.

So unless someone has a fix, I'm going to try one last thing, which is to roll back my OS to Sierra.  Not looking forward to that at all.

And if that doesn't work, I will unfortunately have no choice but to try and sell this thing, because right now it's a $1,500.00 boat anchor - maybe someone with a PC can get some good use out of it.