Topic: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

Hello there, set up is on Windows 7 64bit,
2 SSL Alpha connected to 2 9652 via adat, clocked via wordclock.

Everything works fine, everything shows sync'd in the setting panel for the first card,
for the second card tho', only ADAT 1 and 2 show sync'd, ADAT 3 say no lock.

Red lights comes out from the SSL out (port 3) and so on the RME, but the panels shows no lock.
wordclock is sync'd on both cards so, doesn't appear to be a problem of the expansion card
not communicating with the main card (2)

Any suggestion on what that might be? Setting? Faulty cable?
thank you!


Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

Why you not exchange the ADAT input 2 and 3 on the second card to check the input signal?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

Good thinking, ima do that and report

4 (edited by NewtoRME 2018-01-08 15:59:50)

Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

still giving me no lock on ADAT 3, ADAT 2 is lock'd
I swapped from the card

Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

Did you swap at the ssl or rme side? You need to swap at the rme side to know if it is the cable or the receiver.

Adat 3 is on a daughterboard, yes? Disconnect and reconnect the ribbon cable that connects them and see if that helps.

If it doesn't help but it does work soundwise, maybe it is not a real problem. Since all 3 adats are comming from the same sll you do know they are in sync.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

6 (edited by NewtoRME 2018-01-08 16:10:48)

Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

okay, now it seems the order of the cards is swapped, what was card 1 before (physically) is not card 2 and vice versa
is there a way to swap the order in the settings? cause I'd like to avoid doing it physically
and I guess since the last card has the clock termination that's could be why the last adat con card 2 doesn't work?

Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

Can you explain exactly what you are connecting to what? How many adat outs per ssl? also adat ssl ins? And exactly how clocking is set up. The hdsp's don't need word clock, they can sync from adat (better). The 2 ssl's need to be synced, but I don't know what ssl's you have exactly. Can you share a link?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

8 (edited by NewtoRME 2018-01-08 16:44:00)

Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2

nevermind, found out one of the cable was mislabeled, all good
But just to reply and thank you for the help,
SSL alpha 1 and 2 are connected with the ADAT ports (3 pairs each) to the 2 RME cards
clock master is the first SSL worclock cable goes to the second ssl, to the first RME to the second RME card which is then
terminated. WC connections are done with T splitters. The system it's stable, was stable a just moved the computer from one side to the other and I guess one cables got mislabeled. (one in was going into a out etc..)
Now it's all good again, thanks

Re: Adat 3 no lock in card #2


Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632