Topic: Ground loop fireface UC, solve problem with RME HDSP Hammerfall 9652?
I have a nasty ground loop since i bought a new computer. I am currently using a fireface uc which is working very well except for this problem. I have figured out that it is most definately between the motherboard (MSI z370 PC PRO) and the fireface UC interface. I have been thinking about how to get rid of this problem and have come upon these two conclusions:
Either buy a high speed usb isolator like this one. However it is only pre order so cannot get it right away.
I have also found a second hand RME HDSP 9652 Hammerfall which is for about the same money as the isolator above. Using this one with optical cables in combination with my fireface would solve this right? And do this PCI card fit and work with my motherboard? I am also wondering if this could add any latency to my current setup since i have a reaaally good sync between my hardware and software
It doesn't feel great having to spend another 100$ to get rid of this problem but right now im looking for any solution possible, almost whatever the cost. Do you have any other suggestions i should try?
Would be very greatful for any help at all
Best regards