Topic: What are known limits to the OSC/MIDI control of TotalMix?

I want to use an audio interface as a mixer replacement for live use. The setup I have in mind is one with lots of sources which go directly into the interface and route them programatically to a few outputs, including some effect send loops that will make another round trip through connected hardware devices. I would like to do this "standalone" without having to go through some DAW or other software.

Therefor I need to control the mixer with MIDI or OSC. I would have chosen the UA Apollo platform for the high quality realtime DSP, but unfortunately UA still doesn't support any form of remote control over their UAD mixer.

I am happy to read that TotalMix does have an open architecture when it comes to remote control, and I am about to purchase the UFX+ for this reason, but I am wondering if there are any limitations I should be aware of.

I am a software developer too, and ultimately I would like to have full control over volume, panning, sends and preferably even routing.

For example I could write an algorithm that pans a mono source across 4 outputs for a quad surround setup. Would this kind of control be possible, or is the rate / resolution at which the control messages are interpreted not high enough to allow this kind of automation to be smooth and without artefacts?

Re: What are known limits to the OSC/MIDI control of TotalMix?

I read through the midi and osc specs of the 0.98 Totalmix version. And I only just noticed the subject on the coming release of 1.5. It seems that you guys are really on top of this, and the list of control seems really complete. Nice to see that even the FX params controllable.

I will just go ahead and purchase the UFX+ assuming your remote control is implemented with the same quality standards as the rest of your products smile

I am curious to find out if 1.5 will add anything significant in terms of the remote control protocol.