1 (edited by betawarz 2018-03-04 20:23:28)

Topic: Is Babyface Pro capable of replacing a mixer?

Hi folks,

I currently use a ZED 10 FX mixer. I recently discovered the Babyface Pro and it looks like an upgrade over my ZED.

My question though is whether or not the Babyface Pro can function as a mixer? It bills itself as an audio interface, which I usually understand to mean that it lacks mixing functions - like the Scarlette 2i2s, etc.

I see that it comes with software called the Totalmix, which seems to enable software mixing. Do the mixing settings applied via Totalmix "save back" to the Babyface Pro, though? Can I just plug the Babyface Pro in and it'll do the mixing settings perhaps even without Totalmix software running? Or is that mixing, done via Totalmix, purely software and means Totalmix must be running?


Re: Is Babyface Pro capable of replacing a mixer?

You can use the controls on the unit or totalmix or both at the same time... I suggest reading the manual which will explain much better.


RME HDSP9652 | | RME Digiface USB

3 (edited by pianopictures 2018-03-04 22:04:50)

Re: Is Babyface Pro capable of replacing a mixer?

In general, certainly yes, it can work as a mixer.

It have certain advantages to use it plugged to a computer so you can use TotalMix FX, more features, recall, etc.

Still you can use it standalone even without a computer/TotalMix FX with some minor functions lacking.

Not as convenient as a real mixer, but still it is doable.

You can extend it via ADAT in/out connections.

You can extend it via MIDI/Mackie controller(s) (not in standalone mode though)

You can add some extra functionality via ARC-USB (also not in standalone mode)

Answering your question, I'm not exactly sure if a TotalMix settings are saved when it is plugged out, although I think yes, they are. But still, as I said, you can operate the most important functions (gains, mix levels) from a device itself.

Not exactly sure if it could be really considered as an upgrade to your recent mixer without knowing your situation, since the intended use for both devices is quite different.

4 (edited by ramses 2018-03-04 22:06:29)

Re: Is Babyface Pro capable of replacing a mixer?

Totalmix FX is a "monitor mixer", it does not exactly behave like a real mixer.
One example is that pressing the mute button of an Input channel does not mute the input for all submixes.
In submix mode it mutes the incoming signal for one particular HW output.

In regards to your other questions, what you refer to is in regards to standalone operation.
The RME recording interfaces differ in terms of whether they can remember in one or more standalone profiles.
Some devices restore the routing which was last active.
Some devices require you to store the current state in one up to 6 standalone profiles.
In the BBF Pro it seems to be implemented slightly different as kind of operational mode.
See handbook chapter 31.2.

Standalone operation requires an external power supply.

If you connect the BBF Pro after a stand-alone session again to TM FX, then I think it depends how TM FX is configured.
See TM FX preferences (F2):
( ) Do not load Main volume / balance
( ) Always init DSP devices with TotalMix FX settings

Try it out, its often better to try it with the device instead of only reading.
A few test cases should not be too hard to find out how it actually works.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: Is Babyface Pro capable of replacing a mixer?

You cannot compare the BF Pro with the ZED 10 FX as such. One is a flexible audio interface that needs a computer to work in full glory, plus an external ADAT converter to use the max number of channels. The other a stand-alone mixer with more analog inputs out of the box and no computer needed at all. They both have their applications.

Matthias Carstens

6 (edited by ramses 2018-03-05 07:39:54)

Re: Is Babyface Pro capable of replacing a mixer?

TM FX's "any to any" routing and other capabilities are special to TM FX and optimized to the workflow when working with a PC.
Very nice is that you can store everything digitally (except the gain for the 802, other concept).

Other RME recording interfaces like UFX+ and UFX II come with enhanced features for full standalone operation like a display,
6 programmable standalone profiles and the possibility to directly connect the ARC USB (UFX+ / II).

Simply try it out up to which level it supports you well or where a "hardware mixer" appears more applicable.

If I remember right there was a PC application available, that acts like a life mixer and which uses the ASIO driver of a recording interface, am not sure, but this might be also an option to try out.

Maybe TM FX "DAW mode" plus such a life mixer application might be the way to go for you as an alternative.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13