Thank you for taking the time to respond. I guess it's relevant to explain why I would've liked to access the FX in the TotalMix; I run a recording studio in a city where competition is fierce (NYC), so I've begun allowing bands to hold rehearsal sessions in the live room. As it goes, I have a Mackie MCU pro, with extension, but no actual console, so I run everything into the digital preamps, through the RayDat, and back out from the digital pre outputs via DB25 to XLR snake, to the P.A system. I have quite a few analog outboard rack units, but it gets too tedious to constantly have to switch physical cables and knobs around between recording, mixing, and live sound applications. Lately, I've been bypassing the analog rack altogether, and running the signals into Pro Tools for processing, and out through TM FX's individual software playback channels.(Which I control using the MCU). So far I have had zero issues with latency, but I know that this is not a sustainable way to achieve digital signal processing for live performance and playback, and it's only a matter of time before latency becomes an issue, and I'm scrambling around the rack again. Having the the EQ, compression, and reverb right in the TotalMix FX would've made things so much easier to achieve my purposes.
It seems obvious now that I'll have to get some other hardware for this purpose. Perhaps the XR16, or something similar. It's a shame that there is no reasonable way to expand the RayDat to be DSP capable. I don't know what the logistics of such an expansion would be, but there are a few RME products out there that use TotalMix FX, but lack the DSP to access the full potential of the software, and I'm sure many users of those products (such as myself) would be willing to shell out a few hundred bucks to simply integrate what we already have along with the full TotalMix software,without requiring complete overhaul of one's entire system.
As far as the Total Mix FX as it currently functions with the RayDat, I am still quite happy with the routing, monitoring, loopback, and host of other features that I can access, I just wish I could get that pesky DSP chip somehow integrated into what I currently have. If RME ever makes such an expansion, I will be the first customer to ever buy it.