Topic: Original Silver Babyface USB driver for Vista SP1 32-bit

I have looked over the USB driver page, I've googled for a Vista driver & I guess I just keep overlooking it or it isn't there.

I'm looking to buy a Babyface Original, but want to find a driver for the PC I'm on. It's Windows Vista , Service Pack 1 , 32-bit OS.

I apologize, but I've looked over & over, but I only see XP SP2, then it jumps to Windows 7.

I'm trying to find out ASAP, because the unit is on sale & it may get got before I can find the right info.

Thanks so much!

Re: Original Silver Babyface USB driver for Vista SP1 32-bit

The XP driver supports Vista, even if it's not specifically mentioned.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Original Silver Babyface USB driver for Vista SP1 32-bit

Thank you! I just got my Babyface up & running on Vista 32 SP1. It runs just fine. It actually took my old computer longer to reboot, than for the driver/TotalMix to install. lol

No more latency, thank you very much for all of your work RME! I have a big smile on my face smile