Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello, Not sure if this is the best place for a feature request... I'm a former user of the Babyface and I would like to buy a Babyface Pro, however there are a few things keeping me from taking the leap, since my mobile music setup has scaled down considerably in recent years. There are a few small feature additions that would help keep my cable kit size to a minimum.

1. 3.5mm TRS MIDI jack (for use with various small gear e.g. Makenoise 0-Coast)
2. 3.5mm unbalanced stereo TRS jack alternative input for Line 3/4 input. (for similar tiny desktop stereo gear)
3. USB C, bus powered

I'm aware that I could make the existing Babyface Pro work with a few larger cable/adapters, but I'm really looking to minimize the size of cables that I bring with me. Thanks for considering.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

1. Never heard of or seen, and I see no chance to implement such, sorry.

2. You need a cable for connecting both units anyway. High quality cables with miniTRS on one side and dual TS on the other are easily available. I would prefer them over 'adapters'. Much better connectivity and more reliable.

3. Well, that is modern life! The smaller the laptops get, the more annoying external adapters and cabling we have to carry with us. Nobody likes that. But a USC-C to USB adapter is extremely cheap (and small), while adding this port to the BF would not only make it incompatible to the majority of existing systems, it would also raise the sales price a lot.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I've tried to use my Babyface Pro in standalone mode , i get the input signal but No output  signal..
i configured everything in Totalmix before ,(connected to the Pc works)..
in cc mode i got the same problem..(using power supply of my ipad2)
could it be that the babyface does not get enough power? i 've tried also  a12V  car cigar USB ...


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Sounds like in stand-alone mode you did not dial up the output volume, or the mix from input to output. With the iPad this is more easy when using the special iPad app 'TotalMix FX for iPad'.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thank you for your quick reply i appreciate it :-)
but i did not solve the problem yet..
so here again:
babyface pro works great  in software even in standalone mode connected to the computer worke fine.
but when i try to power it externally with ipad power apply (without connecting IT to the ipad) or using the 12V CIRGAR USB;
it powers on, input signals are shown ,but no output signals! i choose 1/2 OR 34/ outputs but the signals don't come through;
when i dial up the volume meters are shown
i  think i've missed something,sorry

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Before investing in a rme power supply or 12V HUB USB and splitter cable i wanted to taste it first that way without pc or ipad;
could it be that it does not get enough power and will work only  half of it's possibilities?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

As I wrote you need to make an input to output monitoring routing. This needs to be done with the few buttons on the unit itself and is as easy as intuitive, but also described in detail in the manual, chapter 31.2 Stand-Alone Mode.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thank you it works. Only thing is that the mono input goes to the right channel there a trick to hear the mono input on both charnels? Regards


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

There is no Pan in that mode, so you would need to use a splitter cable going into input 3 and 4 (or 1 and 2) simultaneously.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


MacBook Pro Mid-2017 (4 USB-C ports)
MacOS 10.13.3

Babyface Pro Firmware: v101, Driver v3.03

I am using Apples USB to USB-C cable.

No other peripherals connected. Have tried multiple times to restart the system both with and without power supply (to the MacBook Pro).

The problem: I have read in the forum that there are problems that the Babyface Pro sometimes will not connect/be recognized by the MacBook Pro. However, in my case it is consistently the same behavior as I do the following:

1. Startup the MacBook Pro.
2. Connect the Babyface Pro.
3. "Fireface USB Settings" is not started automatically, but if I start it myself the Babyface Pro will show up as "Babyface Pro (71968851)".
4. Now, the Babyface Pro is never recognized by the system, that is, it will never show up in MacOS System Settings->Sounds.

Many thanx in advance for any suggestions, tips, ideas, or possible work-arounds.



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread … ion_EN.pdf

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanx MC! Now it working just fine.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

1. Never heard of or seen, and I see no chance to implement such, sorry.

2. You need a cable for connecting both units anyway. High quality cables with miniTRS on one side and dual TS on the other are easily available. I would prefer them over 'adapters'. Much better connectivity and more reliable.

3. Well, that is modern life! The smaller the laptops get, the more annoyingnexternal adapters and cabling we have to carry with us. Nobody likes that. But a USC-C to USB adapter is extremely cheap (and small), while adding this port to the BF would not only make it incompatible to the majority of existing systems, it would also raise the sales price a lot.

Thanks for the reply. I'm aware that I can get the adapters.

There's no spec for MIDI over TRS but there are a number of manufacturers that are using it specifically for mobile gear. Some, like arturia, have even begun to add it to mobile interfaces. Some info here: … din-cables

Same with TRS 3.5mm audio. Yes, I know I can adapt it, but sending unbalanced audio over a short cable from a teenage engineering keyboard, for example, isn't going to degrade the signal that much since it already comes out in that format. This could be included in addition to the standard dual TRS line ins for channels 3/4 so that musicians could use either plug format.

I know these are not professional standards but I would argue that many professional musicians are already working with some of these more mobile friendly formats for live shows so it's perhaps worth considering. Thank you!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello,(again :-)
i would like to know if i can use dsp effects Reverbs in cc mode ?
ipad2 with totalmix app.  +Babyface pro ( cannot active fx buttom)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

No, sorry.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi! I have a RME Babyface Pro device. So I'm using main big black encoder frequently and I'm a little bit worried - it has little gap and and main encoder is moving a little bit though working without problems. Should I send this to warranty repair or it's fine? And what's the address for warranty repair center in Russia?

Best regards, from Russia with love.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Good evening, my name is Chase. I recently purchased an RME Babyface Pro and I'm having issues with my outputs. I have two JBL studio monitors plugged in TRS to the XLR outputs on the babyface. I continuously get buzzing through my speakers with no audio playing. The outputs on the babyface have no lock in clip or anything for the XLR and the cables are always falling out or moving and distorting sound. Does RME have special XLR cables that lock into the babyface? I mean this is quite ridiculous how easy these cables can just fall out of the 2 outputs or shift around.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Are the TRS input connections Mono or Stereo jacks?  I know the channels can be selected for Mono/Stereo, but are the connections themselves either or?  I cannot find this information in the latest manual online.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello everyone.

I am already a very happy RME Fireface UCX user.
That soundcard is outstanding.

Currently i'm planning to buy another one.
I will choose between RME PCi and RME Babyface PRO.

On my RME Fireface UCX, when using 192 kHz sample rate , lowest buffer, on my i7 Lenovo z710, i get 2.9 ms latency

How low the latency on a similiar computer, and same sample rate and lowest bufer can get ??

thank You

520 (edited by ramses 2018-05-10 22:41:01)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The latency between DAW and recording interface depends fully on the RME driver.

Processing power is needed to handle a certain system load (CPU, mem + disk i/o).

Still bad drivers, bad system/Bios settings or too high system load might require higher ASIO buffersizes even if the CPU  is not fully utilized.

But the latency between recording interface and DAW is always the same and depends on sample rate and ASIO buffersizes.

Here a couple of examples:

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi - quick query!
Overall absoloutely loving the BF Pro but one thing is really irritating.
I don't know if its true for other DAWs, but upon initialising the ASIO driver (ie booting up or shutting down of Cubase 9.5) the main outputs always jump to 0dB. I very rarely monitor close to 0 (and yes I'm using attenuators) and in any case I'd really prefer the main outs to be always under user control rather than arbitrarily jumping around. This hasn't been my experience after using a UAD satellite twin for example and is really annoying! Is this possible to implement? Maybe I've missed a setting? Thanks!

522 (edited by Gr8h8m 2018-05-18 10:59:49)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Got the solution from another thread (Thank you RME Support)>>

"In Cubase 5 or 6 / Devices / Device Setup under VST Audio System / select interface
then click on Control Panel button
under "Options" untick and don't use "Set Device Attenuation To 0 dB"

Still works under 9.5 fwiw

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Good afternoon. I bought a babyface pro card, and I was glad that I can now play live on the concentrates using a beautiful mobile device, internal DSP - signal processing effects, manage the card with the ipad program totalmix FX. But as it turned out, Reverb and echo are not available in the baby face pro card, with these specific devices in Class Compliant mode. It turns out that at a live concert, the babyface pro card, is useless in the Class Compliant mode, the effects of the vibe are unavailable. This is the most basic problem with the babyface pro card. What can the producer say about this problem, just want to hear an independent opinion?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello RME.

Dear Administrator, I appeal to you. Question: Is the Fireface UCX card fully controlled by the iPad totalmix FX program, or does it have limited access to the DSP module in CC mode, like the babyface pro card?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

That question is somewhat wrongly put together. UCX' Echo and Reverb can be controlled from the iPad - because they are rendered within the UCX on an extra DSP chip (while the BF Pro uses the host CPU for that, disabling this feature on the iPad).

Matthias Carstens

526 (edited by Mr.Incredible 2018-06-12 16:16:38)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin stolzer Besitzer eines RME Babyface Pro samt einem Rode NT1-A Kondensator Großmembranmikrofons.

Ich möchte jetzt bald über Twitch und You Tube streamen. Leider habe ich gar keine Ahnung wie ich mein Audiointerface perfekt abgestimmt zu meinem Mikro einrichte und umgekehrt.
Ich suche hier gerne auch kostenpflichtig eine Einrichtung vor Ort oder per Teamviever.
Mir ist Service sehr wichtig. So dass auch nach dem SetUp ich jederzeit mich wieder an den Dienstleister wenden kann.

Wohnhaft bin ich PLZ 97616.

Ich würde mich über Support sehr freuen !

Beste Grüße, Alex

527 (edited by Be.0 2018-06-24 19:05:23)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Albatros wrote:

Thank you it works. Only thing is that the mono input goes to the right channel there a trick to hear the mono input on both charnels? Regards

I have previously asked for the ability to do this from the Babyface Pro without needing TotalMix FX but got no response. I see now that I am not the only one who wants this capability. Yes, it is possible to use a Y splitter cable on the inputs, but that halves the number of available inputs and is one more annoying thing to carry around and plug in.

There is an unused button on the Babyface Pro that could be used to toggle mono/stereo direct monitoring. If you press In to select an input channel, then Mix to setup direct monitoring, pressing the Set button does nothing. Pressing the Set button in this state could be used to toggle mono inputs between going to the corresponding mono output or being split to both sides of the stereo output. The LED on the Set button could be used to indicate the state of this toggle. Since the Set button is currently unused in this state, adding this would not interfere with anything. I don't need any complicated panning controls, just this one binary toggle switch would be enough. Could this please be implemented in a firmware update?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hey, I have a latency issue.

I just bought a Babyface Pro, and i don't know if I'm just stupid or what, but I cannot get the low latency I keep hearing people praising about regarding this interface. I'm trying to play my electric guitar plugged directly into the interface.

I bought Bias Amp 2 from Positive grid, and I have the audio settings in the program at: "Audio Driver: Windows Audio", "Output device: Speakers (RME Babyface Pro)", "Output type: Stereo", "Output channel: Output 1-2", "Input device: Analog(3+4) (RME Babyface Pro)", "Input type: Mono", "Input channel: Input 1", "Sample rate: 44100", "Audio Buffer size: 441 samples(10.0ms)((This is the lowest I can go without it crackling uncontrollably)). I can get audio with this but there's just too much latency for me to even play.

I really don't know if there's some controls I need to adjust on the interface's end or not, I'm obviously just way too much of a beginner to figure this out. I'm just frustrated that everyone else gets low latency somehow and I can't.

On the interface itself, I have the led on the left lit up on "Ch 3/4", and on the right I have "Phones" lit up.

Using a Windows 10 Desktop:

Intel Core i7-7700 CPU 3.60 GHZ
Ram: 16 GB

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi -- I just bought a BF PRO on the internet. I can't get the headphone output to work with a DAW. I Tried Ableton Live and my Ipad Pro in CC mode. The Headphone output works great when listening to music on my PC through VLC player. I was careful to follow directions from the user manual -- I set the output to phones but no signal.

Any idea whats up?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

trevorj800 wrote:

Hi -- I just bought a BF PRO on the internet. I can't get the headphone output to work with a DAW. I Tried Ableton Live and my Ipad Pro in CC mode. The Headphone output works great when listening to music on my PC through VLC player. I was careful to follow directions from the user manual -- I set the output to phones but no signal.

Any idea whats up?

Assign phones output to phones1
ensure submix mode is enabled
Click to phones output in base row (HW putputs)
and now create a submix for  this phones output by moving the faders of
- HW inputs in top row (what comes from the inputs of recording interface
- SW playback channels in middle row what comes from DAW and applications

Every hw output is a submix of its own.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks for your response.

Do I have the controls to do all of this in CC Mode?

I am working on an Ipad and in Ableton Live. The Instruction, phhoooeey. This is going to take months.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Sorry can only tell how it would work under windows using Totalmix FX.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Did you get Totalmix for iPad?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

534 (edited by trevorj800 2018-09-11 06:07:33)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Yes, I have it.

Meanwhile, I downloaded the drivers to my windows box (OS 10) but I can't seem to find Totalmix anywhere. It is not on my list of programs.

535 (edited by trevorj800 2018-09-11 12:58:29)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

This project is a moving target.

---Totalmix appeared by itself when I plugged in the Babyface, but does not appear to do that consistently (on Windows 10). The porgram still does not appear on my software list.
---I got Reaper to recognize the Babyface, but then I got a popup saying that there was an error on the ASIO and it could not read it. The same thing happened in Ableton Live -- it opened the soundcard from Prefrerences, and then decided not to and stopped recognizing it after 30 seconds or so (the same thing happened in both Reaper and Live).

Meanwhile I got the headphones working as a standalone in Windows. The unit also sounds great when I use it to play my VLC Media Player.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

TotalMix does not get listed in Program files, it's just a startup item. Perfectly normal.

Are you selecting ASIO Fireface USB as the driver in these apps?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Yes, I am selecting the fire face USB option. It’s the only card I have available in my system right now.

Is there a way to call up TotalMix?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Did you switch CC mode off for computer use?

TotalMix runs in the system tray on Windows, you should see an icon in the hidden icons on the bottom right corner of the screen. It's a dark gray square with a white arc and the tooltip says "Restore/Minimize TotalMix FX windows" when you hover on it.

You should also see a Fireface USB Settings app listed in the same place.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I think, like many, I'd be hard pressed to consider another company's audio offerings now I've had a taste of RME. I've been using my BFP for 30 months non-stop for many hours a day and it's scarcely missed a beat.
I've just bought another which I'll mostly be using to join 2 laptops together with ADAT.
I was also hoping it would work as a standalone ADAT expander for just one system.
That doesn't look the case though, with standalone being limited to a handful of use cases.
Please consider implementing a simple ADAT expander standalone mode: where the analog ins are routed to the first 4 ADAT outs. Likewise, the first 4 ADAT ins are routed to each of the analog outs.
This would open up a world of additional functionality.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is it OK to use the Babyface Pro with one of those USB power adapters? Those used to charge phones. I was able to power other hardware with those such as the Arturia Keystep and Beatstep but got a bit scared to pop my beloved Babyface Pro into one of those things...


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

BabyFace Pro and TotalMix questions: In one of the main RME overview youtube videos, RME Babyface Pro Review, after 2:43, "control individual output levels" ...and mixmode that lets you adjust the input mix being sent to each output.
1. Which outputs, the 2 XLR outs or the headphone outs?
2. For example, it looks like the Total Mix allows me to turn up the drums and bass being sent to the output, so the guitarist can hear it better using the headphone out. Is this done in TotalMix?

Similar custom output mix questions: In this,, video on overdubbing, at 1:11, the "headphone mix:"
A. Could I use the babyface pro to route the bass guitar, simultaneous live recording audio, to the drummer's earbuds, in addition to prerecorded vocal and guitar parts? Would I need to calculate a 'recording offset value' and use it to fix latency?
B. Can the TotalMix GUI make one headphone mix out different than the 2nd headphone out?
C. Are there any bands or youtube profiles you are aware of made recordings using only the babyface and a PC/Mac, I can listen to?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

[Microphone not detected in windows, voip, OBS, games but fine in FLstudio and totalmix]


I've bought and set up my RME babyface pro yesterday and it works fine except for several things. I'll try to specify everything as I go but I appologize in advance if my post isn't correctly organised or if it lacks informations. For my pc and setup specs see at the end of the post. Everything that follows has been done in Full mode not in DAW mode (in totalmix).

What I did to set up the Babyface pro and try to fix the issue:

I - Setting up the DAC, drivers, firmware: I followed what the manual said.
II - Messed around with total mix. Mic is detected I can send it to my headphones (which are set as main) and hear it. It is picked up and working, so is the interface.
III - I tried to record stuff in FL Studio 12 to test if everything was okay and working. For that I changed my ASIO settings to ASIO fireface USB and it works fine.

IV - I then tried a VoIP call (via discord) and there the problem begins: the babyface is detected, I can hear people talking; but the mic is not detected even though I chose the right input in the options (I tried what they advice to try to fix the issues of mics not being detected)
V - To test the extent of the issue I launched a videogame (counter strike global offensive) which has a built in communication system to see if my mic was detected and working. I tried different setup but i can't use my mic in this situation too.
VI - I then took a look directly at windows and it doesn't pick up the audio from the mic but detects the DAC and all of it's I/O correctly. I setup AN1-2 as default input for voice in windows, didn't work.
VII - I tried to deactivate the audio drivers from my ASUS motherboard and the Realtekk ones, didn't change anything to the issues.
VIII - Tried CC mode and more routing tweaks via total mix, didn't work.

From there I don't know what to try anymore so I decided to post on this thread after trying to contact RME support via mail in the first place.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Thanks for taking the time to read this post and I hope I didn't miss something obvious.

PC specs:
Win10 64Bit Home OEM (on a SSD)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-Pro gamer
8Go DDR3 2133Mhz cas 9
Gtx 970

Audio setup: Babyface pro plugged in on of the motherboard usb ports; sm57 plugged via xlr to xlr to the AN1 input (tried AN2 same problem), DT770, no monitors currently


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

When you can't search this forum then Google 'Windows 10 microphone not working'.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The encoder on my Babyface Pro no longer maps properly to system volume when the Babyface Pro is selected as the output device, or keyboard up/down keys no longer map properly to TotalMix FX Main Out volume.

Now the Babyface Pro is muted before system volume is 0, and the encoder cannot set system volume to 0.

Not a big deal, but seems to be related to upgrading to High Sierra. I swear it worked before.

Anyone else notice this?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hey Guys,

Quick question...does anyone know if there's a way to get sound into the Babyface via the optical out of a Samsung intelligent TV?

I connected the required cable...I get a signal in TotalMix on AS 1/2 but it just looks like steady digital noise and I can't get any signal patched through to the headphones?

Thanks for your help,

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Maybe set TV audio digital output to PCM, not Dolby?

De gustibus - et sonus - non est disputandum

547 (edited by anton.a1 2018-10-29 05:24:16)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Edit: Ok, I got it to work thanks!

TV output set to Optical Out, and PCM.

Babyface setup:
Sample Rate: 48000 Hz
Clock Source: Optical In
Current Clock: SPDIF opt.

Input Status:
SPDIF opt. Sync 48 kHz

Not sure what change made the difference, as I was pretty sure I had the tv set to PCM the first time, but the output to the Babyface was digital noise.
This time, I plugged the TV side first, making sure I had a red light outputting from the end of the SPDIF/Tosslink, plugged it into the Babyface, and the settings adjusted themselves as far as I can tell.

I tried it again after looking at this article on a different but related subject matter (answer shown was posted by a user named Tenderboy):

"first of all connect the spdif out of the kemper with the spdif in of the UFX
then go to the settings dialog of the UFX-driver (that is where you also change the latency of the UFX and various other stuff)
select "spdif" as clock-source in the "clock-mode" section
now the rme-mixer should get a signal (without any clitches and clicks that would indicate a wrong clock)
open the rme-mixer:
you should see 3 rows of faders
the upper row is for the physical inputs
the middle row represents the software-inputs (were you route your signals from a DAW)
the bottom row represents the physical outputs of the UFX
so, you have to find the fader (if you don´t see faders but only meteres: there is a small arrow that opens the channel in all glory) for the SPDIF inputs in the upper row and route them to the physical outputs that go to your monitoring system
under the fader of the spdif-input there is a field that says something like "AN 1/2"
click on this field and you should get a popup where you can select where you want to route that input. select the output where your monitoring is and turn up the volume/fader and voilá
there you are
check that the fader on your outputchannel (bottom row) is also open!"


panatrope wrote:

Maybe set TV audio digital output to PCM, not Dolby?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi everybody
Here, just a few weeks with my BFpro.
I only use it on ipad pro (2017) Everything works fine: inputs, outputs, pres, converters, digital, analog... Total mix is a great tool once you spend a couple of hours to get to know it.

My only surprise has been today, when I unplugged the BFpro Power suply and noticed that when working in CC mode the unit doesn't need the power suply getting power from the camera kit (v 3.0) connected to my ipad pro -USB 2-. (taking into account that one channel has it's Phantom power on)

To me it doesn't make any difference between delivering power from the BFpro to the ipad or the other way around, (deliver power from the ipad using it`s power suply, of course) both ways need to plug one power suply (or Lipo Batteries that I haven't tested)

Any advice about using it in this way?, lack of quality? ADAT clicks? inestability?... As far as I'm trying through stereo analog outpus I haven't noticed any difference yet.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi. Would it be possible for a future firmware update to give the RME Babyface Pro USB recording using a USB stick?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Not sure whether you know this, you could make use of Global Record (Digicheck, Windows only).

Ok, its not like Durec to record directly to an USB stick, but its a very nice light-weight application that acts as an ASIO client and can very reliably record any "HW Input" and "Software Playback" channel of your recording interface.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10