Topic: Don't Drink and Compose :(

Managed to spill beer on my Babyface Pro on Saturday night, reached for the bottle, knocked it over and probably a few spoonfuls of beer hit the top of my BF Pro, i immediately turned it over but I don't think I unplugged it quick enough as some pretty crazy sounds came out of the speakers.

I dried it off and it's currently sitting in some rice, haven't plugged it back in yet. Any one been thru this? Any chance it will come out alive? Is it worth trying to get something like that repaired (is it even possible) or did I basically just ruin it?


Re: Don't Drink and Compose :(

If it doesn't recover send it in for a check. Repair is possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Don't Drink and Compose :(

Thanks MC,

Would I send it direct to you guys in Germany or is there a North American place by chance (Canada even better).


Re: Don't Drink and Compose :(

Erikson Audio
21000 TransCanada Highway
Baie D'Urfé
Québec, Canada
H9X 4B7
Phone: (514) 457 2555
Fax: (514) 457 0055

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Don't Drink and Compose :(


6 (edited by strangedays 2018-04-11 15:32:05)

Re: Don't Drink and Compose :(

Maybe the Babyface 3 could be waterproofed? Beer proof?

Always a worry!

I often wonder what the real price is of putting a PCB together like that in a device is.  After all most of the cost I imagine is for research, marketing and time - the parts themselves probably don't cost much except maybe the design for things like the case but resisters, capacitors cost very little.