1 (edited by johnnyalucard 2018-04-15 23:30:00)

Topic: ARC USB crashes Logic

Reposting this here as it might be more appropriate than the TotalMix forum..

I have a new RMS ARC USB which works totally fine other than when it is plugged in Logic crashes when it tries to open a finder window to open or save a project.

It happens all time when the ARC is plugged in and never when it isn't so I'm certain the ARC is causing the problem!

It seems to be giving the error "Invalid Connection ID 0"

Any suggestions?


I have narrowed it down to happening only when TotalMix FX (latest release) is running. Without it the ARC doesn't function so I'm screwed either way!

I have a mammoth session coming up where I was going to be relying on the ARC for workflow so any suggestions would be gratefully received!

2 (edited by ramses 2018-04-16 12:10:02)

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Could you kindly summarize the HW and Software being in use ?
Which Apple Model and MacOS X version ?
Which recording interface do you use (Firmware and driver version) ?
Which TotalMix FX version do you use, 1.43 ?

Could you kindly try TM FX 1.50 Beta 5 whether this makes a difference ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

3 (edited by johnnyalucard 2018-04-16 20:23:16)

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Thanks for your reply.

I just tried Totalmix FX 1.5 but the same problem occurs.

Software is Logic Pro 10.4.1

Hardware is..

Macbook Pro  OS 10.13.4

Model Name:    MacBook Pro
  Model Identifier:    MacBookPro11,3
  Processor Name:    Intel Core i7
  Processor Speed:    2.3 GHz
  Number of Processors:    1
  Total Number of Cores:    4
  L2 Cache (per Core):    256 KB
  L3 Cache:    6 MB
  Memory:    16 GB
  Boot ROM Version:    MBP112.0145.B00
  SMC Version (system):    2.19f12

RME Fireface 800 x 3
(from Fireface settings)
Version 3.33
Kernel driver v3.33

Master connected to mac via thunderbolt adapter to Firewire 800 thereafter daisychained via firewire 400

Configured as an aggregate device in Mac OS

FYI the finder window will appear after about 3 or 4 minutes of beachball when I go to "File/Open" and then I will get another 3 or 4 minutes of beachball if I cancel that Finder window.

I appreciate your help.


Re: ARC USB crashes Logic


An update on this.

The crash only happens when Novation Automap 4.8.0 is running.

I use this to map a Novation Impulse keyboard/controller which is important to my workflow.

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

This is not a RME issue.
This is an issue with Novation Automap / Cubase, similar like some VSTs also impact stability.

I also had problems with Novation Automap years ago in August 2013.
At that time I used a Novation Impulse 25 on a Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 recording interface.
Because of these Cubase instabilities under Windows 7 in combination with automap,
I decided not to use automap anymore. I tried different versions, also Betas and this didn't change.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

As it doesn’t happen with any other usb midi device and other than this automap has been totally stable for years, for me the issue is with the ARC.

I wonder if there is a fix for it?


Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

The ARC USB is a driver-less MIDI interface which shares some simple MIDI bytes with TotalMix FX when connected. If that causes Automap to crash then Automap seems to need an update.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by johnnyalucard 2018-04-17 17:57:45)

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Hi Matthias

I get your point and you are almost certainly correct I would have thought but I still wonder why no other usb midi devices cause a problem.

When I say the issue for me is with the ARC I simply mean that as the latest addition to an otherwise rock solid system, that provides useful but not absolutely necessary functionality, the ARC - maybe through no fault of its own - becomes the issue. So if one set of functionality has to go it will be the ARC for the moment.

I do love it but not enough to reconfigure my setup for now.

Still hoping someone might chime in with a fix! I can quit Automap or disconnect the ARC before performing and Open/Save functions in Logic and it all goes smoothly enough but of course I forget now and again so it is force quit time. I imagine there might be a more elegant workaround.


Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

You can also switch the ARC off within TotalMix ARC USB settings.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Thanks, Matthias. I’ll see if that does the trick.

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Fyi disabling the ARC doesn't work. It has to be unplugged.


Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Did you try this with TM FX 1.5 B5? It is a new behaviour in there that 'Disable PC connected ARC USB' completely stops transmission (ARC USB is freed after 3 seconds when not assigned to any interface). Easily to see, the DIM button LED will go off.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Ah ok. No I tried it with 1.43

I'll try it with 1.5 B5 later.

Thanks for your help Matthias

14 (edited by vinark 2018-04-18 17:06:30)

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

What also might help is that you make sure cubase does not use the arc midi driver. Go to the midi devices setup of cubase and make sure it is not listed in the all midi inputs of cubase. If the arc has both a midi in and out both should read as inactive.
Good luck!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

He uses Logic.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Thanks Vinark but Ramses is right. Using Logic here. Thank you for the "good luck" though - I think I may need it!

I can't find a way in Logic or Automap to disable or disregard the ARC as a midi input unfortunately.

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Ah set on the wrong foot by the automap crashing cubase post. But still it might be worthwhile to see if it is possible to exclude arc from logic. Or even the opposite connect the arc to a track. We don't know what is the interaction that causes the crash.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

I've looked at every way I can to map the ARC away from wherever the conflict is, Vinark. On OS X at least there doesn't seem to be a way.


Re: ARC USB crashes Logic


Matthias Carstens

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Hey that looks interesting, Matthias. I'll give that a go later.

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

That didn't work unfortunately.


Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

That trick works for Logic's MIDI input, but you said before the crash is caused by Automap so it can't help here.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

I wonder if anybody has any more ideas on this? It has been causing me endless problems!

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

An update on this.

I have noticed strange midi events in logic being recorded and the midi activity light in the control display indicates that midi activity is going on.

This is with Automap not running (fully disabled in fact) and the ARC controller plugged in as the only midi interface. When the ARC is unplugged the midi light indicates there is no activity.

I believe this means there is a problem between the ARC and Logic and has nothing to do with Automap as previously suggested!

Any further comments or help welcomed!!

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

we are having several issues with ARC and Logic

Severly annoying issue(s) Running LPX 10.4.1 on (10.12.6 )

Video of issue no 1 here: https://vimeo.com/278950067

Note if I click by all control surfaces it stops. However weirdly if I do this in certain projects this choice is not saved as a preference. The issue before we rebuilt our computer recently (Mac Pro dustbin rebuilt because of the issue 2 below) seemed to go once you initially select bypass control surfaces and it was remembered in preferences but now it seems to keep occurring.

the work around posted in this forum doesn't work for us, if we pull out the rme we don't get the issue. there was also one for cutting out channels coming in however as the arc sends multiple midi channel numbers as found out in midi monitor its not as easy

We use an RME ARC USB controller to control Totalmix master outs and workflow snapshots.

Issue 2: We are also suffering with usb keyboard drop outs which I suspect is related to this same issue. Our USB keyboard works fine and then quite quickly within a session it drops out of logic (but when this happens you can leave logic open and goto OSX Audio/Midi and test connection and the keyboard is still there and works with the test tone) but you need to close logic to get a reconnection. this doesn't happen in any other daw, is not the keyboard or usb or hub. very much likely related to this over all issue of two devices fighting against each other.

Since 10.4 upgrade logic picks up the midi signal from the RME. Using midi monitor the arc sends midi signals every millisecond as the volume encoder is endless so its always sending signal. The RME seems to send various midi channel signals ranging from 1-4 upward. I have seem this issue discussed with LPX the RME ARC on the RME forum with a workaround discussed but I can't solve it.

I have tried applying a monitor in the clicks and Ports but it doesn't work for me. I can see that if I play a usb keyboard that the keyboard and are are received on the same channel.

I have the possibility of changing the usb keyboard midi in channel etc if I can block something. My concern is that the RME ARC USB seems to be sending on multiple channels.

HELP this is driving me mad (yes we can stop it by bypassing control surfaces but this should not be happening.

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

Hi Tristan

At last! Someone to share my pain. It is totally not normal for a usb control surface to cause so many problems is it. I really think there is a problem with the implementation.

Regarding Clicks and Ports I tried the monitor solution too but it didn't work. What did seem to allay at least some of the problems is removing the connection from the "Sum" and individually connecting any external midi devices you need and leaving the ARC disconnected.. You have to do this for every project.

The latest problem I am getting is "Instrument “RME ARC” sends to a MIDI port named “RME ARC” of MIDI interface “RME ARC” which no longer exists." whenever I open a project.

Also the ARC seemed to have actually created a track in one project called RME ARC USB or something similar. God knows how.

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

yes we have issues here however I have had a breakthrough

we have an issue of our m audio or a novation controller keyboard losing connection within logic continuously, but if you leave logic open and test if the midi keyboard is connected still via the OS X audio and midi app it is still connected - the issue occurs when using logic not Ableton. We have removed the arc usb from the system for two days and have not had a single drop out

its the RME causing our problem

Re: ARC USB crashes Logic

I had the same. Novation keyboard would drop out and be a devil to reconnect. I was never quite sure what did the trick.

Now I am manually disconnecting everything but the specific midi devices I want in Clicks and Ports (ie not "Sum" or the ARC) it seems to be more stable.

Yes it must be the ARC that is causing the problem as when it is disconnected there is no issue.