Topic: FF802 sync with other gear?

I have been wondering does it matter if there is a lock in the settings window (input status) or not.

My setup is Fireface 802 + Octamic II for drums + 2x Focusrite ISA220 for vocals and bass (in stereo mode). I use Cakewalk Sonar and sometimes my songs are in 48kHz, sometimes 44.1kHz but always 24bit. The Octamic II is via ADAT and set for 48kHz. The ISA's are via AES and can be configured on the fly.

Should I make a locking when I start to record? Using the Clock Source drop down menu. It has been on "Internal" most of the time.

Re: FF802 sync with other gear?

You have three digital devices connected together all free-running. This is incorrect and will cause problems with the audio.

One unit should be the clock master (internal) and the others sync to clock signal from the master. You can keep the FF802 as the master, and run Word Clock to the other devices, then everything follows the sample rate of the project or file.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: FF802 sync with other gear?

Thanks for the quick answer. I will buy some BNC cables.
Quick googling gave me that a separate work clock device can make the sound tighter. How is the FF802 clock generator? Good enough or should I invest to something like Black Lion Audio Micro Clock MK2?

Re: FF802 sync with other gear?

No need, the 802 clock is excellent.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.