Topic: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

Hi Folks,

After lots of searching and reading on these forums I decided I needed to post a question as I am unable to resolve our issues.

I am having trouble getting our MADIFace USB units to work correctly when using them in an Aggregated pair with MacOS and some Digico SD7 Consoles.

Most of our projects require around 128 channels of recording / virtual soundcheck, and the console provides 4 MADI Coaxial I/O. I have two MADIFace USB devices that have been working perfectly for the years I have had them, but these were always used as individual 64CH recorders, one for main and one for backup. When I set these two devices up in an aggregate audio device, and then try and record, we are getting what sounds like unclocked audio coming back form the devices.

We are recording in Reaper, and the audio files don't contain this clocking hash, so its a playback issue. Both units are showing valid clock via the MADI Coax connection, both Hammerfall settings are set as usual.

Changing the "Drift" setting in the Audio Midi results in the audio becoming clocked and clean again, but only for a minute or so. I would have thought that as both MADIFace USB devices are receiving synchronous streams from the same Audio output of the console that Drift correction would not be required, but then OS X can be contradictory at times. We are getting to the point where the poor MADIFace's are becoming a liability and may need to be replaced with another unit, as we have tried everything we can to resolve this.

So... My question is to Mattias, and any others who have had experience with this scenario. What is the correct method of setting this up? And is it a reasonable expectation to consistently have 128CH via these two units?

Many thanks for your thoughts and assistance.



Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

Your setup is a bit unclear. Both MF USB are set to clock source MADI and show Sync constantly?

Note that two MF USB can not run on the same USB controller. What you describe is a typical resource / bandwidth problem.

Also which OS version and MF driver is this? Did you check the correct sample rate for the devices in the sound panel?

Matthias Carstens

Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

Hi Matthias,

The machines we are running are the MacBook Pro's 11,3, which have two USB ports ( though now looking at the system info, these two ports appear to be listed as one USB 3.0 Bus. )

- OS was 10.12, and now 10.13.
- Drivers and Firmware are both the most recent from the RME Site.

Both MF USB devices report valid sync, both on the LED, and in the Hammerfall Settings panel.

If the issue is indeed the fact that the MBP only has one USB Controller, would a Thunderbolt to USB cable be the solution?

Many thanks,



Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

Usual laptop technology is that one internal USB 3.0 is split into two independent USB 2 ports, so it should work.

You are on driver 3.03? Then please try driver 3.04: …

Matthias Carstens

Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

May I clarify that you believe that a MacBook Pro Retina 2015 is a valid machine for using two of your RME MADIFace devices together as an Aggregate Object?

I am presently on tour and didn't bring the MF USB's but I can see that we do indeed have V3.03. Shall try out the new version as later next week when we return. What does this 3.04 driver change?



Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

Hi There,

Have you ever got to the bottom of this..?

I am having similar issues.. tomorrow morning I will have the machine in front of me and will check what driver version I have..

Thank you


Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

Current driver is 3.08 (see this forum), current firmware is 24. …

Matthias Carstens

Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

Lomby82 wrote:

Hi There,
Have you ever got to the bottom of this..?

Sadly no - but in further field testing I am beginning to suspect its an issue that is specific to the DigiCo SD7 MADI and the RME units. All my 128CH records have been fine, but the output stream from record to console is what seems to lose clock and result in the distortion.


Re: MacOS Aggregate and MADIFace USB Issues

But you haven't tried this with driver 3.08 and firmware 24, right?

Matthias Carstens