Topic: RME ARC USB sending random MIDI information

I'm creating a new post about an old problem here.

Previously I was having all sorts of problems with the ARC USB crashing logic when Automap was running and couldn't find a solution to that other than disabling Automap which was a pain but more-or-less workable.

However I noticed thereafter that I was getting random midi information recorded in Logic which I put down to some sort of bug in Logic. I noticed after a while though that the midi indicator in logic was flashing when there was no midi information coming into it - or shouldn't have been.

When I disconnected the ARC it stopped and when I reconnected it again it started. So definitely random midi information is being sent from the ARC.

This isn't by design, surely? Is it a fault? Anything I can do about it?



Re: RME ARC USB sending random MIDI information

That is a fully normal behaviour for external keyboards as well as remote controllers - they need to communicate. Maybe this helps:

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME ARC USB sending random MIDI information

Yes I had tried that already. It didn’t work as the midi information from the ARC was still being picked up by Logic.

What did work was disconnecting the amalgamated midi connection and manually connecting the midi devices I wanted excluding the ARC of course.

You say it is normal behaviour but I don’t have any other midi devices that Logic indicates are sending midi information - certainly to this extent, it is a constant chatter - and particularly that result in this behaviour. Logic actually records this midi input if record is enabled - even on audio tracks(!) leaving large areas of green midi information superimposed on the blue audio information that have to be deleted manually after. This is not normal, surely? No other midi controller I have does this.

I can, as you say, disconnect the ARC from Logic but the fact the ARC is sending so much midi information concerns me.