Topic: How to run two devices (RME UCX & MOTU 828 MKII) simultaneously?

Hello everyone,
I try to run two sound devices simultaneously to have more audio inputs and outputs available in my DAW. The devices I am talking about are the RME UCX and a MOTU 828 MKII. I am working on a PC / WIN10. Is there any way I can set this up easily, and if so, how? Any detail on this would be highly appreciated. Many thanks in advance!

Re: How to run two devices (RME UCX & MOTU 828 MKII) simultaneously?

A DAW can't handle more than one ASIO driver.

Use UCX as primary device and clock master, connected to the PC.

Connect motu via ADAT, preferrably UCX as clock master (Steadyclock is superior).
Configure routing and route the channels via ADAT IN/OUT as you like.
If Motu supports standalone mode, you have to configure routing only once.
Otherwise you need to keep the MOTU driver/software installed to be able to reactivate the routing on each PC reboot.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

3 (edited by flomo 2018-07-05 08:19:32)

Re: How to run two devices (RME UCX & MOTU 828 MKII) simultaneously?

Thank you very much! Really appreciate the help as I have liliterally no experience in connecting devices like this.. Got some follow up Q's to this in your quote below.

ramses wrote:

A DAW can't handle more than one ASIO driver.

Use UCX as primary device and clock master, connected to the PC.

- I got the UCX running via USB already, will I need to change any specific setting at the device to run it as a master?

Connect motu via ADAT, preferrably UCX as clock master (Steadyclock is superior).

- How do I connect it via ADAT and what does 'Steadylock is superior' mean? big_smile

Configure routing and route the channels via ADAT IN/OUT as you like.

- I also am not really able to follow you on this one, is that a software mixer related task?

If Motu supports standalone mode, you have to configure routing only once.

- I think I can run the MOTU as a standalone device. It's a soundcard I have used before I got the RME and figured I shall put it at use again to have more ins and outs available... I found the following info on their site about this standalone topic if that is what you mean?:

Using the 828mkII & 896HD as standalone converters
Using the Firewire Cuemix Console, you can set the 828mkII or 896HD to be a standalone format converter.
The 828mkII and 896HD can pass through D/A or A/D audio even in standalone mode. Using the Firewire Cuemix Console, you can set up your 4 stereo busses to accommodate your conversion (the 828mkII can set up using the front panel's knobs as well).
For Digital to Analog, use Firewire Cuemix Console to:
Set Bus 1 to output to Analog 1-2
Set Bus 2 to output to Analog 3-4
Set Bus 3 to output to Analog 5-6
Set Bus 4 to output to Analog 7-8
On Bus 1, mute all channels except ADAT 1-2 and make sure the faders are up and the channels are hard-panned left and right
On Bus 2, mute all channels except ADAT 3-4 and make sure the faders are up and the channels are hard-panned left and right
On Bus 3, mute all channels except ADAT 5-6 and make sure the faders are up and the channels are hard-panned left and right
On Bus 4, mute all channels except ADAT 7-8 and make sure the faders are up and the channels are hard-panned left and right
This will route every incoming ADAT channel to a discrete analog output.
For Analog to Digital, do the same but switch your outputs to ADAT and activate the analog channels.

Otherwise you need to keep the MOTU driver/software installed to be able to reactivate the routing on each PC reboot.

- does this mean I will not need to install the motu drivers?

Re: How to run two devices (RME UCX & MOTU 828 MKII) simultaneously?

> I got the UCX running via USB already, will I need to change any specific setting at the device to run it as a master?
See RME driver settings dialog and RME handbook

> How do I connect it via ADAT
With a an optical cable (TOSLINK) which can usually be up to 15m long. The ones from Mutec are ok IMHO.

> what does 'Steadylock is superior' mean?
Do you know "google search" or did you every read your devices handbook ?

>  I also am not really able to follow you on this one, is that a software mixer related task?
Yes you need to configure the Motu to route i.e. its 8 analog inputs (or Mic Pres or whatever) to the ADAT out channel.
The ADAT OUT Channel of the MOTU is connected to the ADAT IN channel of your RME device.
There you see then the audio signals coming in as ADAT inputs ...

> does this mean I will not need to install the motu drivers?
I don't know how Motu packages their software.
RME driver installation also installs TM FX the routing software.
But I am pretty sure you have also the Handbook of the Motu available to read on your own, how software usually is being installed on the MOTU. If there is only the driver, then it should be clear that their routing software is included.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: How to run two devices (RME UCX & MOTU 828 MKII) simultaneously?

thanks man, all worked out smooth!

6 (edited by ramses 2018-07-10 18:33:52)

Re: How to run two devices (RME UCX & MOTU 828 MKII) simultaneously?

Nice to hear.

Information on "Steadyclock": … yclock.htm

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13