Topic: RME USB recording (ufx 2)


For some time im working on recording.
It all started when a friend asked a demo.
I was used to create something in ableton, playback roland duo capture. But rarely export to send it over to someone else.
So i jumped into mix,record,master,export adventure.
A lot of tech questions quickly raised.

When i mix on a soundcard i get the playback from the soundcard. So u mix on the values u hear there. This was the biggest mindfuck. How can your mix be good if what u hear gets rendered by the laptop/pc default hardware and not the hardware you're ears worked on?

Thats exaclty what happend. Everything i made was good trough my soundcard. Soon as i export to a WAV via ableton it was changed.
This is a know problem with1000 opinions on.

My only solution is, search a soundcard where u can export your mastered track on. As a alternative to abletons export.

This way u export a perfect copie of what u hear. And u dont let it change by rendering 0 1's.

My question: is the usb recorder on the ufx 2 good to let record a master track, send it to labels and post it on streaming media (SC, spotify).

Do i get a perfect WAV with the REAL mix without rendering shit?

2 (edited by ramses 2018-07-31 06:02:29)

Re: RME USB recording (ufx 2)

My recommendation to you is to get basic knowledge of recording, mixing and mastering 1st.
I have a certain feeling that you have information gaps which lead to wrong expectations and wrong workflow.

Advantages of recording interfaces are in general terms:

  • has a stable and performant ASIO driver with lower latency which fully bypasses the Windows audio system (which usually leads to quality degradations)

  • has a software mixer between the recording interface and your DAW program to control routing and supports you creating submixes for your connected phones and monitors

  • has all required analog and digital inputs and outputs that you require for your work

  • high quality I/O ports with excellent and transparent AD/DA conversion quality without modifying the signal

RME's recording interfaces have many advantages over the competition in the market and give customers a real value.

RME's recording interfaces are build with FPGAs which can be fully upgraded by firmware upgrades. Even USB connection is being performed by the FPGA which enables RME to fix everything compared to having a 3rd party communication chip, which is solid and can not be changed.

RME is also very open in terms of telling the customers technical information about the quality of the analog section.

If you buy an UFX II then its out of question that you will be able to record in good quality from its analog and digital ports.

In regards to your question about Durec. If you record something with Durec directly to an USB disk or pen device, then its the digital wave form which you get either by the A/D convers from the analog inputs or from a digital source.

As a recording engineer its later your task to make use of your DAW program to make a perfect mix and master, which requires additional skills and experience which is beyond "simply" buying a recording interface.

Your RME recording interfaces with TotalMix FX gives you best support in terms of
- high quality driver and recordings (AD/DA)
- excellent mixer software TM FX
- additional features like Durec, Autoset
- Digicheck analysis tools and Global Record as an alternative to DAW recording
- stand alone operation features

Durec you can use stand-alone as "tape deck" or as an additional backup solution (in parallel recording shall PC have problems and should become stuck).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME USB recording (ufx 2)

Thank you for the fast reply.
I understand the advantage of a soundcard with the terms u brought up. Makes completly sense that u bypass windows to listen what u make.
So when u bypass windows to listen and work. why not bypass windows to generate a wav?

I also understand workflow
Fist off chose you're hardware (synth,vst,...).
Compose it
Mix the db levels / with EQ
Add flavor with compression, saturation.
Master in the wav recorded mix
Maybe eq here and there a nice fade in fade out.
But most of it should be done in mix.

Normaly after all the hard work you let your computer render it all into a wav...
I also want to bypass that. I dont want my windows pc let do that.
So thats why i thought record my master into ufx2 and use that file to distribute.

What exactly does my pc when i click export?
What software or hardware gets triggered?
It uses also A/D convertion or something like that right?

Greetz Tsurie

ramses wrote:

My recommendation to you is to get basic knowledge of recording, mixing and mastering 1st.
I have a certain feeling that you have information gaps which lead to wrong expectations and wrong workflow.

Advantages of recording interfaces are in general terms:

  • has a stable and performant ASIO driver with lower latency which fully bypasses the Windows audio system (which usually leads to quality degradations)

  • has a software mixer between the recording interface and your DAW program to control routing and supports you creating submixes for your connected phones and monitors

  • has all required analog and digital inputs and outputs that you require for your work

  • high quality I/O ports with excellent and transparent AD/DA conversion quality without modifying the signal

RME's recording interfaces have many advantages over the competition in the market and give customers a real value.

RME's recording interfaces are build with FPGAs which can be fully upgraded by firmware upgrades. Even USB connection is being performed by the FPGA which enables RME to fix everything compared to having a 3rd party communication chip, which is solid and can not be changed.

RME is also very open in terms of telling the customers technical information about the quality of the analog section.

If you buy an UFX II then its out of question that you will be able to record in good quality from its analog and digital ports.

In regards to your question about Durec. If you record something with Durec directly to an USB disk or pen device, then its the digital wave form which you get either by the A/D convers from the analog inputs or from a digital source.

As a recording engineer its later your task to make use of your DAW program to make a perfect mix and master, which requires additional skills and experience which is beyond "simply" buying a recording interface.

Your RME recording interfaces with TotalMix FX gives you best support in terms of
- high quality driver and recordings (AD/DA)
- excellent mixer software TM FX
- additional features like Durec, Autoset
- Digicheck analysis tools and Global Record as an alternative to DAW recording
- stand alone operation features

Durec you can use stand-alone as "tape deck" or as an additional backup solution (in parallel recording shall PC have problems and should become stuck).

Re: RME USB recording (ufx 2)

Sorry, but many of your "assumptions" are wrong.
I propose that you get 1st some consultancy from people in a recording forum or from a nearby shop.
Then I am happy to support you to find the proper product for you.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME USB recording (ufx 2)

I take my journey further.

But advising complex and expensive products to people without being able to answer to their questions is not logic to me.

ramses wrote:

Sorry, but many of your "assumptions" are wrong.
I propose that you get 1st some consultancy from people in a recording forum or from a nearby shop.
Then I am happy to support you to find the proper product for you.

6 (edited by ramses 2018-08-01 14:23:57)

Re: RME USB recording (ufx 2)

Sorry, but I do not have the time to explain to you recording, as its not being said in "three words".

This is your own responsibility to take care about this (to get at least basic knowledge).

This is a vendor forum about RME devices, the objective here is about RME devices.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13