Topic: Mojave and HDSPe MADI or TotalMix

Hi all

I have problems with either TotalMix or my HDSPe card.
After updating to Mojave I am not able to get sound back from my Ferrofish A32.

In TotalMix sound goes out and in - but no return sound in Logic og HarrisonMixbus.

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance

Re: Mojave and HDSPe MADI or TotalMix

Hi there,

Don't know if this is related but I cannot get Digicheck to work. Well Digicheck it self works when I go in to hardware mode but this is not available anywhere else than for the global meters. The conclusion I draw is that there seems to be a problem with Core audio support that is not working under Mojave for some reason. This is the engine that HarrisonMixbus use at least use on a Mac so it may be something in this direction.

I have of course no remedy to it but maybe some one can shed some light... smile if it is even related.

Re: Mojave and HDSPe MADI or TotalMix

Hi again!

What solved my issue was nothing less than granting Digicheck access to my microphone............ ok.... no matter what, what ever rocks its boat, I'll do it.

It is done under System Preferences /Security&Privacy/click the privacy "tab" -> choose microphone -> there you should see Mixbus and Logic as well as DIGICheck in my case. All need access to the microphone.

I am on different HW so it may be specific things for those you got, but if you had it working in HS and now suddenly in Mojave there is problem to get signal in to a software, chances are you need to grant access to the microphone (I am still a bit "wow, really??" for that one).

Hope this little finding helps you as well!



Re: Mojave and HDSPe MADI or TotalMix

That did it - very strange - but I don't care smile

Both DAWs working as usual now.

Thanks a lot!!

Re: Mojave and HDSPe MADI or TotalMix

Looks like teh current driver do not work properly under macOS Mojave.
I get alot crashes here as well.


Re: Mojave and HDSPe MADI or TotalMix

The current drivers are fully compatible to Mojave. Furthermore nobody in this thread mentioned 'crashes' at all. If you have problems open a new thread and describe the issues in detail.

Matthias Carstens