1 (edited by newt 2018-10-04 14:06:39)

Topic: babyface/fireface uc adat problems with usb interface selection


Update: Ok I found a setting in the about section which states sort asio devices, and when I sort it lexographical ascending order seems to sort so the fireface uc is at the top. However, if I unplug and replugin the babyface, ableton crashes.

I have a problem in that the DAW (ableton), selects the last plugged in USB. Sometimes this is the babyface. If I change anything in the settings it resets everything, so the babyface again is selected instead of the fireface uc.

It seems that by default the babyface is always selected if both are plugged in. I wish it could be the other way around!

I'm on windows and I've connected my babyface to the fireface uc via two adat cables. They are set so that babyface uses internal clock and the uc gets it's clock from the babyface (optical in to the uc).

I cant seem to run the babyface without a usb connection too, so it has to be connected.

Would be grateful for any insights into how this could be resolved so that the fireface uc is always selected as the primary sound interface.


Re: babyface/fireface uc adat problems with usb interface selection

Are you aware that this feature only re-sorts the ASIO device channels? And that you shouldn't use a DAW while un- or re-plugging interfaces?

Matthias Carstens