Topic: Disable AES Fireface 802

I guess my fireface 802 have a serious trouble with AES. No way to feed the card with AES in. (out is ok) the AES green light never switch on and no sound
Anyway maybe i missed something but is there a way to disable AES ?
Thanks for your help Géry


Re: Disable AES Fireface 802

If you have set the AES Input Source to AES in the Settings dialog, feed AES and it stlil doesn't show any Lock or Sync indication in the Settings dialog, then the unit seems defective and should be serviced.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Disable AES Fireface 802

Thanks MC you made my day.
My card was in AES Input ADAT2 and now it work properly. I never noticed this menu before
So now, what's the difference beetwen AES Out professional and Consumer ?

Re: Disable AES Fireface 802

Professional is normal AES/EBU. Consumer lowers the output voltage for better compatibility with a S/PDIF input.

S/PDIF and AES/EBU are essentially the same signal, but operating on different electrical voltage.

See pg. 43 in the manual for more detail:

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.