Topic: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

The USB cable pulls right out of the USB connector on the side of my barely-used Babyface Pro pretty much effortlessly. If I place the Babyface Pro on my desk, I am able to pull the connector out just by pulling on the cable (if using a straight connector) very gently. I don't even need to hold the unit with my other hand. The connector simply slides out, no "notch" or "click" like USB connectors usually do. Is this normal?

I've just tried other USB cables with my BBFP and it's the same, so it seems to be a problem with the socket.

I've had several pieces of gear where the USB connector was too tight initially, so I'm a bit surprised my Babyface Pro, being almost brand-new, the connector is extremely lose. The connector on my Fireface UFX is nice and snug like you'd expect.

Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

I can not judge if it is very loose, but I have never had a normal size USB connector notch or click. Some of the mobile micro connectors do click but they are very small.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

The Babyface Pro comes with a right-angled, super stable lock-style fitting cable. If that is too short get yourself a USB 3 extension cable to extend it, and you won't have that problem.

Matthias Carstens

4 (edited by Manuel 2018-11-24 10:05:54)

Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

Maybe I didn't explain that properly.

vinark wrote:

I can not judge if it is very loose, but I have never had a normal size USB connector notch or click. Some of the mobile micro connectors do click but they are very small.

To judge if it's very loose you can compare the Babyface Pro with any other USB piece of gear fitted with a USB 2.0 Type-B receptacle and that's as heavy or heavier than the Babyface Pro. Gently pull on the cable—the connector shouldn't come out, and you'll probably end up dragging the unit. The USB receptacle on the Babyface Pro looks pretty standard, nothing special about it.

All USB 2.0 Type-B plugs have a couple of bumps on the sides of the metal shield. The corresponding Type-B receptacle has two metal tabs that engage said bumps to prevent the plug from sliding out thereby securing the connection. In mine, said tabs appear to be bent away from the centre of the receptacle as opposed to towards it like on other receptacles I've just checked with a light torch. And there is a distinct—albeit perhaps not audible—click or force bump when the plug is inserted and extracted. Frankly I'm surprised you've never noticed. In fact, all USB connectors, Type-A, Type-B, Type-C, micro, etc feature the force bump.

MC wrote:

The Babyface Pro comes with a right-angled, super stable lock-style fitting cable. If that is too short get yourself a USB 3 extension cable to extend it, and you won't have that problem.

The problem is not cable length, in fact the supplied cable is perfect for laptop use. The problem is that the USB receptacle on my unit fails to hold the connector in place. The words "super stable lock-style fitting cable" don't sound anything like what I'm experiencing. This is not a subjective assessment, I have other gear that's heavier than the Babyface Pro and I can basically lift the unit by the USB cable no problem, whereas with the Babyface a small amount of pull on the USB cable and it slides right out, hardly any friction.


Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

Sounds like you never inserted the supplied cable all the way into the housing. I can easily lift it grabbing the cable and play boomerang...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

MC wrote:

Sounds like you never inserted the supplied cable all the way into the housing. I can easily lift it grabbing the cable and play boomerang...

Just double-ckecked. Connector is definitely inserted all the way into the housing. Absolutely 100% sure. Lifting the unit by the cable most definitely not happening. I can lift my Novation Launchpad S (738 g) by the cable no problem, or drag it along my desk. Babyface Pro (686 g)  doesn't even move on a desk, the connector slides right out. What do I do next?


Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

Contact your local dealer or distributor to find out what's wrong. Nothing I can do from here.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

Thanks MC, will do that. Just curious, I purchased my unit through (UK based) which was delivered to my address in Spain. Will the local Spanish support centre be able to help or do I need to contact the original retailer? (not looking forward to shipping the thing back and forth across Europe)


Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

Please contact spanish support, they should be able to check the unit and original cable for you (please provide both).

Matthias Carstens


Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

I wrote two emails to the address that you gave in this forum. Did you receive them?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro USB connector too loose, normal?

MC wrote:

I wrote two emails to the address that you gave in this forum. Did you receive them?

Hi Matthias! Sorry I just saw your emails. My VPN provider has been experiencing some issues recently and my email client was unable to connect to the IMAP server for several days (I live in China). Seems to be back to normal now. I'm replying to your email now. Thanks smile