101 (edited by JL 2018-11-08 00:29:05)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Just a quick update to this.. I just tried firewire connection and it solved all the problems, no glitches at all in a six hour session with my live setup. With usb i had major sound breakup at least once in 30 minutes.

My setup is macbook pro i9 2018, apple thunderbolt 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter - apple thunderbolt 2 to firewire adapter - firewire 800 to firewire 400 cable - rme UFX. Project is my live setup in ableton live running 20-30 plugins, 8 fx sends hovering at a bit over 20% cpu according to ableton's meter. My old 2012 macbook handled it with no problems with cpu around 30%.

Only the connection was changed, everything else was unchanged. Nothing disabled in the os, mostly running ableton only, but occasionally checking tracks on VLC player, VNC connection to mixing desk and totalmix was running most of time, wifi for ableton link, but that's about it.

I still hope for working USB one day though, does not feel like too much to ask in 2018.

102 (edited by mjfe87 2018-11-08 11:50:46)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

JL wrote:

Just a quick update to this.. I just tried firewire connection and it solved all the problems, no glitches at all in a six hour session with my live setup. With usb i had major sound breakup at least once in 30 minutes.

My setup is macbook pro i9 2018, apple thunderbolt 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter - apple thunderbolt 2 to firewire adapter - firewire 800 to firewire 400 cable - rme UFX. Project is my live setup in ableton live running 20-30 plugins, 8 fx sends hovering at a bit over 20% cpu according to ableton's meter. My old 2012 macbook handled it with no problems with cpu around 30%.

Only the connection was changed, everything else was unchanged. Nothing disabled in the os, mostly running ableton only, but occasionally checking tracks on VLC player, VNC connection to mixing desk and totalmix was running most of time, wifi for ableton link, but that's about it.

I still hope for working USB one day though, does not feel like too much to ask in 2018.

I wonder if the common factor here is Ableton?  We've run MADIface Pros and XTs with no problem since Apple's latest OSX update to 10.13.6

Or are you on Mojave?  There hasn't been any reports of whether the problem is fixed here or not...

Weirdly, the one interface that's not working flawlessly for us is the ADI-2 Pro FS which glitches every couple of hours or so on playback.

I tried updating to firmware 88 but it's still doing it, so I wonder if Apple have unresolved problems with Class Compliant audio?

It'd be great to hear from RME on these issues smile

Eastwood Records


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I don't know about ableton, i'm having problems with reaper too. My guess is ableton could be spiking cpu more than other daws, but that's not based on actual knowledge or understanding how it really works.

When you reported no problems earlier with Madiface XT i thought if it could be because of USB 3 instead of 2, but then again Madiface pro is USB 2... What daw are you using?

Yeah info from RME would be great, now there's this: "3.10 includes some improvements and an updated TotalMix FX 1.52, but does not fix the audio problems on current MacBook Pro 2018 models as reported here in the forum, this needs to be fixed by Apple." Basically it means that apple 2018 and rme usb products are not compatible at this point, but would be fair if it was a bit more clear.

I understand people who may have working systems don't rush to forums just to state their hw works as it should, but would sure be nice to hear if someone actually has a working combination. Like you apparently have with Madiface Pro... I wonder what's different there? Also wondering if thunderbolt connection in UFX+ would be a workaround or is it just a different cable and actually a usb connection?

104 (edited by hydrogen 2018-11-08 18:21:30)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

JL wrote:

Just a quick update to this.. I just tried firewire connection and it solved all the problems, no glitches at all in a six hour session with my live setup. With usb i had major sound breakup at least once in 30 minutes.

Thanks for the recommendation. I got the couple dongles and plugged in the fireface 400 seems to work. Will report back soon.
(It’s a little frustrating to have 1 foot of dongles sticking out the side.)

In the same boat as people in this thread with a Fireface UC / Macbookpro i7 mid 2017. High Sierra car pre-installed. New drivers helped a lot but it’s not RME level good.

The 3.10 driver helped a lot with the UC audio bitcrush/glitched. Now, occasionally I get the skip/blip thing. It’s on par with any VST buffer issues so I’m having trouble knowing where the issue is now.

Is there anything we can do to help? I’m quite surprised to be honest. Switching  to RME 10 years ago was one of the best things I’ve ever done for my audio, Buying a UC for the new macbookpro maybe one of the worst. (For now) I’d be happy to help somehow, offering to drive down to Apple.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

JL wrote:

When you reported no problems earlier with Madiface XT i thought if it could be because of USB 3 instead of 2, but then again Madiface pro is USB 2... What daw are you using?

We're using Reaper and genuine Apple USB-C/A adapters...

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Unfortunately our machine has started glitching again (since I installed a second, unnumbered supplemental update to macOS 10.13.6).

We were recording a concert with 8 channels at 88.2k via a MADIface Pro and the performance meter in Reaper never went above 5% even when it glitched. V frustrating.

Interestingly, Activity Monitor showed c. 22% use of cpu for Reaper but overall cpu use matched Reaper’s measure (5%). Can anyone explain this discrepancy?

In rehearsal I also noticed switching on WiFi made the recording glitch for a moment, whereas our 2010 MacBook Pro never had this problem. I wouldn’t do this during a concert but it does suggest a different prioritising of background processes in each computer.

I will test Mojave ASAP and report back. However, it would be much appreciated to hear from RME on their own tests with 2018 MBP’s. I’m currently lumbered with a very expensive and inadequate recording system.

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?


Is there any further news on this? I'm currently running on a 2018 MacBook Pro under macOS 10.13.6 with the Battery kext disabled, and with my Babyface Pro running in CC mode - but still I'm getting glitches.

Is 10.14.0 / 10.14.1 / 10.14.2 beta any better in this respect?


108 (edited by mjfe87 2018-11-29 16:46:58)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

MoisiePants wrote:


Is there any further news on this? I'm currently running on a 2018 MacBook Pro under macOS 10.13.6 with the Battery kext disabled, and with my Babyface Pro running in CC mode - but still I'm getting glitches.

Is 10.14.0 / 10.14.1 / 10.14.2 beta any better in this respect?


We managed a successful 4-track session last night at 44.1k with a UFX on 10.14.1. However none of the takes were longer than three minutes.

The ADI-2 Pro glitches far more frequently on playback and that’s CC.

Are RME able to comment on their latest findings please?

And what’s the best way to diagnose the glitches on OS X? Is there a summary view in console? Or some reliable text (eg ‘coreaudio’?) to search for within the log at the timecode of the glitch?

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Has anyone tried the MADIface XT on a 2018 MBP whilst monitoring CRC errors?

I had yet another glitch when playing back audio through the AD-2 Pro yesterday. Anyone else recognise these messages in OSX Console?

IOAudioEngineUserClient[<private>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
default    22:47:02.313312 +0000    kernel    - IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
default    22:47:02.319747 +0000    kernel    IOAudioEngineUserClient[<private>] - AUDIO OFFLINE. online=1. state=1. loopCount=0, lastLoopTime=0
error    22:47:02.319776 +0000    coreaudiod    HALS_IOA1Engine.cpp:365:EndWriting:  HALS_IOA1Engine::EndWriting: got an error from the kernel trap, Error: 0xE00002D7
default    22:47:02.319843 +0000    DVD Player    HALC_ProxyIOContext.cpp:1068:IOWorkLoop:  HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop: skipping cycle due to overload
default    22:47:02.331742 +0000    kernel    IOAudioEngineUserClient[<private>] - AUDIO OFFLINE. online=1. state=1. loopCount=0, lastLoopTime=0
error    22:47:02.331813 +0000    coreaudiod    HALS_IOA1Engine.cpp:365:EndWriting:  HALS_IOA1Engine::EndWriting: got an error from the kernel trap, Error: 0xE00002D7
default    22:47:02.331965 +0000    DVD Player    HALC_ProxyIOContext.cpp:1068:IOWorkLoop:  HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop: skipping cycle due to overload
error    22:47:02.343932 +0000    coreaudiod    HALS_IOA1Engine.cpp:365:EndWriting:  HALS_IOA1Engine::EndWriting: got an error from the kernel trap, Error: 0xE00002D7
default    22:47:02.344076 +0000    DVD Player    HALC_ProxyIOContext.cpp:1068:IOWorkLoop:  HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop: skipping cycle due to overload
default    22:47:02.343869 +0000    kernel    IOAudioEngineUserClient[<private>] - AUDIO OFFLINE. online=1. state=1. loopCount=0, lastLoopTime=0
default    22:47:02.356697 +0000    coreaudiod    HALS_OverloadMessage.cpp:165:perform:  Audio IO Overload inputs: 'AppleUSBAudioEngine:RME:ADI-2 Pro (558)1,2' outputs: 'AppleUSBAudioEngine:RME:ADI-2 Pro (558)1,2' cause: 'Unknown' prewarming: no recovering: no
default    22:47:02.442739 +0000    kernel    USB Sound assertion (Output Fell Behind) in /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleUSBAudio/AppleUSBAudio-315.6/AppleUSBAudioDevice.cpp at line 6507
default    22:47:02.442790 +0000    kernel    USB Sound assertion (Resetting engine due to error returned in Write Handler) in /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleUSBAudio/AppleUSBAudio-315.6/AppleUSBAudioDevice.cpp at line 6520
default    22:47:02.459373 +0000    mediaremoted    Added com.apple.DVDPlayer-5360 as possible now playing application.
default    22:47:02.459629 +0000    DVD Player    [NowPlayingInfo] Setting identical nowPlayingInfo, skipping update.
default    22:47:03.460725 +0000    DVD Player    [NowPlayingInfo] Setting identical nowPlayingInfo, skipping update.
default    22:47:03.460430 +0000    mediaremoted    Added com.apple.DVDPlayer-5360 as possible now playing application.
Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Does anyone have the UFX+ with thunderbolt? Wondering if this is working without issue on the newer Macs. I have a 2018 Mac Mini and the older UFX and on occasion experience a glitch in the audio. Happens maybe once a day, but this never happened on my older Mac Pro.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Hey there.
I too am having audio drop-outs and glitches.

Babyface Pro
Latest RME drivers and software
Connected via Apple USB-A to C adapter
I've swapped cables and adapters

MBP 2018 TB 15" 2.9 i9 / 32G Ram / Radeon 560x
Mojave 10.14.1
Listening primarily on headphones

Experience the issue with YouTube, iTunes, gaming, Ableton 10.

Does not seem to happen with built in audio jack.

I've been watching this thread with interest. I hope some RME can provide some sort of update as to progress or lack thereof.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?


Yes, everything from YouTube to iTunes to my DAW Cubase.

RME UFX Orginal Model
2018 Mac Mini
MacOS Mojave 12.14.1
Connected via USB.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Swapped out a Zoom H5 in interface mode connected to the same system via mini USB and don't seem to be experiencing the same issues. May have heard a very small drop-out but may also have been the actual source audio.

Deleted NVRAM, swapped BFP back in and got another glitch within about fifteen minutes watching YouTube videos.

asterox wrote:

Hey there.
I too am having audio drop-outs and glitches.

Babyface Pro
Latest RME drivers and software
Connected via Apple USB-A to C adapter
I've swapped cables and adapters

MBP 2018 TB 15" 2.9 i9 / 32G Ram / Radeon 560x
Mojave 10.14.1
Listening primarily on headphones

Experience the issue with YouTube, iTunes, gaming, Ableton 10.

Does not seem to happen with built in audio jack.

I've been watching this thread with interest. I hope some RME can provide some sort of update as to progress or lack thereof.

114 (edited by Yorrrrrr 2018-12-04 03:20:25)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Sigh. Is there any hope the issues with Babyface Pro on 2018 Macbook Pro's is ever going to be fixed?. I don't want to get rid of the BF Pro, it is amazing in every aspect, except this annoying issue. What does Apple say?

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Deleted NVRAM. Uninstalled all RME software. Unplugged BFP. Restarted. Reinstalled all RME software. Restarted. Connected BFP. So far, so good. Will see how the next couple days go.

asterox wrote:

Swapped out a Zoom H5 in interface mode connected to the same system via mini USB and don't seem to be experiencing the same issues. May have heard a very small drop-out but may also have been the actual source audio.

Deleted NVRAM, swapped BFP back in and got another glitch within about fifteen minutes watching YouTube videos.

asterox wrote:

Hey there.
I too am having audio drop-outs and glitches.

Babyface Pro
Latest RME drivers and software
Connected via Apple USB-A to C adapter
I've swapped cables and adapters

MBP 2018 TB 15" 2.9 i9 / 32G Ram / Radeon 560x
Mojave 10.14.1
Listening primarily on headphones

Experience the issue with YouTube, iTunes, gaming, Ableton 10.

Does not seem to happen with built in audio jack.

I've been watching this thread with interest. I hope some RME can provide some sort of update as to progress or lack thereof.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Well that was fast.
Loaded up Ableton 10 project.
48khz, 128 buffer, CPU around 20%
static, glitches and drop-outs within a few minutes of playback.

asterox wrote:

Deleted NVRAM. Uninstalled all RME software. Unplugged BFP. Restarted. Reinstalled all RME software. Restarted. Connected BFP. So far, so good. Will see how the next couple days go.

asterox wrote:

Swapped out a Zoom H5 in interface mode connected to the same system via mini USB and don't seem to be experiencing the same issues. May have heard a very small drop-out but may also have been the actual source audio.

Deleted NVRAM, swapped BFP back in and got another glitch within about fifteen minutes watching YouTube videos.

asterox wrote:

Hey there.
I too am having audio drop-outs and glitches.

Babyface Pro
Latest RME drivers and software
Connected via Apple USB-A to C adapter
I've swapped cables and adapters

MBP 2018 TB 15" 2.9 i9 / 32G Ram / Radeon 560x
Mojave 10.14.1
Listening primarily on headphones

Experience the issue with YouTube, iTunes, gaming, Ableton 10.

Does not seem to happen with built in audio jack.

I've been watching this thread with interest. I hope some RME can provide some sort of update as to progress or lack thereof.

117 (edited by Timur Born 2018-12-04 08:52:35)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Try to apply more CPU load while running Ableton Live. Use this tool to apply at least 20% additional CPU load while Live is running, experiment with different loads and number of cores.


Does it make a difference?

Also make sure to try disabling the Timed daemon.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Thanks all for your input. I’m going to log a formal complaint with Apple today having logged 6 or 7 glitches in OS X Console over the last few days.

I’d be grateful if you guys could log these glitches too as I’m not testing the Babyface Pro or UFX. Basically open Console and leave it running. As soon as you hear a glitch, note the time and enter it into Console (after you hit return you can select ‘date and time’ as search field) before copying all the command lines for that minute. There will be several hundred so it’s worth pasting them into a Google Doc or equivalent.

Apple’s technical team will then be able to log the bug formally and escalate it to the relevant software developers. It’s likely to be fixable in an OS X update though I’d appreciate more detail from those who think it may be a hardware issue related to the new T2 chip in MBP, Air and Mini. Has anyone tried the 12” MacBook?

Until we report the glitch properly Apple will continue offering generic advice about resetting NVRAM etc, rather than taking responsibility for a pretty major audio bug.

Timur Born wrote:

Also make sure to try disabling the Timed daemon.

Sorry, what’s this? Thanks in advance!

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

See this post for how another user disabled the timed service/daemon: https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopi … 39#p134239

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Not sure if it'll last but I've also disabled iStats Menu and World Clock menu bar items just by way of experimentation. Haven't heard a glitch in a little while. Will keep tabs on it.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Went most of the day but had another this evening. Gathering logs.

asterox wrote:

Not sure if it'll last but I've also disabled iStats Menu and World Clock menu bar items just by way of experimentation. Haven't heard a glitch in a little while. Will keep tabs on it.

122 (edited by Yorrrrrr 2018-12-07 22:15:32)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Any change with the just released Mojave 10.14.2?

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Will monitor and see.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Seems better but still getting dropouts, glitches.
I am swapping out the RME Babyface Pro cable with a generic one - I'd tested cables prior but recently, having re-connected the standard RME cable, I felt like I was seeing more frequent dropouts. I pretty much feel like I'm clutching at straws though.

I have been saving console logs though.

Anyone have anything else to report for better or worse?

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Had to sell my Babyface Pro, but I hope to get another soon, when the issues are solved. I loved that thing.

126 (edited by JL 2018-12-09 17:44:16)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I think silence or attitude from RME side is not very well played, never mind who's fault this is. They should have compability chart first thing on the website clearly showing that 2018 macbook pros and mac mini's are not compatible with their usb products. Also not clear if any touchbar mbp's with later than sierra is really ok. Also unanswered is if rme's thunderbolt or usb 3 interfaces work better or not. Based on what's in gearslutz and uaudio and motu forums UAudio, Antelope or Metric Halo thunderbolt interfaces work fine, although at least Uaudio and Motu also have problems with usb. Generally now only speaking about 2018 mac's, as they seem to be the worst.

Steady playback and record should not be special feature under normal loads. I know for sure my 2012 macbook with high sierra never had a glitch with moderate loads with usb connection (UCX, UFX). As doesn't my 2018 macbook pro with high sierra and rme UFX with firewire connection.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Well still getting drop-outs.
Not sure how best to proceed at this point.
I will likely have to look for a different device, perhaps a thunderbolt interface.

RME - if there is any further information on this issue, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone in the forum for the information.

128 (edited by amc654 2018-12-13 14:13:48)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I have a brand-new 15" 2018 MBP, and I've had consistent problems w/ my UC via USB-C. The interface periodically and unpredictably simply stops working—audio playback stops (this happens regardless of what the audio source is or what software I might be running), and it doesn't seem possible to get the UC to reconnect without turning off the RME and restarting the laptop. I've had the same issue both with a direct USB-C cable connection and with a USB-C hub (w/ the originally supplied USB cable), and the problem happens whether or not the hub is plugged in, and whether the laptop is powered directly or via the passthrough on the hub. I have an external monitor through a USB to DisplayPort cable, but the problem happens also without the external monitor.

The direct USB-C to USB-B cable is an overpriced one from Belkin (to replace a cheaper one I sent back b/c I was having similar issues).

Mojave 10.14.1, Fireface firmware and driver are both the most recent versions.

It's obviously a disconcerting problem! At the moment it's just affecting playback at home, but I need to figure out how to solve the problem before I'm performing or recording with this setup!

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I'm currently trying this cable:
https://store.djtechtools.com/products/ … bles-usb-c

as it's a new cable and has a direct usb-c connection without adapter/dongle. not super optimistic but hopefully at least put a couple variables to rest. will report.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

so much for the cable.


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I have djtechtools usb - usc-c cables as well. For me the performance was equal to the apple adapter, so it did not help glitching, will have to continue using firewire. Seems like a good cable though and it's always nice not to use an extra adapter.

asterox wrote:

I'm currently trying this cable:
https://store.djtechtools.com/products/ … bles-usb-c

as it's a new cable and has a direct usb-c connection without adapter/dongle. not super optimistic but hopefully at least put a couple variables to rest. will report.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

amc654 wrote:

I have a brand-new 15" 2018 MBP, and I've had consistent problems w/ my UC via USB-C. The interface periodically and unpredictably simply stops working—audio playback stops (this happens regardless of what the audio source is or what software I might be running), and it doesn't seem possible to get the UC to reconnect without turning off the RME and restarting the laptop. I've had the same issue both with a direct USB-C cable connection and with a USB-C hub (w/ the originally supplied USB cable), and the problem happens whether or not the hub is plugged in, and whether the laptop is powered directly or via the passthrough on the hub. I have an external monitor through a USB to DisplayPort cable, but the problem happens also without the external monitor.

The direct USB-C to USB-B cable is an overpriced one from Belkin (to replace a cheaper one I sent back b/c I was having similar issues).

Mojave 10.14.1, Fireface firmware and driver are both the most recent versions.

It's obviously a disconcerting problem! At the moment it's just affecting playback at home, but I need to figure out how to solve the problem before I'm performing or recording with this setup!

same here..
crashes every hour, but with babyface pro on mac os 10.13.6
drives me crazy.. I have noticed that the crash kills everything plugged in at the thunderbolt 3 port. I have a 2,4Ghz send stick for my G900 mouse, that sits in the same usb-c to usb-b hub. It stops working aswell, after the rme crash.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I got a Universal Audio Arrow (thunderbolt 3) in for comparison. Nice little unit but also makes me appreciate RME's strengths.

My BFP is giving me the stinkeye from the corner of the desk...


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

asterox wrote:

I got a Universal Audio Arrow (thunderbolt 3) in for comparison. Nice little unit but also makes me appreciate RME's strengths.

My BFP is giving me the stinkeye from the corner of the desk...


Can you elaborate on that? I'm looking for a decent Babyface Pro replacement. Need something similar that works with 2018 MacBook Pro.

135 (edited by asterox 2018-12-14 01:24:04)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Here's what I have so far by way of impressions.
Things to keep in mind - I don't use midi or spdif/adat thru BFP so the lack of these things on the Arrow doesn't factor into my thoughts really.

The two primary benefits of the Arrow (given the current state of things):
- single thunderbolt 3 cable for data and power
- UAD plugins are pretty nice and I do find the idea of tracking with unison preamps interesting - this feels like a "bonus" since I don't really do this with the BFP. Yes, they are expensive, yes the unit is a big dongle, but you don't have to use them and I don't intend to step into a massive library of UAD plugins. But having a couple at hand is nice.

edit: Obviously the big third one is the potential elimination of the current glitching issues

Points for the BFP (in my opinion - but especially pleasing to me given the age of the unit):
- better tolerances - buttons, dials, etc.
- louder and clearer headphone amp (I don't listen to a lot of outboard monitors due to environment so headphones are important)
- better latency (decent amount - something like 7ms roundtrip vs 12 at 48khz and 128 buffer) - this surprised me given Thunderbolt 3 but RME's reputation in this area is rock solid.

Some things I've noticed that I'm unsure about:
- Arrow "clicks" a lot as it powers up - turning on, waking from sleep, switching settings - it's audible and slightly annoying and it takes a couple seconds for the machine to come online
- BFP has option for 1/8 or 1/4 inch headphone jack which is super convenient at times. I think I might miss that on the Arrow.
- Totalmix is complex and often overkill for my needs but offers more power and flexibility and lower overhead from what I can tell (this is not scientific) - I don't need all that routing but I'm not convinced UAD's console is as efficient regardless

Bonus round:
- I did a quick test and the BFP does work well with the iPad Pro. Obviously Arrow doesn't do this. Nice to have, not need to have.

To sum up: I'm not sold on the Arrow and I might return it yet hoping for Apple to resolve the USB issues. I think the BFP is a great unit and since I'm not super interested in the UAD plugin ecosystem I'd rather keep using it but the current audio issues are giving me pause.

Hope that helps.


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

On our Mac Mini 2018 the problem is mainly the timed function, around every 30 minutes, and with the Mac Mini often causing lasting bitcrushing sound. We noticed that our former workaround is not always triggered here (Apple's own Class Compliant driver did that), and extended our driver to also handle this error state reliably. Which means that instead of lasting bitcrushing you get a short glitch (same as in Apple's Class Compliant driver). This glitch will not go away until Apple fixes it.

The updated driver is available here:

https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/dr … ac_311.zip

Matthias Carstens

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Matthias - has Apple given any indication to you guys that they are aware and working on this particular issue? Or are they just passing the buck to you and making it your problem?

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

So I've not done enough comprehensive listening/testing with the Arrow but I will say that I did have a couple dropouts while reviewing a work in progress in Ableton Live 10. I didn't hear the same sort of "glitch" effect - it was more of just a straight drop in audio but it's not encouraging.

Just before anyone else puts the cost on their credit card. smile

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

this is a bummer...i´m new to this forum but a longtime Babyface pro user. Got a Macbook pro 2018 13". 6 Month is absolutly unacceptable for this usb bug. can´t understand why apple isn´t doing anything since the whole usb AU industry seems to be affected.

Was thinking about the Arrow too, or the ucx with firewire. But if read about them having trouble as well. Or can rme confirm, that firewire is not affected at all?

I no it´s no rme error, but it really woould be fair to get updates here more frequently. The rme homepage still states the babyface pro as workable under latest mac os.

So did apple respond or is at least aware of it, or are the really trying to keep up for the next ten years byy charging thousands of dollars for ne phones every year which biggest selling point are 10 new emoticons? ;-)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I’m working with the arrow now and I can’t say definitively that it’s fine 100 percent but thus far it has been better. I thought I got a couple dropouts earlier but there might have been other reasons. Still monitoring.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

this all is really a joke. 2000 € Laptop 800€ interface and there a dropouts...in 2018...unbelievable

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

creepels wrote:

this all is really a joke. 2000 € Laptop 800€ interface and there a dropouts...in 2018...unbelievable

yep go tell Apple.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

i think this is really up to companys like rme, which i expect to have a more direct ways of communication to the right people. As far as apple concerned. I know everybody is always ranting, but this really will be my last macbook. It really gets worse year by year.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I tried to disable the -System Integrity Protection with the terminal command csrutil disable..  just google: How to turn off rootless/System Integrity Protection on Mac: Disable SIP. It worked for me atm. No crashes whole day long, but I've noticed I had to step up the buffer size after the disabling..
Let's see if it works for longer

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

creepels wrote:

I no it´s no rme error, but it really woould be fair to get updates here more frequently. The rme homepage still states the babyface pro as workable under latest mac os.

The problem isn't unique to Mojave though is it?  It's more of a hardware issue with USB-C/T2

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

thistrackissick wrote:

I tried to disable the -System Integrity Protection with the terminal command csrutil disable..  just google: How to turn off rootless/System Integrity Protection on Mac: Disable SIP. It worked for me atm. No crashes whole day long, but I've noticed I had to step up the buffer size after the disabling..
Let's see if it works for longer

Sorry, when you say 'crashes' do you mean momentary drop-outs in audio?  The problem discussed in this and other threads does not lead to OSX crashes...

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

thistrackissick wrote:
amc654 wrote:

I have a brand-new 15" 2018 MBP, and I've had consistent problems w/ my UC via USB-C. The interface periodically and unpredictably simply stops working—audio playback stops (this happens regardless of what the audio source is or what software I might be running), and it doesn't seem possible to get the UC to reconnect without turning off the RME and restarting the laptop. I've had the same issue both with a direct USB-C cable connection and with a USB-C hub (w/ the originally supplied USB cable), and the problem happens whether or not the hub is plugged in, and whether the laptop is powered directly or via the passthrough on the hub. I have an external monitor through a USB to DisplayPort cable, but the problem happens also without the external monitor.

The direct USB-C to USB-B cable is an overpriced one from Belkin (to replace a cheaper one I sent back b/c I was having similar issues).

Mojave 10.14.1, Fireface firmware and driver are both the most recent versions.

It's obviously a disconcerting problem! At the moment it's just affecting playback at home, but I need to figure out how to solve the problem before I'm performing or recording with this setup!

same here..
crashes every hour, but with babyface pro on mac os 10.13.6
drives me crazy.. I have noticed that the crash kills everything plugged in at the thunderbolt 3 port. I have a 2,4Ghz send stick for my G900 mouse, that sits in the same usb-c to usb-b hub. It stops working aswell, after the rme crash.

i have both, crashes under heavier DAW load and glitches/drop-outs

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

thistrackissick wrote:

I tried to disable the -System Integrity Protection with the terminal command csrutil disable..  just google: How to turn off rootless/System Integrity Protection on Mac: Disable SIP. It worked for me atm. No crashes whole day long, but I've noticed I had to step up the buffer size after the disabling..
Let's see if it works for longer

EDIT: had a Fireface USB Settings crash since then.. so thats no solution.. sry

149 (edited by colin 2018-12-18 16:49:16)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Had a reply from RME Support today to my thread which has now been closed and points here, so I'll respond here. I hadn't looked at this thread previously because it's headed USB...

Mine is Firewire 800 via Apple adapters to USB-C on a new (2018) Mac Mini. I use Logic but the dropouts are happening on all software that outputs audio. Everything is up to date.

RME say it's an Apple issue but the people I have spoken to know nothing about it, which suggests it is far from being big news or a priority? I will try again with Apple but the end users just need to know if it's something that can be resolved, if so when it might be resolved and if not what solutions are out there that will allow audio professionals to keep working.

Please keep us in the loop!

EDIT: I Can't believe this thread was started in March either! It really doesn't sound like this is being taken very seriously at all... :-/

150 (edited by ramses 2018-12-18 17:00:56)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

colin wrote:

but the people I have spoken to know nothing about it

Can you please tell to whom you spoke ? Then your posting would be better understandable.

colin wrote:

EDIT: I Can't believe this thread was started in March either! It really doesn't sound like this is being taken very seriously at all... :-/

Therefore you should contact Apple and tell them your frustration. As far as I remember somebody here in the forum, who did a lot of troubleshooting in that regards opened a case at Apple and it appeared that they work on it.

I am following this thread occasionally, but have not an Apple on my own.
But I personally regard it as unfair to blame RME for something that has been changed / bugged on Apples side.

Consider, before Apple upgraded their OS the drivers were running
and RME is not the only vendor having problems with Apple.

In my humble opinion every Apple user who is a victim of this should open cases, track them, make waves etc, also on the Apple forums to get more visibility.
But maybe not everybody is opening tickets why Apple might think its not so important. Who knows how their ticket system analysis tools work in terms of prioritization.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10