1 (edited by vzi 2018-12-09 23:01:59)

Topic: "cascade" ff ucx & ff400

hey guys, just a quick question because i couldn´t really find anything related to my problem:
i would like to connect both of my firefaces (ucx & 400) to my minimac 2012 which works fine if i do that seperately! but i thought theoretically it should work that i connect just my ff ucx to my mac and my ff 400 is connected to my ff ucx with a single firewire cable! (as advertised for two fireface 800)  so ideally no connection from my ff 400 to my mac mini... but i just can´t get it to work like this...

my other problem is when i connect them via adat the routing is not ideal but it would defiantely do the job but my samplerate always jumps down to 32kHz. I think i read somewhere that the ff 400 doesn´t support higher samplerates with adat! is that true? so how can i get them to work "together" as in combining ins & outs and having them both on 44.1?

the manual recommends working with the fireface 400 in standalone mode wich would work cause once i did set the 8 ins to go straight to the outs and vice versa then i think i dont need to "touch" the ff400 again!?! 

what about "grouping" them in macOS? i know there is such feature in the audio/midi settings but what about the totalmix software for the ff400 then? how to controll that? i´m really confused now...

i thought this will be an very easy thing to achieve but i´m already working on it since a month and i need the setup quite soon because of the rehearsals for the tour next year... i would be very very thankful if somebody has a tip for me what to do...

but seriously as a "hard user" this is the very first time that i´m "not so happy" with my interfaces! they always worked fine without any troubles!!!

specs: macOS 10.12.6
ff ucx: firmware v4.2 Driver: v3.03
ff 400: version: 3:35, unit, v1.71, Kernel Driver v3.35

Re: "cascade" ff ucx & ff400

my samplerate always jumps down to 32kHz.

You are missing a master clock. One unit needs to be on Internal clock source, the other on ADAT clock source.

what about "grouping" them in macOS? i know there is such feature in the audio/midi settings but what about the totalmix software for the ff400 then? how to controll that? i´m really confused now...

You would create an Aggregate Device that contains both RME units. Each unit has a separate TotalMix instance - TM is a GUI for the DSP mixer inside the hardware.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.