1 (edited by Blueberry Buddha 2018-12-27 07:35:31)

Topic: Fireface UFX and ARC USB no longer recognized (old Mac)

I cloned my boot HD to an SSD drive using CCC and began booting from the SSD. Now, bizarrely, the Fireface UFX and ARC USB are no longer recognized, and the ARC USB no longer light up. TotalMix and RME show up in the dock and in the Applications Folder, but do not launch. I can see the Preferences Window in Totalmix, but everything in the Windows drop-down menus are ghosted.

What I have done so far:
- multiple reboots of the Mac Pro 1,1
- unplugging/plugging all cables numerous times
- booting the computer using old boot HD (which now, curiously, no longer recognizes RME as well when it did right before cloning using Carbon Copy Cloner)
- attempted to launch RME Fireface Settings app and TotalMix app from the Applications Folder. This results in absolutely nothing happening. The windows do not launch at all.
- Reinstalling the above apps.
- Trashing the above apps, reinstalling the apps, restarting the computer, etc.

I do not understand why this is happening because 1.) I made an exact mirror of the boot drive using Carbon Copy Cloner, and now, neither HD works, and 2.) when I initially installed Fireface UFX, the thing practically installed itself, and I hardly had to do anything except follow the window prompts, so I would think I would not have any issues now either. Very confusing.

I hope you can help me because I've been trying to fix this for hours and cannot think of anything else to do. This is my only means of recording, and without this, I can do nothing. Thank you very much.

Model: RME Fireface UFX (Date of purchase: 28 March 2017
Mac Pro 1,1 running OS 10.7.5
Pro Tools 10.3.10


Re: Fireface UFX and ARC USB no longer recognized (old Mac)

I also tried getting rid of Avid CoreAudio.plugin as indicated below, but that did not work either.


Follow these step-by-step instructions to temporarily remove the Avid CoreAudio driver in order to allow NI products to run properly under Mac OS 10.10:

   1- Open the Finder and locate the following folder: Macintosh HD > Library > Audio > Plug-Ins > HAL
   2 -Move the “Avid CoreAudio.plugin” outside of this folder (e.g. to the Desktop).
   3 -Type in the admin password when prompted.
   4 -Restart your computer.

While you still can fully use Pro Tools without the Avid CoreAudio driver, it is not possible to monitor the audio output of any third-party application using your Avid audio interface. If you require this functionality again, you need to move the file back to its original location and restart your computer. In this case, the mentioned NI applications will stop working again.

This resulted in nothing different.

I checked hardware under Pro Tools, and no RME device is visible.

Re: Fireface UFX and ARC USB no longer recognized (old Mac)

Blueberry Buddha wrote:


NOTE: I have attempted to send this to tech support via the sweetwater.com site multiple times, and keep receiving error messages.

According to webserver info
E-Mail Support international

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Fireface UFX and ARC USB no longer recognized (old Mac)

ramses wrote:
Blueberry Buddha wrote:


NOTE: I have attempted to send this to tech support via the sweetwater.com site multiple times, and keep receiving error messages.

According to webserver info
E-Mail Support international

Thanks. Bad copy/paste. I edited that out now.


Re: Fireface UFX and ARC USB no longer recognized (old Mac)

Did you use the UFX with an iPad oin-between and change Class Compliant mode back to normal?

Does the USB LED at the front light up?

The ARC USB 'no longer light up' - the lower two buttons MUSTT light up dimmed, otherwise your USB port is not working.

Did you try the UFX at a different computer?

Matthias Carstens

6 (edited by Blueberry Buddha 2018-12-27 07:55:47)

Re: Fireface UFX and ARC USB no longer recognized (old Mac)

MC wrote:

Did you use the UFX with an iPad oin-between and change Class Compliant mode back to normal?

Does the USB LED at the front light up?

The ARC USB 'no longer light up' - the lower two buttons MUSTT light up dimmed, otherwise your USB port is not working.

Did you try the UFX at a different computer?

-No. I don't own an iPad. The UFX is hooked directly to the front of the Mac Pro 1,1 via firewire.

-No. Neither the USB or Firewire lights are lit up in the front. I wish I had thought to look for that before. The AES light is lit up. Because of your comment, I decided to hook up the Fireface to the computer via USB, something I had not done before. It resulted in a blue light activating, so that's a good sign. However, upon rebooting the computer and re-launching Pro Tools, the same thing occurs, where nothing is recognized, TotalMix does not launch (or at least, I can't get anything to work). Not sure what is going on here. I've never had issues with RME before.

-Okay, this helped because I found out that one of the USB connections was loose, so now, the bottom three lights are there. However, the ARC USB still doesn't do anything. It does not control the Fireface, in other words. And TotalMix still is as described above.

-No. I do have access to a newer computer, a 2017 iMac, but that does not have any DAW installed.


Thanks for your quick reply. I really appreciate it.

Re: Fireface UFX and ARC USB no longer recognized (old Mac)

You can't trust CCC when it comes to cloning a startup magnetic drive to SSD.

I have an external magnetic drive I use to build test systems. I install an OS from scratch and clone that to the drive being used in the test.

Works every time when cloning to another magnetic drive. I've done this maybe a hundred times over the years.

Doesn't work at all, consistently, when cloning to a hybrid drive. Simply doesn't boot. Tested with Mavericks and El Capitan.

Doesn't work with some SSD's either. I've only seen it with two drives, but I've also had other problems, like a recovery partition that was gone, or couldn't boot. Or Bootcamp not functioning.

I've also seen other strange things. Like a cloned drive that started from USB, but not from FW (in the same disk controller). When I installed a clean system, the disk booted normally from FW, so it wasn't the disk controller.

If I were in your place, the first thing I'd try, is installing a clean system, then installing the RME driver. I hope that will fix it.

Ow, and which OSX version are you running? DosDude's patch to install High Sierra on 1,1 Mac Pro's also seems to have a problem with cloning.

I reckon the problems are caused by SIP, but I can't seem to find out what the pattern is.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...