Topic: Buzzy Noise on Phone output [ RME UFX ]

Dear Rme Users and workers,

I'm owning a RME UFX since 2 years and a half, and thank you guys from RME because I didn't have a single crash from the soundcard since then, and the converter quality is really crystal clear!!

However I noticed a problem yesterday :
I can hear a buzzing sound starting from gain -14 / -15 and below, on the phone output 9/10.
I can also hear the same buzz when I push the gain to the maximum on my main speaker ( AN 3/4 ) (starting nearly to the maximum gain, -4 -3 db)

I don't hear this buzz on phone 11/12, even with gain pushed to the maximum (I checked the settings on TotalMix, both outputs have the same settings, every input muted and jack and xlr unplugged. )
Nothing changes when I unplug the usb from my laptop, It's not coming from the USB power.

I tought about an electrical issue, so I plugged my UFX into another plug with all other electronic system switched off, still same buzzing sound coming from that one phone.

It's not a so big issue because I don't work at such gain level (thanks for my ears) while producing but music is my work and this UFX my main tool for playing lives concert also, and the main bar gain can reach quite a big level depending on the places I play !

Does someone know If this phone 11/12 has another electrical path than the phone 9/10 that could make it more isolated ?
Or do I have a problem with my soundcard ?

Thank you a lot for your answer, sorry for my bad english, I think you should be happy reading it and not hearing it smile

I wish you guys the best with music and a big new year's Party !!




Re: Buzzy Noise on Phone output [ RME UFX ]

I am a bit sceptical that the test was valid. You should reset TotalMix FX via Total Reset, then check both phones outputs again by only raising their hardware output channel fader. If the 'buzz' stays with only output 9/10 the unit should be checked. I have not heard of such a failure before.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Buzzy Noise on Phone output [ RME UFX ]

Hello !

Thank you man, you just fixed my problem ! I made a Total Reset and the buzz went out, I have no idea where it was coming from I checked every meter bar, maybe I did a weird electronic loop in total mix by mistake ...
Anyway thank you for you're quick and effective response, everything fine now smile

Have you any idea what could produce that buzz sound in totalmix ? (the buzz sounds like you're monitoring a jack you left alone on the ground, or when you put you're finger on it.)


Re: Buzzy Noise on Phone output [ RME UFX ]

It should have been visible in the input level meters (maybe still is). BTW, hit the Undo button and you are back to the buzz before reset and can search for it...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Buzzy Noise on Phone output [ RME UFX ]

Thank you, I have the same problem.
I've been confusing for a week. Finally, problem solved!

6 (edited by cigame 2021-07-07 10:31:43)

Re: Buzzy Noise on Phone output [ RME UFX ]

Always check for raised input levels and channel faders with NO source connected.
These will generate noise in headphone mix.

UFX+, FireFace 802 FS, Digiface USB
12 Mic, M1610 pro, Micstasy
MacBookPro M1
Logic Pro X