Topic: Arc control for ANY fader in Total Mix?
I would LOVE for the rotary encoder on the Arc controller to be assignable to any fader (within Total Mix)!
I bought it for that reason, and was very disappointed to find out that this doesn't seem to be an option.
Am i missing something? Although this would seem to be quite a basic function, it doesn't seem to be there.
If not, is there's anyway of building this into an update, that would be great!
(I'm still on a trusty Fireface 800)
(The ideal scenario would be either to be able to use the snap keys as a way of assigning the rotary encoder to a particular fader OR to be able to use two of the snap keys as a way of scrolling left and right between faders, for which the rotary encoder would then have control.)
Otherwise, i'll have to consider selling the Arc, and seeing what i can do with a HUI controller.
Aside from this - Love you RME; such great design and product support.
Many thanks.