creepels wrote:As Developers of Apple Software you must be part of some sort of developers programm at Apple and therefore have a more direct contact to this multi billion dollar giant. Nobody there gives a shit if a few people file a complaint about their not working audio interfaces. I just assume, it is a little bit different when a company knocks down their doors, even if it´s a smaller company. In Apples case it´s always smaller companys that knock at their doors ;-)
I disagree. The real problem seems to be that Apple is not really interested to get bugreports from their customers (and also companies / vendors like RME are customers here).
Or do you have another explanation for the user report that we read in this or in another thread ?!
From memory: somebody opened a ticket at Apple support. 1st level support could not fix the issue, but instead of shifting it to 2nd level, Apple's 1st level told the customer, that he has no contact to 2nd level (!!! read this twice !!!) and finally closes the case.
No wonder that nothing happens on Apple side, if they block the communication between customers and 2nd level by establishing no communication channels between 1st level and 2nd level (because 2nd or higher level support usually has the contact to devs). Normal companies do this to be able so solve burning issues..
It's IMHO neither RME's nor another companies task to fill this gap.
Development programs are good for other things, but this is not applicable here.
creepels wrote:Concerning buying a new Mac...Why would you buy an old one, when you need a new one and no Company gives you a hint, that there might be problems. It´s always said, wait until the companys have testet the compatabillity. So if I watch at the rme Homepage it looks like this compatabillity is given.
Usually this compatibility is given. If Apple should sell new systems which are not compliant to USB standards or releases bad updates of the OS, then they need to listen to their customers and fix it. As soon as this as been done, everything is solved.
I also think that it is the responsibility of Apple to better test their USB drivers and Hardware. USB is per design a multi-purpose interface to connect not only own but also 3rd party hardware. When Apple decides to equip their systems with USB, then it simply ought to work and if not, then they need to fix it, especially when customers are having problems.
My advice to you is to get tested turnkey systems for audio, then you do not have many of these problems. Then this preselection is being done by the vendor. Maybe you get even a support contract, so that they take care of the drivers and stuff on your system.
That it runs so bad now for Apple customers is a sad thing and I really wish you the best, that this bad situation will be fixed by Apple soon, because all this is in their responsibility.
IMHO It's not fair now to argue in a way as if RME didn't do well in this case. They have the same interest like you to get the issue solved quickly, but I think they also have issues with Apple, a company who seems to live in a Ivory Tower, according to how they treat customers.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10