Topic: [solved] Playhead not moving with ASIO (HDSPe AIO, Win10 64bit)
Sound works, but I haven't managed to get sound out from most DAW's using Hammerfall DSP ASIO.
I have tried with:
Acid Pro 7, 8, 9
Mixcraft 8
Reaper 5.97
Mixbus 32C v4
Samplitude Pro X2 Silver
The playhead simply won't budge, and TotalMix FX doesn't detect any activity on the DAW's output channels. It's almost as if the device was occupied by some other process, but AFAIK just based on what I've done, it should be grabbed by the DAW if anything.
I've tried different configurations with sample rates, buffer sizes, enabled WDM devices, default devices and exclusive control in Windows' sound control panel, and so on.
I had most "success" in Samplitude when I somehow managed to get sound out playing on MIDI keyboard, but then it crashed and I don't remember what I had done to get to that point, nor if the playhead worked. I'm pretty sure I had fiddled with routing in Samplitude prior to getting the sound out.
I imagine there must be some logic to how Hammerfall DSP and the DAW should be setup, but I haven't been able to get it to work. Probably worth mentioning that I did get ASIO4ALL v2 to work with Acid Pro, and Windows' audio system also does work.
What makes it seem so futile is that there are at least three different places where you can change the settings:
Hammerfall DSP Settings
TotalMix FX
Windows Sound control panel
If anyone could help by either explaining the logic in clear terms (assume I know next to nothing), or give a simple working configuration, I'd be very grateful.
Some info, FWIW:
OS: Windows 10, 64bit
CPU: Dual Xeon @ 2.7-3.3GHz (8-core, hyperthreading on)
RAM: 96GB DDR3 @ 1333MHz
Latest driver (v4.28) and firmware (rev. 14)
Also: At first I was experiencing crashes after installing the card, and the entire Windows desktop would freeze for several seconds very frequently, during which time not even mouse input worked. The crashes went away after I tweaked some BIOS settings, most of which I've now restored because something seems to be giving me other performance issues. I think I now have C6 state turned off, possibly without C-state limit.