Hi Ramses,
thanks for the quick reply! So, 3m maximum for reliable USB 3, but if you use the right kind of active extension, it does work for you? I already got an active extension, but it does not have a an addtional socket for a power supply. Are you actually using that or just the extension? These are quite expensive, however, I will swallow that, if that is what makes it finally work!
What makes me wonder: Before I have used the exact same cable with my Hackintosh. Initially, I had huge problems with that as well, which got solved by using the Sonnet USB card (also thanks to your advice). And now I have a Mac Studio and cannot use any PCIe cards any more. I am not sure: has the bad connection to do with the cable or just the USB interface of the Mac Studio ... well, that is what I still have to find out before ordering a new cable. What I would stlll like to know from you is: do you use the power supply on the extension cable?
edit: I just tested out some different cables I have. If found out this ...
1) Every cable (down to 2m) I plug into the Mac Studio's own USB 3 Port shows me the Madiface as a USB 2 Interface (I have to reboot, then it's ok). When I plug it into the the USB-port of the Caldigit Thunderbolt 4 hub (with USB 3 ports), that problem does not occur.
2) In every case I get a small audio drop out when switching on Total mix FX. If this only happened for this incidence, I would be fine with it. However, I have never noticed anything like that before and that is why I don't trust it ... I might be wrong, however, and this is just normal on Macs due to some USB security or whatever!
3) However, with the USB-Port from the Hub, I get occasional glitches in audio when listening to longer pieces of music. And at least with the longer cable. But it could also be with the shorter ones, I would have to listen longer to wait if something happend ...
So, you see why I am not yet ready to pay that much for a cable, as it might be different reasons than the cable. As far as I can see, the cable length does not even make a difference (at least up to 5m). I don't even have a USB-port on my Mac that seems to work properly with the Madiface XT ...