Topic: FireFace 802 vs. FireFace UFX ii

Hey there,

I have been searching this forum for quite some time and I am not sure I found any answer to it.
I would like to have a main audio interface (RME) with 16 ADAT expansion on a Win10 PC. I am leaning towards the RME FireFace UFX ii however the FireFace 802 would also has enough I/O and cheaper. Sonic-wise, is the UFX ii an improvement in preamp clarity and AD / DA conversion or just "another taste"? Is there any more consideration to have the UFX ii over the 802?
I don't think I would need DURec.

thank you!

2 (edited by ramses 2019-06-15 08:44:11)

Re: FireFace 802 vs. FireFace UFX ii


Hi Albert,

the UFX+ was the successor of the old flagship device UFX which has been brought out at company anniversary.
Shortly later the UFX II has been introduced, same as UFX+ but without MADI and thus no need for USB3/TB channel wise.

UFX+ / UFX II brought a lot of improvements, which I collected from various sources and collected it in this blog article. … 8-RME-UFX/

The UFX II / UFX+ are so to say latest and greatest design.

One of the biggest differences between 802 and UFX II/+:

  • the UFX II/+ is fully standalone administrateable by the display

  • ARC USB can be attached to the UFX II/+ directly to have more comfort in standalone operation

  • you can store every gain setting digital in TM FX snapshots which I personally regard as a big advantage to be able to store and recall them easily

  • UFX II/+ have Autoset which is an automatic overload protection for Mic/Inst channels 9-12

  • Gain of Mic preamps 802: 60dB, UFXII/+: 75dB

  • SNR Mic preamps slightly higher 116 vs 118 dBA

  • Output impedance of Phones output 24 vs 2 Ohm

  • Little bit more power on the phones outputs +16,8 dBu vs +19

All devices support 6 so called stand-alone profiles. On the UFX II/+ you can recall them directly on the device in standalone mode using the display/menue. The 802 requires for this a connected ARC (the "OLD" ARC) which is not available for purchase anymore.

My personal opinion: I would go for the UFX II if possible. The 802 is also nice, but IMHO the UFX II is much smarter.

In terms of DURec: this is also a very very nice useful feature. You can use it for standalone or backup recording in parallel to DAW recording to have one more safety belt for important recordings.

I use it very often to simply record guitar with it without DAW in "tape deck mode" which goes simply faster.
Also DURec has been improved much over the old UFX:
- RTC allows for timestamps
- Supports devices with multiple FAT32 partitions, I prepared a 1TB SSD now to have 2 partitions, 1 smaller so that the external SSD loads quicker and a 2nd partition which would allow for very long recordings with max number of channels. See here: … 7#p141717. But it can also be an USB stick or USB drive.

Here an excel that I prepared to compare the features of different recording interfaces: … 8-08-xlsx/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: FireFace 802 vs. FireFace UFX ii

Thank you for the lots of details, Ramses!
You seems to be an expert smile
A few more questions:
- Can I use the line inputs as ADC inputs from other preamps?
- Is the UFX ii DAC usable for mastering purposes, or the ADI series is for that?
- the fully standalone mode with DURec is for live recordings without a computer attached, for example, right?

thank you

4 (edited by ramses 2019-06-15 09:17:35)

Re: FireFace 802 vs. FireFace UFX ii

albert.peeter wrote:

Thank you for the lots of details, Ramses!
You seems to be an expert smile
A few more questions:
- Can I use the line inputs as ADC inputs from other preamps?
- Is the UFX ii DAC usable for mastering purposes, or the ADI series is for that?
- the fully standalone mode with DURec is for live recordings without a computer attached, for example, right?

thank you

You can connect other Mic preamps to the analog inputs of all units (802, UFX II, ...).

The ADI-2 Pro FS has higher sonic quality, but that doesnt mean that you couldn't master with the UFX II.
The UFX II is already very good in terms of sound quality.
I would start with an UFX II and later add an ADI-2 Pro FS when budget allows again, because this is an ideal combination. … our-Setup/

I use UFX+ and DURec a lot as a guitarist. I like to do overdubs to existing sound material.
For that purpose I use flac files from my computer and play it using MusicBee player (which supports FLAC).
At this point I do not want any additional complexity in terms of having to setup a new DAW project in Cubase etc for every new recording.
I simply use the UFX+ as a Tape deck and later import the recordings into cubase when I want to mix and work on the tracks.

How UFX+ supports me well / additional advantages (when I say UFX+ here, its the same for the UFX II)
1. excellent Instr inputs, I can plug my Les Paul directly into the UFX+ and record the Guitar signal for later re-amping
2. I can build a parallel effect loop for my Marshall, which makes the sound better when using effects
3. I can make use of Autoset to get the proper input level quicker for two Mics
4. I can use TM FX capability of inverting the phase of 2nd mic by 180° to find the ideal position for the mics to be in phase
5. I can use the FX effects of the UFX+ to EQ the Mic'd amp signal to make the perfect phones mix for me while recording
6. In TM FX you can easily select which of the inputs you want to record

As I record also the Guitar with DURec I could also use later a VSTi (amp emulator) to add even different sounds that my amp is maybe unable to deliver to a project.

And yes you can simply decide whether or not you want to record with DURec in parallel to a DAW recording.

And you can also combine DURec recording with Global Record from the DIGICheck tools suite which you can download and use free of charge from RME.

Global Record is a lightweight recording application that is simply an ASIO client where you can also record like with a DAW.
So for ultimate safetiness for important recordings you can also use DURec in combination with GlobalRecord maybe on a Tablet PC ...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

5 (edited by ramses 2019-06-15 09:21:39)

Re: FireFace 802 vs. FireFace UFX ii

My setup to create a parallel loop for my marshall JCM900 combo: … arren-Rig/

I would use a RME recording interface like the UFX II with
- TM FX as a basement in terms of routing capabilities
- FX chip
- etc
as a strong basement in terms of quality, capabilities, near zero latency monitoring and workflow.

Then later eventually an ADI-2 Pro FS on top for optimum sound and features for phones / monitors.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13