Topic: Babyface Pro Reamp - Low Amp Volume / Signal


I'm trying to reamp using my babyface pro, I'm connecting:
Output1(XLR) -> Xlr cable -> Reamp Box (L2A DIY_RE) -> guitar cable -> Amp

And I'm getting a very weak signal,
I can hear the DI Track from the amp, but it's very weak/faint,
and that's also only when I'm on the High gain channel,
On the clean channel I can't hear a thing.

In my DAW the Guitar DI track is recorded with a good signal ratio,
All of the faders are at 0db, including those in TotalMixFx.
The BF-Pro interface is connected only via USB.

Could it be that I'm getting a very weak signal because of that the line level output from the BF is too low?

Do you have any recommendations on how to help me with this issue?



Re: Babyface Pro Reamp - Low Amp Volume / Signal

Plug the XLR out cable back into the BF Pro XLR input and check the input level in TotalMix. Or select Out 1/2 and check the level meters on the unit. Can't be that hard...

If there is level then the L2A has a problem.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro Reamp - Low Amp Volume / Signal

have you tried to reamp using the headphone output? i m doing this with good results and you only have to make the output mono.
my signal chain---totalmix PH3---headphone out (mono)--TRS to XLR cable--palmer daccapo--amp

Re: Babyface Pro Reamp - Low Amp Volume / Signal


Thanks for the quick answers,
Indeed the problem was with the reamp box.
