1 (edited by TR62 2019-07-29 19:03:47)

Topic: Duplicate mix UFX

Hi Guys,

Just had a very successful weekend live event with a UFX at the core of both the FOH and personal monitor mixes, amp sends/returns, and integration with an upstream mixer for various venue mics.

We did hit one issue, which might make for a handy future feature, if there is not already a way to do this.

The FOH mix and personal monitor mixes were separate, allowing each performer their own twist on what they'd like to hear, which was great - right up until one performer asked for a "copy of the FOH mix in the IEM, please". 

I then realised I did not know how to create a submix which followed the FOH mix move for move in a second submix, and we started into this juggle between two mixes, live, trying as best we could to reflect changes in one as changes in the other. 

It occurred to me, it would be quite interesting to have a totalmix feature where a monitor mix was told to follow the main mix, but other submixes were unaffected - most especilly the effects processor and guitar amp send mixes, which are one off set and forget submixes.  I was looking for a sort of "duplicate this mix on these hardware outputs" method, or some way to link one submix to another.

Is there a way to do this in TotalMix (aside from physically copying the mix outside the UFX and signal splitting)?

It might be quite cool to be able to link more than one physical pair of outputs to a single submix (even if behind the scenes this is effected by controlling more than one submix from a nominated mix).

2 (edited by ramses 2019-07-29 19:38:43)

Re: Duplicate mix UFX

There are such two useful functions already available.

1. See my TM FX step by step guide, 6.1.1 / 6.1.2: https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … rnal-equi/

2. See UFX manual: ch 27.2 and 27.3: https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/fface_ufx_e.pdf

27.2 Copy a Submix
TotalMix allows you to copy complete submixes to other outputs. In case a complex submix is need with only a few changes on a different output, the whole submix can be copied to that output. Right click with the mouse on the original submix output, means Hardware Output. In the context menu select Copy Submix. Then right click on the new submix output, choose Paste Submix in the context menu. Now fine tune the submix.

27.3 Doubling the Output Signal (Mirror)
If a mix should be sent out via two (or more) different hardware outputs simply mirror that mix to any number of other outputs. A right click on the original output brings up the option to Copy/Mirror <name>. Another right click on the new output, then selecting Mirror of Output <name> will paste the whole submix and then synchronize it automatically to any future changes. The outputs now always send out the same signals, but their main volume (fader) and the EQ and Dynamics settings stay fully independent.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Duplicate mix UFX

Thanks Ramses,

I was aware of 27.2, but it only got us so far, live.  However, 27.3 looks like exactly what I was hoping for.  Just could not find the feature in the heat of the moment, in a live environment. 

The last sentence is also precisely what I had hoped - the EQ and Volume especially needs to remain different. 

Good kit, this RME.