1 (edited by Luckbad 2019-06-13 21:24:56)

Topic: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I love how you folks continue to upgrade your firmware as time goes on. You've kindly put in more than one of my requests already, so thank you for that!

I thought it would be useful to put together a thread with feature requests. Hopefully most of them are realistic and not too difficult. Even if nothing comes of it, thank you for what you've done anyway!

- Remote Remap Function - DA Filter: I'd love to be able to cycle through the DA Filter on the fly. Some tracks are better with different filters.

- Remote Remap Function - Crossfeed: Sometimes I like to change the Crossfeed setting, and I can't currently do that on the remote.

- Main Volume Button Remap: Stock, pressing the massive Volume button does nothing, and the only function I know it has is changing outputs. Can we map this to Mute or even Dim? That would be more useful to me because I never use it to change outputs.

- XLR (or RCA) Output Volume Setting: Sometimes, I like testing amps/preamps using the ADI-2 DAC. When I do so, I use both the XLR and RCA outputs simultaneously. Since the XLR output is 6dB higher, I always have to be a little more creative to volume match. It would be nice if I could drop the XLR output volume by 6dB to match the RCA when I'm doing this.

Anyone else have possibly-reasonable suggestions?

2 (edited by ramses 2019-03-03 16:48:35)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

> Remote Remap Function: I'd love to be able to cycle through the DA Filter on the fly.
> Some tracks are better with different filters

The remappable keys on the remote control can recall setup 1..9.
Store the different DA filter settings to i.e. setup 1-5.
Then you can remap the remote control to recall 4 out of 5 filters as you need.

Please note: I read somewhere that the human brain is unable to remember sound differences over a few seconds.
So you need to perform quick A/B tests between mainly two settings, before you compare between another set.
So the 4 remappable keys should be more than enough to compare your favourite settings with i.e. NOS.
Best is if you get assistence from another person and perform a blind test otherwise your brain works in a way that it has already certain expectations if you know what you select and this will adulterate the results towards how you wish they should be.

A toggle function to change between all settings would not make sense, takes too much time to change between settings that are not close to each other.
A toggle forward and backward would also need 2 keys and then you could also only quickly A/B between DA filter 1+2, 2+3 and so on but not between 1 and 3 ...
I think it's perfect like it is.

Once you tested everything I am pretty convinced that you will stay anyway with one setting.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

3 (edited by Luckbad 2019-03-03 17:19:17)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I don't actually need the filter cycle key for testing. I tend to switch to Sharp for pop music, metal, and alternative. I use Slow for acoustic, jazz, and classical.

I'm aware that you can program the buttons to swap between full setups but I'm usually not after that, and I tend to use most of the buttons frequently.

I currently have them mapped to: cycle top screens, auto dark, toggle loudness, and toggle EQ.

I'd change my loudness button to either cycle crossfeed or cycle filter if available.

I'll experiment with the recall setup function. If that can also change remote remap functions with the setup change, I'll be able to simulate what I'm after.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

My main feature request is a jitter measurement, similar to bit-perfect tests but showing jitter in ns instead. That would help a lot in setup and when optimizing sound quality.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

One must be really out of this world to not realize that measuring jitter requires specialized equipment which costs many thousands of dollars...

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

"Out of this world"...does that mean I am an alien? :-)

I was thinking something like this: count the master clock pulses and compare when a sample is handled compared to when its supposed to be handled (determined by the original file and sample rate). Totally in the digital domain, don't bother with clock jitter since it won't be much anyway with a femto clock.

7 (edited by Curt962 2019-03-03 19:49:59)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I prefer to listen to my Music Collection ohne obsession with Jitter Fears.  Since per the Audiophile Code: "Music is Different", and can't really be measured by Science...Jitter numbers would be meaningless when comparing the BEST Sounding Volume Knobs, Cable Colors,etc.

I DO like the independendent XLR/RCA Output Level though!   I can see a use for that!   Good Idea Luckbad!

Now, lets move onto "Audio Grade" Batteries in the Remote!   Far more "Analog-Like" Volume Changes!  smile

Vintage 2018 ADI-2 DAC. "Classic AKM4490 Edition"
Cables:  Red, and White Ones.
Speakers:  Yes


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Magnus H, any further post of yours here on this jitter topic will be deleted as you are hijacking this thread. Same for others, stay on the topic.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Fair enough, then I have another feature quest: adjustable turn-off input voltage. The reason is that the best batteries to run a DAC is a LiFePo4 battery, and a 12V battery (4 cells) should be ideal except LiFePo4 gets damaged if drained to much. For a 12V battery that limit is 11V, so if the DAC had a adjustable turn-off voltage it would ensure the battery isn't drained to much. 3 cells is to little I think, since it will quickly go below the 9.5V input limit.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

The 'switch off' voltage is a fixed hardware setting and can not be changed by firmware. I recommend Li-Ion batteries with included protection, they solve both over- and undercharge problems.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I use some EQ to correct NOS frequency response as described by MC for 44khz and 48khz. So I have to change manually the EQ preset according the sample rate of what I’m currently litening.

It can be easier if the EQ preset could be activated only to a specific sample rate with an additional menu with obviously « All » as default value.

12 (edited by blackeye-liner 2019-04-28 12:06:26)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

RME, thank you so much for ADI-2. I don't know how you did it, but you nailed it spot on to my desires (and I had to use a bunch of other solutions like audio hijacking on computer, VST equalizer etc, which is very bad and hardly usable). However, there are a few improvements that I'd like to suggest:

1) Increase PEQ bands to at least 7 or 8. Reasoning behind this is that when you do basic corrections, 3 narrow bands and 2 wide bands (bass and treble shelfs and 3 peaks, for example) will be good. If I need to dig deeper into correcting headphones, I need to cut out certain ringing frequencies, and there are at least 4 of them normally, so I barely fit into what ADI-2 DAC offers in terms of PEQ and there's no bands left for possible timbre correction, but more bands would be just perfect.

2) Introduce auto-off or sleep function, which will turn the device off after prolonged non-usage. For example, it could turn off after X amount of hours sitting idle (no buttons pressed, sound level below UFL). It heats up quite well after a few hours (nor overly so though), and it would be good to have it turn off automatically.

3) Make IEM output prioritized over Phones when IEMs are inserted over Phones (or make the setting like this). Reasoning is that I have my headphones plugged in all the time, and sometimes I plug in IEMs, and now I have to plug headphones out before I do it, and then plug IEM's in for the unit to automatically switch to IEM output and switch settings.

4) Improve automatic source selection. Current implementation voids Auto setting of source if there's lock and sync on coaxial input, so once I plug in anything working to coaxial - it's done, no Auto source. It would be nice to have it automatically recognize that even though there's a device plugged in to coaxial (or optical), there's UFL signal coming from it, and if there's meaningful signal coming from USB - select USB automatically. For now I use manual selection of source and it kind of defeats the purpose, but works.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

blackeye-liner wrote:

1) Increase PEQ bands to at least 7 or 8. Reasoning behind this is that when you do basic corrections, 3 narrow bands and 2 wide bands (bass and treble shelfs and 3 peaks, for example) will be good. If I need to dig deeper into correcting headphones, I need to cut out certain ringing frequencies, and there are at least 4 of them normally, so I barely fit into what ADI-2 DAC offers in terms of PEQ and there's no bands left for possible timbre correction, but more bands would be just perfect.

I don't think that is possible due to hardware limitations. What might be possible would be to turn off bass and treble controls and then add two more bands, as this feature is a simplified two band EQ.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Doco wrote:
blackeye-liner wrote:

1) Increase PEQ bands to at least 7 or 8. Reasoning behind this is that when you do basic corrections, 3 narrow bands and 2 wide bands (bass and treble shelfs and 3 peaks, for example) will be good. If I need to dig deeper into correcting headphones, I need to cut out certain ringing frequencies, and there are at least 4 of them normally, so I barely fit into what ADI-2 DAC offers in terms of PEQ and there's no bands left for possible timbre correction, but more bands would be just perfect.

I don't think that is possible due to hardware limitations. What might be possible would be to turn off bass and treble controls and then add two more bands, as this feature is a simplified two band EQ.

cool idea.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Doco wrote:

I don't think that is possible due to hardware limitations. What might be possible would be to turn off bass and treble controls and then add two more bands, as this feature is a simplified two band EQ.

Is that confirmed by developers? As far as I understand it, if EQ is performed in digital domain then all that limits the amount of bands is DSP performance, which would be a problem only if it's running on the edge of its limits as it is. MiniDSP HD has 10 bands and it doesn't seem like it runs a ton of computing power doing so, but I'm not a hardware developer to be sure about that.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Would it be possible to adjust dynamics in DSP, which would basically work as volume except non-linear:
- Let X be the amplitude of a frequency
- Let Y be the dynamics, expressed as percentage (default 100%), min 75% max 125% (or something similar)
- The new amplitude would then be calculated as X^(Y / 100.0)

Room, walls, speaker stands etc can all affect dynamic in different ways, and this could be a way to compensate. Not sure how to implement it in a convolution/DSP engine though which I assume is used inside the DAC. If combined with PEQ (if performance is enough), PEQ should be applied first.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Thanks for the firmware update! Looks like you got multiple of the requests implemented!

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests


Thanks to the RME Team for the Fine Product Support.     The Firmware installation went seamlessly.   

Viele Dank

Vintage 2018 ADI-2 DAC. "Classic AKM4490 Edition"
Cables:  Red, and White Ones.
Speakers:  Yes

19 (edited by MagnusH 2019-06-10 14:30:13)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

A stereo level meter would be nice, like if you put -60 dB as a  horizontal middle line, and then to 0 on top/bottom. This would give a good visual feedback for location of sound as well, and not only mono information. A bit similar to how Roon displays processed tunes on the bottom of their gui (except that is static informatrion).

20 (edited by crimson 2019-06-11 19:27:42)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I would need a new action with the remote...

It’s about the « Width » setting in « Line Out ». I think that if I set Width to -1,00, the Left and Right channels will be swapped ? This is exactly what I need, but not permanently !
I would need to swap left and right stereo channels occasionally each time I press a button on the remote. Or Better, set Width to 0 using a button, and to -1 using another button. Otherwise, using only one button, I will never know when the left and right channel are swapped or not...

Do you think it would be possible to add this feature ?



Well, maybe I can already do that loading 2 different setups assigned on 2 buttons... I’ll try that !
I hope that will work « on the fly » when the amplifier is still turned ON ! No problem with the sound in my HiFi speakers ?

... PERFECT ! It works according to my needs.

Thanks for this great DAC ! Until now I focused on the equalization... what is most important.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

This is less of a feature request than a request to get some more accessories for the units. I realize it is unlikely to happen, but I'd love to see some of these sold separately:

  • Black faceplate for the ADI-2 Pro FS (and maybe other color options like old school RME blue)

  • Clear top plate for the ADI-2 Pro FS and DAC

  • ADI-2 DAC style feet for use with the ADI-2 Pro FS

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Luckbad wrote:

This is less of a feature request than a request to get some more accessories for the units. I realize it is unlikely to happen, but I'd love to see some of these sold separately:

  • Black faceplate for the ADI-2 Pro FS (and maybe other color options like old school RME blue)

  • Clear top plate for the ADI-2 Pro FS and DAC

  • ADI-2 DAC style feet for use with the ADI-2 Pro FS


I would buy a black faceplate for my Pro FS

23 (edited by Trojka 2019-06-17 20:17:04)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I was thinking...would it be possible to enlargen the ON or OFF status of functionalities like Loudness and EQ in the screen, when changing them with the remote? The DAC is in my living room. I can see the large volume quite well, but although I know which button I touched on the remote, it's kinda hard to see whether I switched it on or off. The text of Loudness (for instance) can remain the same size, the amount of time it's on the screen can stay the same, just a short large ON and OFF would be nice. Or make OFF the color red, that might work too.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Fast output channel switch in volume screen.
1. L,R, Both channels.
2. L sent to both outs, R sent to both outs.

25 (edited by Luckbad 2019-06-22 16:08:38)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

ADI-2 Pro (FS)
Different volume setting for Balanced mode vs. when I just use output 3/4.

My two use cases for the headphone out are a Sennheiser HD650 Balanced out OR a pair of custom IEMs. I worry that since I have Hi-Power on in Balanced mode, I'll forget to switch it off when I switch to single-ended mode in output 3/4 someday and either damage my ears or earphones.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I like the ADi-2 Pro fs. Awesome tool and great sound.

I want to use it as a measurement soundcard.
So my question:
Would it be possible to allow
1. Backup/restore of the device setups to/from the PC via USB
2. Remote change of settings, (including Volume, Trim, Ref level, Mode, EQ, Filter, Bass/Treble,...) through some API, also via USB

This would allow more automated tests.
And could also help integrating the ADI-2 Pro into a studio automation.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Hi again

This is not exactly a device feature request, but it's related.

Would it be possible to publish some guidelines for best practices using the RME ADI-2 Pro for measuring other DACs / ADCs ?
I mean, not something related to a specific software, but general rules for hardware setup, Device configs, test Signals, Levels to be used, Spectrum analysis, THD/IMD measurement and so on.

You guy know better how to do it, and that would be very valuable for us, not re-inventing the wheel.

Or, at least, recommend a book ?

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

rja4000 wrote:

I like the ADi-2 Pro fs. Awesome tool and great sound.

I want to use it as a measurement soundcard.
So my question:
Would it be possible to allow
1. Backup/restore of the device setups to/from the PC via USB
2. Remote change of settings, (including Volume, Trim, Ref level, Mode, EQ, Filter, Bass/Treble,...) through some API, also via USB

This would allow more automated tests.
And could also help integrating the ADI-2 Pro into a studio automation.

I would love to have this functionality too, particularly item 2.

29 (edited by KSTR 2019-07-29 20:20:05)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

^ 1+. It really would make life easier.

And another extremely nice expert feature would be a "true voltage levels display", as proposed here: https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=28403


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

KSTR wrote:

And another extremely nice expert feature would be a "true voltage levels display", as proposed here: https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=28403

For me it would be also nice scaled to "dBu", so you know about the maximal levels. IMHO it may requires an additional ADC, while the ADC runs at a selected attenuation...


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Apologies if this has been requested before, but I have just seen this thread:

https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopi … 26#p130026

I want to implement this high frequency correction for the NOS filter, but I have run out of PEQ bands. 

I wondered if the treble adjustment centre frequency could be increased so it could perform this correction - rather than using PEQ band 5.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests


The Treble Control freq is adjustable, but only up to 10khz per the Manual.   The NOS filter is best linearized at 14.3khz.   You COULD give your proposal a try, but your correction really wont be Spot On.


Vintage 2018 ADI-2 DAC. "Classic AKM4490 Edition"
Cables:  Red, and White Ones.
Speakers:  Yes

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Curt962 wrote:


The Treble Control freq is adjustable, but only up to 10khz per the Manual.   The NOS filter is best linearized at 14.3khz.   You COULD give your proposal a try, but your correction really wont be Spot On.


Thanks Curt - I have implemented this at 10khz via the Treble control, with a slight improvement in the high end on redbook.  It would be great if the Treble control frequencies could be expanded in a firmware update to allow this to be done fully.

34 (edited by Curt962 2019-08-05 22:53:13)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests


Ehhh...if you were in a Labaratory Test environment, absolute accuracy would be a large issue.  In the Home?  We tend to get away with Murder, and a less-than-perfect correction might just be fine.  10khz is a great frequency to ADD a bit of "Air" to an otherwise closed in recording.

In Terms of Firmware Revisions, an Automatically Set EQ for NOS, and Slow Filters might be helpful to some.   It would need to be Sample Rate dependent however.   If I recall my data properly, High SRs don't need such EQ Correction.


Vintage 2018 ADI-2 DAC. "Classic AKM4490 Edition"
Cables:  Red, and White Ones.
Speakers:  Yes

35 (edited by Jas0_0 2019-08-05 23:05:48)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Curt962 wrote:

It would need to be Sample Rate dependent however.   If I recall my data properly, High SRs don't need such EQ Correction.


Hmm... yes good point.

36 (edited by Curt962 2019-08-06 09:55:59)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests


If you have a helper, try to do a genuine Scientific, Level Matched, A/B/X comparison.   The differences are SO small!

Wife...Girlfriend...or perhaps BOTH can try to test your real preference. But not in "weird way" smile

I'm locked on plain, old "Sharp" here.

*Somewhere in this Forum, I laid out a Procedure in "Set Ups" to ensure that you hear ONLY Filter differences.  Nothing else.  Lord help me find it.

* Here ya go Jas!

https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopi … 17#p140417

Vintage 2018 ADI-2 DAC. "Classic AKM4490 Edition"
Cables:  Red, and White Ones.
Speakers:  Yes

37 (edited by Jas0_0 2019-08-10 17:02:04)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Curt962 wrote:


If you have a helper, try to do a genuine Scientific, Level Matched, A/B/X comparison.   The differences are SO small!

Wife...Girlfriend...or perhaps BOTH can try to test your real preference. But not in "weird way" smile

I'm locked on plain, old "Sharp" here.

*Somewhere in this Forum, I laid out a Procedure in "Set Ups" to ensure that you hear ONLY Filter differences.  Nothing else.  Lord help me find it.

* Here ya go Jas!

https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopi … 17#p140417

Good idea - though you’re probably right about tiny differences.  I have to admit I wouldn’t put my hand on my heart and swear that I can tell the difference between 16/44 and 24/192...

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

please turn off the ADC's (AK5574) internal highpass filter by default. Since it is operating only in the lower sample rates (<=192kHz) and is off, by chip design, at higher rates anyway, it just adds confusion with very low frequency electrical measurements.
Plus it would allow the option of shorting the input caps (at owner's risk + loosing warranty, of course) to actually measure DC values....  making the Adi-2 Pro a fully DC-capable test-rig ;-)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

KSTR wrote:

please turn off the ADC's (AK5574) internal highpass filter by default. Since it is operating only in the lower sample rates (<=192kHz) and is off, by chip design, at higher rates anyway, it just adds confusion with very low frequency electrical measurements.
Plus it would allow the option of shorting the input caps (at owner's risk + loosing warranty, of course) to actually measure DC values....  making the Adi-2 Pro a fully DC-capable test-rig ;-)

Might I suggest a separate measurement mode then, to not confuse audio users.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

May for measurement proposes, a diffrrent hw with real dual (isolated) chip adc would be my favorite and some nice hw notch too big_smile... IMHO this would be different business and may not a RME target..


41 (edited by KSTR 2019-08-15 13:27:11)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

@Hpw and @Vinark, Yes, asking too much for features only 0.01% of users will ever need is probably just wasting RME's resources which would be better spent on the real issues relevant to many users (like the left channel sample rate change glitch and such)...

42 (edited by mark2748 2019-08-17 14:04:42)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

blackeye-liner wrote:

2) Introduce auto-off or sleep function, which will turn the device off after prolonged non-usage. For example, it could turn off after X amount of hours sitting idle (no buttons pressed, sound level below UFL). It heats up quite well after a few hours (nor overly so though), and it would be good to have it turn off automatically.

I second this request for the ADI-2 DAC.  While auto-off or standby may be undesirable in pro audio applications, IMHO it is an extremely useful and environmentally friendly option in a consumer/audiophile product.  For example, I have powered speakers and a tuner that auto standby, so I don't have to keep pushing buttons every time I walk away for a while.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Apart from the current tone controls I would love to have a Tilt function such as Quad introduced many years ago for their pre amplifiers.

RME ADI-2 DAC fs, Quad 606-2 power amp, Quad 2805 speakers, B&W PV1d sub with Antimode 8033 Cinema

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Can you pls describe the purpose ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

45 (edited by willem 2019-08-26 15:48:57)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

It simultaneously increases the levels below and decreases the levels above 800 Hz, or vice versa. See here for measurements of the Quad 34 pre amplifier that was the first to have this much liked feature: https://kenrockwell.com/audio/quad/34-preamplifier.htm
There are various dsp implementations of the same idea, here is one for the minidsp: https://www.minidsp.com/forum/software- … -a-minidsp
In an sense it also allows you to create a so called house curve: https://www.hometheatershack.com/forums … ow-do.html

RME ADI-2 DAC fs, Quad 606-2 power amp, Quad 2805 speakers, B&W PV1d sub with Antimode 8033 Cinema


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

willem wrote:

It simultaneously increases the levels below and decreases the levels above 800 Hz, or vice versa. See here for measurements of the Quad 34 pre amplifier that was the first to have this much liked feature: https://kenrockwell.com/audio/quad/34-preamplifier.htm
There are various dsp implementations of the same idea, here is one for the minidsp: https://www.minidsp.com/forum/software- … -a-minidsp

This can already be done with the PEQ for frequencies of 200 Hz and above. Set filter band 1 to low shelf and filter band 5 to high shelf and adjust their frequency, gain and Q to your preference. If you want simultaneous changes, you can save your preferred tilt curves in EQ profiles or setups.

If you want it as an additional feature, it has to be squared off with the DSP limitations and you will probably have to forego using filter bands 1 and 5 for other applications.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I don't see the purpose of this "tilt" function... And you can do the same with B/T adjustments or with 2 EQ bands.

And the Ken Rockwell test... OMG... O_O

He's correcting the sound of Power cords with tilt function... LOL...

The TILT control also allows subtle correction of other equipment, cables, connectors, power cords, Shatki stones, recordings, speakers and acoustics that are slightly too bright or analytical, or that are too dull and reserved.

And Shatki stones... lol  I'm so tired of this idiophool's BS...

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I posted the link to Ken Rockwell because he has some good graphs to show that this is different from B/T controls and more like a house curve. After all, Peter Walker's Quad was by no means audiophool BS.

RME ADI-2 DAC fs, Quad 606-2 power amp, Quad 2805 speakers, B&W PV1d sub with Antimode 8033 Cinema

49 (edited by jiw 2019-08-26 17:22:03)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

N00b wrote:

I don't see the purpose of this "tilt" function... And you can do the same with B/T adjustments or with 2 EQ bands.

And the Ken Rockwell test... OMG... O_O

He's correcting the sound of Power cords with tilt function... LOL...

The TILT control also allows subtle correction of other equipment, cables, connectors, power cords, Shatki stones, recordings, speakers and acoustics that are slightly too bright or analytical, or that are too dull and reserved.

And Shatki stones... lol  I'm so tired of this idiophool's BS...

It's most likely sarcastic.


I'm a music lover and former musician, broadcast and recording engineer. I was earning money in audio engineering and selling my own original music recordings long before I made money in photography. I thank God I'm not an audiophile; those weirdos hate music and only love playing with their stereo equipment.


Because audiophiles don't have the experience or education to understand what matters (the skill of the original recording engineer, the choice of loudspeakers, their placement in a room and the acoustics of that room), audiophiles spend fortunes on the wrong things, which are the high-profit-margin and well advertised items like cables, power conditioners, amplifiers, power cables, connectors, resistors, and just about everything that has almost nothing to do with the quality of reproduced music — but makes loads of money for the people selling these fetishes.


An audiophile will spend a lifetime swapping cables or magic stones and never be able to sit though an entire piece without stopping and tweaking something. To an audiophile, 25 pounds of solid billet aluminum around his equipment and blue lights defines sound quality, while the actual amount of copper on the inside, or to what it's connected or what it's doing, is far less important.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

jiw wrote:
N00b wrote:

I don't see the purpose of this "tilt" function... And you can do the same with B/T adjustments or with 2 EQ bands.

And the Ken Rockwell test... OMG... O_O

He's correcting the sound of Power cords with tilt function... LOL...

The TILT control also allows subtle correction of other equipment, cables, connectors, power cords, Shatki stones, recordings, speakers and acoustics that are slightly too bright or analytical, or that are too dull and reserved.

And Shatki stones... lol  I'm so tired of this idiophool's BS...

It's most likely sarcastic.


I'm a music lover and former musician, broadcast and recording engineer. I was earning money in audio engineering and selling my own original music recordings long before I made money in photography. I thank God I'm not an audiophile; those weirdos hate music and only love playing with their stereo equipment.


Because audiophiles don't have the experience or education to understand what matters (the skill of the original recording engineer, the choice of loudspeakers, their placement in a room and the acoustics of that room), audiophiles spend fortunes on the wrong things, which are the high-profit-margin and well advertised items like cables, power conditioners, amplifiers, power cables, connectors, resistors, and just about everything that has almost nothing to do with the quality of reproduced music — but makes loads of money for the people selling these fetishes.


An audiophile will spend a lifetime swapping cables or magic stones and never be able to sit though an entire piece without stopping and tweaking something. To an audiophile, 25 pounds of solid billet aluminum around his equipment and blue lights defines sound quality, while the actual amount of copper on the inside, or to what it's connected or what it's doing, is far less important.


Ah sorry, I'm too naive... I feel better and this guy has cranked up into my estime! big_smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables