Topic: Bug report: level selectors for PH channels in Totalmix with UFX+

Screenshot: … 7.png?dl=0


  • There is no level selector for PH12 in mono mode; expected: available selector for switching PH11 and PH12 channels gain level

  • Level selector for PH10 do nothing in mono mode; expected: level selector change gain level for both PH9 and PH10 channels, same behaviour as level selector for PH9

Steps to reproduce:

  • Unassign PH11/12 and PH9/10 from Phones 1/2 in control room section

  • Turn off stereo - switch PH11/12 and PH9/10 to separate channels

  • Open settings for channels

Additional info:
MacOS 10.14.6
Thunderbolt UFX+ driver 1.10, TotalmixFX 1.60, UFX+ connected via thunderbolt
UFX+ firmware: PCIe 103, DSP 42, USB 51


Re: Bug report: level selectors for PH channels in Totalmix with UFX+

The two phones outputs have a common level switch in hardware, so a separate setting for left/right is  not possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Bug report: level selectors for PH channels in Totalmix with UFX+

Sure, I understand it, this report about GUI inconsistency, not about ability to change levels separate. Sorry, maybe description is not clear, I meant now for channels PH9 and PH10 only selector from PH9 works, it change levels for both, as it must. But selector for PH10 now do nothing, so, in my opinion it should operate same way as selector for PH9 - change levels for both PH10 and PH9 instead of doing nothing.
Next thing - for channels PH11 and PH12, there is selector only in PH11 settings, it operates as it must, change levels for both PH11 and PH12 simultaneously, but at channel PH12 settings section there is no selector, and it is inconsistent in comparison to couple PH9 and PH10, because hardware and other things for both phone outputs are identical, as far as i know. In my opinion at settings section of channel PH12 should be selector, which will change levels for both PH11 and PH12.


Re: Bug report: level selectors for PH channels in Totalmix with UFX+

I see, thanks for the explanation.

Matthias Carstens


Re: Bug report: level selectors for PH channels in Totalmix with UFX+

In a fitrst quick step we removed the level setting for the 'right' channels 10 and 12. In a later version we plan to add  fully synced control.

Matthias Carstens