Topic: New Mac Mini, Fireface 802 not recognized

I just bought a new Mac Mini. Installed the Fireface driver, and...nothing.

Before you ask, yes I know about the "allow" issue, and yes I clicked "allow" in the security settings.

RME worked fine with the old Mac Mini via Firewire; new one has only USB so that's what I'm using.

Also downloaded Totalmix. It opens manually, but doesn't see the 802.

Downloaded the flash update. It sees the 802, but when I click update, nothing happens.

I've reinstalled the driver about eight times. I only got the option to "allow" the first time. Now...nothing.

I decided maybe I should uninstall the driver and start fresh, but even showing hidden files in the library, they're not there. The Totalmix files show up, but not the drivers.

Even though it's a brand new computer, I'd consider reinstalling the whole OS fresh, but it took hours to download all the Logic updates and sounds, and I'd rather not go through that again.

Any thoughts? Point me in the right direction?


Re: New Mac Mini, Fireface 802 not recognized

Isn't there a separate USB driver?

Which Fireface are we talking about?

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: New Mac Mini, Fireface 802 not recognized

Is there a different file I should have downloaded? Hmm. I'll have to look.

Fireface 802.

Re: New Mac Mini, Fireface 802 not recognized

That was it. I didn't see the USB driver on the German site, but it was on the American site. Whatever. It's working now. Thank you!